Rich Dad's Escape from the Rat Race: How to Become a Rich Kid by Following Rich Dad's Advice

  Rich Dad's Escape from the Rat Race: How to Become a Rich Kid by Following Rich Dad's Advice  Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter  Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter...

Culinary Creation: An Introduction to Foodservice and World Cuisine

James L. Morgan

  Culinary Creation: An Introduction to Foodservice and World Cuisine  James L. Morgan  The book seeks not to present a detailed history and discussion, but instead is intended to provide the student with an appreciation of the idea that all cuisines of the world have something unique to offer to a menu. The author strongly believes that foods of other nations (and even other areas of the United States) are too often given short shrift by culture-bound students and chefs, and that every attempt should be made to open their minds to the unlimited possibilities available. The word foodism is introduced to refer to biases against foods outside your culture. * Draws on diverse culinary traditions including the Americas, Europe, Pacific Rim, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia to teach students to appreciate that all cuisines of the world have something unique to offer to a menu * Introduces the concept of The book seeks not to present a detailed history and discussion, but instead is intended to provide the student with an appreciation of the idea that all cuisines of the world have something unique to offer to a menu. The author strongly believes that foods of other nations (and even other areas of the United States) are too often given short shrift by culture-bound students and chefs, and that every attempt should be made to open their minds to the unlimited possibilities available. The word foodism is introduced to refer to biases against foods outside your culture. * Draws on diverse culinary traditions including the Americas, Europe, Pacific Rim, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia to teach students to appreciate that all cuisines of the world have something unique to offer to a menu * Introduces the concept of "foodism," a bias that can impair a chefs creativity * Offers comparisons in the history, evolution, and migration of food ingredients and techniques *......

The Promise of Mediation: The Transformative Approach to Conflict

Robert A. Baruch Bush, Joseph P. Folger

  The Promise of Mediation: The Transformative Approach to Conflict  Robert A. Baruch Bush, Joseph P. Folger  The award-winning first edition of The Promise of Mediation , published ten years ago, is a landmark classic that changed the field's understanding of the theory and practice of conflict intervention. That volume first articulated the The award-winning first edition of The Promise of Mediation , published ten years ago, is a landmark classic that changed the field's understanding of the theory and practice of conflict intervention. That volume first articulated the "transformative model" of mediation, which greatly humanized the vision of how the mediation process could help parties in conflict. In the past decade, the transformative model has proved itself and gained increasing acceptance. It is now being used in such diverse arenas as workplace, community, family, organizational, and public policy conflicts, among others. In this new edition, the authors draw on a decade of work in theory development, training, practice, research, and assessment to present a thoroughly revised and updated account of the transformative model of mediation and its practical application, including a compelling description of how the field has moved toward increasing acceptance of the transformative......

The Work-at-Home Sourcebook

Lynie Arden

  The Work-at-Home Sourcebook  Lynie Arden  This indispensable directory contains information not found in any other book on the subject. The Work-at-Home Sourcebook is the only book available which gives specific information for finding, applying for, and getting home work with AT&T, J. C. Penney, and more than 1,000 other companies that routinely hire qualified home workers. Contact information, job descriptions and requirements, and details on pay and benefits are included. Other chapters cover handicrafts, franchises, telecommuting, learning how to work at home, and ideas for businesses that can be started from home with a minimal investment. All information has been updated, and over 150 new opportunities are included.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This indispensable directory contains information not found in any other book on the subject. The Work-at-Home Sourcebook is the only book available which gives specific information for finding, applying for, and getting home work with AT&T, J. C. Penney, and more than 1,000 other companies that routinely hire qualified home workers. Contact information, job descriptions and requirements, and details on pay and benefits are included. Other chapters cover handicrafts, franchises, telecommuting, learning how to work at home, and ideas for businesses that can be started from home with a minimal investment. All information has been updated, and over 150 new opportunities are included....

Construction Partnering and Integrated Teamworking

Gill Thomas, Mike Thomas, Ivan Koppel

  Construction Partnering and Integrated Teamworking  Gill Thomas, Mike Thomas, Ivan Koppel  'As long as government continues to push collaborative working and best value, partnering will be in vogue'If you are implementing partnering in your organisation and don't know where to start, this book covers everything you'll need - explaining all aspects of the partnering relationship from scratch.Construction Partnering & Integrated Teamworking provides information and instruction on the full range of topics in sufficient depth and tells you:how to do itthe tools you'll needthe pitfalls to avoid.With its accessible and practical approach, Construction Partnering & Integrated Teamworking trains you in the essential elements of partnering.The authorsSince setting up Mike Thomas Ltd in 1997, Gill and Mike Thomas have facilitated more than 400 project and strategic team workshops including partnering, value and risk management, post-project reviews, team-building and best practice training. 'As long as government continues to push collaborative working and best value,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин 'As long as government continues to push collaborative working and best value, partnering will be in vogue'If you are implementing partnering in your organisation and don't know where to start, this book covers everything you'll need - explaining all aspects of the partnering relationship from scratch.Construction Partnering & Integrated Teamworking provides information and instruction on the full range of topics in sufficient depth and tells you:how to do itthe tools you'll needthe pitfalls to avoid.With its accessible and practical approach, Construction Partnering & Integrated Teamworking trains you in the essential elements of partnering.The authorsSince setting up Mike Thomas Ltd in 1997, Gill and Mike Thomas have facilitated more than 400 project and strategic team workshops including partnering, value and risk management, post-project reviews, team-building and best practice training. 'As long as government continues to push collaborative working and best value,......

<<<  Signs and Wonders (Spellbinders, Vol. 1). Mike Carey, Mike Perkins, ...             The ESPN Pro Football Encyclopedia, Second Edition (Espn Pro ... >>>

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Rich Dad's Escape from the Rat Race: How to Become a Rich Kid by Following Rich Dad's Advice. Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter . Книги.

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