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Us Federal Depository Libraries Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library) Ibp Usa
Us Federal Depository Libraries Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library)...
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Я - кудрявая овечка
Эксмо. Познаем мир вместе с овечкой! С этой книжкой малыш сможет получить начальные сведения о животных, разовьет память и внимание, а крупный шрифт и яркие рисунки сделают чтение еще увлекательнее! Формат издания: 14,5 см х 15 см....
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How to Manage People (Creating Success) Michael Armstrong
How to Manage People is a practical new book from bestselling author Michael Armstrong. A distillation of all his knowledge and experience, it provides advice to managers and team leaders on how to manage people in their teams, getting the best results from them and dealing with any people problems that may arise. Many managers have to do their job without HR advice, and this book is designed to meet the needs of this group in particular. It covers every aspect that involves getting things done through people, including: leadership, motivating people, team building, delegating, interviewing, managing performance, developing and rewarding people, managing change, and handling people problems. Concise yet comprehensive, How to Manage People provides support for every front line manager who wants to get the best results from their staff....
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Food Alert!: The Ultimate Sourcebook for Food Safety
Morton Satin...
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The Acquisitive Society R. H. Tawney
Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork....
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Us Federal Depository Libraries Directory (World Business, Investment and Government Library) (World Business, Investment and Government Library). Ibp Usa . Книги.
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