Architectural Metal Surfaces

L. William Zahner

  Architectural Metal Surfaces  L. William Zahner  Book DescriptionArchitectural Metal Surfaces demonstrates techniques for achieving a variety of surface effects through the application of texture, color treatments, and lighting effects. * Presents more than 150 illustrations. * Helps develop realistic expectations and accurate specifications and details. * Describes the durability and maintenance requirements of various finishes.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionArchitectural Metal Surfaces demonstrates techniques for achieving a variety of surface effects through the application of texture, color treatments, and lighting effects. * Presents more than 150 illustrations. * Helps develop realistic expectations and accurate specifications and details. * Describes the durability and maintenance requirements of various finishes....

Golf Course Architecture : Evolutions in Design, Construction, and Restoration Technology

Michael J. Hurdzan

  Golf Course Architecture : Evolutions in Design, Construction, and Restoration Technology  Michael J. Hurdzan  Wiley.   Golf Course Architecture , Second Edition is fully updated with more than fifty percent new material, including more than twenty-five recent innovations in the golf industry. Revealing both the art and science of golf course architecture, it takes readers inside the designer’s mind through each step to designing a golf green, golf hole, and golf course. Beautifully illustrated with hundreds of full-color photographs, course maps, and drawings, this Second Edition explains the roots of ugliness and sources of beauty in courses, how the landscape communicates, and the connection between golfers and golf courses. Golf Course Architecture , Second Edition provides a wealth of accessible and helpful information on golf coursearchitecture chronicling every facet of designing, building, renovating, and restoring a golf course.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley. Golf Course Architecture , Second Edition is fully updated with more than fifty percent new material, including more than twenty-five recent innovations in the golf industry. Revealing both the art and science of golf course architecture, it takes readers inside the designer’s mind through each step to designing a golf green, golf hole, and golf course. Beautifully illustrated with hundreds of full-color photographs, course maps, and drawings, this Second Edition explains the roots of ugliness and sources of beauty in courses, how the landscape communicates, and the connection between golfers and golf courses. Golf Course Architecture , Second Edition provides a wealth of accessible and helpful information on golf coursearchitecture chronicling every facet of designing, building, renovating, and restoring a golf course....

Building Type Basics for Recreational Facilities (Building Type Basics)

Richard J. Diedrich

  Building Type Basics for Recreational Facilities (Building Type Basics)  Richard J. Diedrich  Book DescriptionWhether you're an architect or a designer, Building Type Basics for Recreational Facilities will guide you through the basics of programming, designing, and planning many types of recreational facilities, including golf and countryclubhouses; tennis, aquatic, skiing, and equestrian support facilities; and spas and fitness centers. The book also tackles the practical challenges architects, engineers, and consultants face in creating attractive and financially viable leisure facilities.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhether you're an architect or a designer, Building Type Basics for Recreational Facilities will guide you through the basics of programming, designing, and planning many types of recreational facilities, including golf and countryclubhouses; tennis, aquatic, skiing, and equestrian support facilities; and spas and fitness centers. The book also tackles the practical challenges architects, engineers, and consultants face in creating attractive and financially viable leisure facilities....

AutoCAD 2006 VBA: A Programmer's Reference (Programmer's Reference)

Joe Sutphin

  AutoCAD 2006 VBA: A Programmer's Reference (Programmer's Reference)  Joe Sutphin  Book Description This book will help you take full advantage of the VBA programming environment within AutoCAD 2006. Whether you want to automate routine tasks, or create sophisticated applications or design that can be generated programmatically, this book will empower you to make AutoCAD work for you. This book is also suitable if you're a power user who wants to make use of the advanced features of AutoCAD 2006 VBA, and you need a fast reference for the full AutoCAD object model. You'll learn to run Autodesk design tasks in the embedded VBA environment. This book is loaded with source code examples, and gives you&emdash;no matter your skill level&emdash;the necessary tools to accomplish your AutoCAD 2006 automation tasks.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This book will help you take full advantage of the VBA programming environment within AutoCAD 2006. Whether you want to automate routine tasks, or create sophisticated applications or design that can be generated programmatically, this book will empower you to make AutoCAD work for you. This book is also suitable if you're a power user who wants to make use of the advanced features of AutoCAD 2006 VBA, and you need a fast reference for the full AutoCAD object model. You'll learn to run Autodesk design tasks in the embedded VBA environment. This book is loaded with source code examples, and gives you&emdash;no matter your skill level&emdash;the necessary tools to accomplish your AutoCAD 2006 automation tasks....

Horatio Lord Nelson (Historic Lives)

Brian Lavery

  Horatio Lord Nelson (Historic Lives)  Brian Lavery  Book DescriptionHoratio Nelson (1758-1805) was undoubtedly Britain's greatest naval leader and perhaps the greatest sea commander of all time. Although his complex character often made him enemies and led to mistakes in both his public and private life, he was an unrivaled seaman, an original and brave tactician, and a charismatic leader. Brian Lavery, a renowned expert in naval history, charts Nelson's career from his first naval posting in peacetime, at the age of just 12, to his rapid rise through the ranks, his command of the Mediterranean Fleet in HMS Victory, the transformation of his reputation during the Nile Campaign and his heroic death at Trafalgar. The book examines the forces and events which shaped Nelson's life?the victories and defeats, and the successes and failures?to discover the reasons for his extraordinary fame, both in his own time and to this day. Lavery sets the events of Nelson's maritime career against the backdrop of his personal...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHoratio Nelson (1758-1805) was undoubtedly Britain's greatest naval leader and perhaps the greatest sea commander of all time. Although his complex character often made him enemies and led to mistakes in both his public and private life, he was an unrivaled seaman, an original and brave tactician, and a charismatic leader. Brian Lavery, a renowned expert in naval history, charts Nelson's career from his first naval posting in peacetime, at the age of just 12, to his rapid rise through the ranks, his command of the Mediterranean Fleet in HMS Victory, the transformation of his reputation during the Nile Campaign and his heroic death at Trafalgar. The book examines the forces and events which shaped Nelson's life?the victories and defeats, and the successes and failures?to discover the reasons for his extraordinary fame, both in his own time and to this day. Lavery sets the events of Nelson's maritime career against the backdrop of his personal......

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Architectural Metal Surfaces. L. William Zahner . Книги.

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