Real Estate Investing for the Utterly Confused (Utterly Confused)

Lisa Moren Bromma

  Real Estate Investing for the Utterly Confused (Utterly Confused)  Lisa Moren Bromma  When it comes to investing in real estate, even experienced investors can be perplexed. Real Estate Investing for the Utterly Confused makes sense of it all, with the nuts-and bolts information you need to profit in this hot area of investing. Investment options are explained step-by-step and applied to a diverse array of investment options, including residential, commercial, land, and mobile homes. Inside, you'll learn about Pros and cons of flipping properties Investing in tax-deferred real estate Foreclosures Lease options Profitable rehabbing strategies Knowing when to hold for the long term Tried and true negotiating and investing techniques  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When it comes to investing in real estate, even experienced investors can be perplexed. Real Estate Investing for the Utterly Confused makes sense of it all, with the nuts-and bolts information you need to profit in this hot area of investing. Investment options are explained step-by-step and applied to a diverse array of investment options, including residential, commercial, land, and mobile homes. Inside, you'll learn about Pros and cons of flipping properties Investing in tax-deferred real estate Foreclosures Lease options Profitable rehabbing strategies Knowing when to hold for the long term Tried and true negotiating and investing techniques...

Who Owns the Media: Global Trends and Local Resistances

  Who Owns the Media: Global Trends and Local Resistances  The US model of media control and policy making is being rapidly exported across the world. Some countries are attempting to preserve their own cultural production, and there are moves to try to keep culture out of the control of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Many books on the political economy of communications have either focused on general tendencies internationally, or have focused on the links between markets and media freedom in specific countries and regions. The uniqueness of this book lies in its focus on both local and international forces. While critiquing international capital, it also acknowledges the bargains that are struck between the local operators and transnationals. The contributors demonstrate the misfit between media ownership and public accountability and look ahead for ways to enable citizens around the world become effective participants in media policy making.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The US model of media control and policy making is being rapidly exported across the world. Some countries are attempting to preserve their own cultural production, and there are moves to try to keep culture out of the control of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Many books on the political economy of communications have either focused on general tendencies internationally, or have focused on the links between markets and media freedom in specific countries and regions. The uniqueness of this book lies in its focus on both local and international forces. While critiquing international capital, it also acknowledges the bargains that are struck between the local operators and transnationals. The contributors demonstrate the misfit between media ownership and public accountability and look ahead for ways to enable citizens around the world become effective participants in media policy making....

From Edison to Enron: The Business of Power and What It Means for the Future of Electricity

Richard Munson

  From Edison to Enron: The Business of Power and What It Means for the Future of Electricity  Richard Munson  The blackout of 2003 illuminated just how dependent America is on electricity. It was not just that some 50 million people in eight states and Ontario were cut off from their Televisions, microwaves, ATMs, and email. Without the electrical juice needed to keep their sockets alive, factory managers were forced to close production lines, city managers shut down water deliveries, grocery store clerks watched their frozen inventory slowly melt away. Economists estimated that the blackout cost Americans $5 billion even as energy analysts were predicting that a similar blackout could happen again. The catastrophe forced us to marvel at the unusual ability of sub-microscopic particles to move like waves inside a wire and cause bulbs to glow. It highlighted the complex requirements for managing the massive generators, transformers, transmission lines, and switch boxes needed to tap and deliver flowing electrons. And it revealed the cracks in a 100-year-old industry structure that have been...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The blackout of 2003 illuminated just how dependent America is on electricity. It was not just that some 50 million people in eight states and Ontario were cut off from their Televisions, microwaves, ATMs, and email. Without the electrical juice needed to keep their sockets alive, factory managers were forced to close production lines, city managers shut down water deliveries, grocery store clerks watched their frozen inventory slowly melt away. Economists estimated that the blackout cost Americans $5 billion even as energy analysts were predicting that a similar blackout could happen again. The catastrophe forced us to marvel at the unusual ability of sub-microscopic particles to move like waves inside a wire and cause bulbs to glow. It highlighted the complex requirements for managing the massive generators, transformers, transmission lines, and switch boxes needed to tap and deliver flowing electrons. And it revealed the cracks in a 100-year-old industry structure that have been......

Тренинговая тетрадь по русскому языку. Разбор предложения по членам предложения. 2-4 классы

О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова

  Тренинговая тетрадь по русскому языку. Разбор предложения по членам предложения. 2-4 классы  О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова  АСТ, Астрель.   Планета знаний.   Тренинговая тетрадь предназначена для отработки предметных навыков по основным темам программы начальной школы. Она предполагает как самостоятельную работу учащихся в школе и дома, так и выполнение заданий под руководством учителя или родителей. Тетрадь состоит из набора карточек со сквозной нумерацией, листов фиксации достижений школьников и материала для проверки. Каждая карточка содержит от 5 до 10 заданий и квадраты для отметки правильности их выполнения. В разделе АСТ, Астрель. Планета знаний. Тренинговая тетрадь предназначена для отработки предметных навыков по основным темам программы начальной школы. Она предполагает как самостоятельную работу учащихся в школе и дома, так и выполнение заданий под руководством учителя или родителей. Тетрадь состоит из набора карточек со сквозной нумерацией, листов фиксации достижений школьников и материала для проверки. Каждая карточка содержит от 5 до 10 заданий и квадраты для отметки правильности их выполнения. В разделе "Мои достижения" цветами отмечаются результаты. Раздел "Проверь себя" дан в конце тетради. Такая структура поможет организовать в классе работу учащихся в парах и парах сменного состава. Тетрадь можно использовать при закреплении изучаемой темы и на этапе повторения, для подготовки к контрольным работам и выявления пробелов в знаниях. Регулярная работа с тренинговой тетрадью позволяет оперативно и точно оценить уровень усвоения знаний, быстро и эффективно довести обязательные предметные навыки до......

Diversity Mosaic: The Complete Resource for Establishing a Successful Diversity Initiative

Tina Rasmussen

  Diversity Mosaic: The Complete Resource for Establishing a Successful Diversity Initiative  Tina Rasmussen  If you're really serious about creating diversity in the workplace, Diversity Mosaic is the groundbreaking, comprehensive resource for developing and implementing a systemic, lasting, and measurable diversity initiative in any organization. The resource includes proven, step-by-step guidance, worksheets, manager, and employee training workbooks; organizational assessments, 360-degree feedback observer forms, and scoring sheets; and copies of Managing Diversity and Diversity Mosaic Participant Workbooks . You'll discover the six-step Diversity Enhancement Process and the principles upon which a solid initiative can be built: Step 1: Senior Leaders Initiate a Diversity Effort Step 2: Assess the Current Situation Step 3: Create a Vision, Goals, Plan, and Budget Step 4: Design Diversity Improvement Processes Step 5: Mobilize People's Commitment Step 6: Reassess and Reward You'll also master the Five...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин If you're really serious about creating diversity in the workplace, Diversity Mosaic is the groundbreaking, comprehensive resource for developing and implementing a systemic, lasting, and measurable diversity initiative in any organization. The resource includes proven, step-by-step guidance, worksheets, manager, and employee training workbooks; organizational assessments, 360-degree feedback observer forms, and scoring sheets; and copies of Managing Diversity and Diversity Mosaic Participant Workbooks . You'll discover the six-step Diversity Enhancement Process and the principles upon which a solid initiative can be built: Step 1: Senior Leaders Initiate a Diversity Effort Step 2: Assess the Current Situation Step 3: Create a Vision, Goals, Plan, and Budget Step 4: Design Diversity Improvement Processes Step 5: Mobilize People's Commitment Step 6: Reassess and Reward You'll also master the Five......

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Real Estate Investing for the Utterly Confused (Utterly Confused). Lisa Moren Bromma . Книги.

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