Для тех, кто не собирается худеть

  Для тех, кто не собирается худеть  АСТ, Астрель.   АСТ, Астрель. "Для тех, кто не собирается худеть" - это уникальная коллекция рецептов, в которой все члены семьи: и капризные малыши, и привередливые подростки, смогут найти свои любимые блюда. Каждый рецепт сопровождается цветными фотографиями, четкими и краткими рекомендациями. Издатель выражаете свою признательность составителям рецептов, поварам, фотографам и стилистам, благодаря которым данный материал появился в печати....

Business Relationships for Competitive Advantage : Managing Alignment and Misalignment in Buyer and Supplier Transactions

Andrew Cox

  Business Relationships for Competitive Advantage : Managing Alignment and Misalignment in Buyer and Supplier Transactions  Andrew Cox  Book Description This book provides the first summary and critical appraisal of the thinking that currently informs the management of business relationships, from the perspectives of both the buyer and supplier. The authors argue that these approaches are one-dimensional and instead recommend a more holistic approach based on power, interaction and portfolio perspectives. The book provides evidence of how relationships can be aligned and misaligned in practice, using eighteen examples drawn from a variety of business cases and circumstances.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This book provides the first summary and critical appraisal of the thinking that currently informs the management of business relationships, from the perspectives of both the buyer and supplier. The authors argue that these approaches are one-dimensional and instead recommend a more holistic approach based on power, interaction and portfolio perspectives. The book provides evidence of how relationships can be aligned and misaligned in practice, using eighteen examples drawn from a variety of business cases and circumstances....

E-Commerce Marketing

Brad Kleindl

  E-Commerce Marketing  Brad Kleindl  Book Description E-Commerce Marketing prepares individuals to plan and market electronic products and services online. The text and multimedia components integrate coverage of all the basic functions of marketing as outlined in the National Marketing Education Standards. Explore electronically linked distribution systems, international e-commerce, e-tailing, digital media design, digital marketplace design strategies, marketing management, market research, online customer behavior, data mining and warehousing, online partnerships, and security/privacy issues. A dedicated web site will keep the content current.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description E-Commerce Marketing prepares individuals to plan and market electronic products and services online. The text and multimedia components integrate coverage of all the basic functions of marketing as outlined in the National Marketing Education Standards. Explore electronically linked distribution systems, international e-commerce, e-tailing, digital media design, digital marketplace design strategies, marketing management, market research, online customer behavior, data mining and warehousing, online partnerships, and security/privacy issues. A dedicated web site will keep the content current....

The Economic Dynamics Of Modern Biotechnology

  The Economic Dynamics Of Modern Biotechnology  Book DescriptionThis book offers a novel insight into the economic dynamics of modern biotechnology, using examples from Europe to reflect global trends. The authors apply theoretical insight to a fundamental enigma of the modern learning society, namely, how and why the development of knowledge and ideas interact with market processes and the formation of industries and firms. This book offers new empirical evidence to address such questions by studying the diversity of biotechnology in Europe. By analyzing the way in which the development of new knowledge and information is linked with economic transformation, the authors are able to provide a rich theoretical understanding of the economic dynamics of knowledge within the biotechnology sector. They clearly show how innovation opportunities are affected not just by the market, but by scientific developments, networks, institutions and government policy. They also raise important theoretical questions about how and why new...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book offers a novel insight into the economic dynamics of modern biotechnology, using examples from Europe to reflect global trends. The authors apply theoretical insight to a fundamental enigma of the modern learning society, namely, how and why the development of knowledge and ideas interact with market processes and the formation of industries and firms. This book offers new empirical evidence to address such questions by studying the diversity of biotechnology in Europe. By analyzing the way in which the development of new knowledge and information is linked with economic transformation, the authors are able to provide a rich theoretical understanding of the economic dynamics of knowledge within the biotechnology sector. They clearly show how innovation opportunities are affected not just by the market, but by scientific developments, networks, institutions and government policy. They also raise important theoretical questions about how and why new......

Job One: Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs : Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs

Peter M. Magolda

  Job One: Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs : Experiences of New Professionals in Student Affairs  Peter M. Magolda  Book DescriptionIn Job One, editors Peter Magolda and Jill Carnaghi place new professionals' stories center stage. The book focuses on nine narratives written by new professionals about their introduction and transitions into Student Affairs work. These stories document the joys and angst felt as new professionals prepare to transition from graduate school-to-work, search for their first Student Affairs position, assimilate campus norms, formulate a professional identity, satisfy supervisors' expectations, mediate cultural conflicts, and remain true to their personal and professional values.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn Job One, editors Peter Magolda and Jill Carnaghi place new professionals' stories center stage. The book focuses on nine narratives written by new professionals about their introduction and transitions into Student Affairs work. These stories document the joys and angst felt as new professionals prepare to transition from graduate school-to-work, search for their first Student Affairs position, assimilate campus norms, formulate a professional identity, satisfy supervisors' expectations, mediate cultural conflicts, and remain true to their personal and professional values....

<<<  Владимир Штейн. Татьяна Троицкая             Анна Герман. Александр Жигарев >>>

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Для тех, кто не собирается худеть. . Книги.

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