Handbook on Quality of Life for Human Service Practitioners

Robert L. Schalock, Miguel Angel Verdugo Alonso, David Braddock, Miguel Angel Verdugo

  Handbook on Quality of Life for Human Service Practitioners  Robert L. Schalock, Miguel Angel Verdugo Alonso, David Braddock, Miguel Angel Verdugo  People want a life of quality, service providers want to deliver quality products, and evaluators, including policymakers, funders, and consumers want quality outcomes. The Handbook helps all three achieve this coveted goal. Quality of life veteran Bob Schalock joins hands with Dr. Verdugo from the University of Salamanca in Spain, to propose an international People want a life of quality, service providers want to deliver quality products, and evaluators, including policymakers, funders, and consumers want quality outcomes. The Handbook helps all three achieve this coveted goal. Quality of life veteran Bob Schalock joins hands with Dr. Verdugo from the University of Salamanca in Spain, to propose an international "generic" model of quality of life that all human service professionals can use to evaluate existing programs and services, and devise new ones....

The 50 Best Ways to Simplify Your Life: Proven Techniques for Achieving Lasting Balance

Patrick Fanning, Heather Garnos Mitchener

  The 50 Best Ways to Simplify Your Life: Proven Techniques for Achieving Lasting Balance  Patrick Fanning, Heather Garnos Mitchener  Many yearn to right the imbalance in their lives but hesitate to make what they think are radical changes often associated with true simplicity. However, as this book shows, the kind of simplicity that brings real happiness is not about complex principles but about evaluating one's thoughts and feelings and rebuilding one's life around personal truths. Using practical techniques that lead to real change, the authors help readers examine their values and prioritize their goals. Through a series of exercises ranging from simple tasks to soul-searching, the authors guide readers in finding a true center of focus between work and home, discipline and pleasure, relationship and solitude.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Many yearn to right the imbalance in their lives but hesitate to make what they think are radical changes often associated with true simplicity. However, as this book shows, the kind of simplicity that brings real happiness is not about complex principles but about evaluating one's thoughts and feelings and rebuilding one's life around personal truths. Using practical techniques that lead to real change, the authors help readers examine their values and prioritize their goals. Through a series of exercises ranging from simple tasks to soul-searching, the authors guide readers in finding a true center of focus between work and home, discipline and pleasure, relationship and solitude....

Servicing RCA/GE Televisions

Bob Rose

  Servicing RCA/GE Televisions  Bob Rose  Designed to give a detailed overview of the manufacturer and an in-depth analysis of various television chassis. The overview includes a history of RCA/GE/Thomson, discussion of test equipment, technical literature, software available, and a discussion of OEM parts versus generic parts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Designed to give a detailed overview of the manufacturer and an in-depth analysis of various television chassis. The overview includes a history of RCA/GE/Thomson, discussion of test equipment, technical literature, software available, and a discussion of OEM parts versus generic parts....

The Economic Factor in International Relations (Library of International Relations)

Spyros Economides, Peter Wilson

  The Economic Factor in International Relations (Library of International Relations)  Spyros Economides, Peter Wilson  Economics no longer forms the backdrop to world events but rather appears to drive foreign policy and represents a more powerful resource than military strength. If globalization is irreversible, then conquering markets is much more important than conquering territory. These are the claims made about economics in world affairs, both by policy analysts and by armchair philosophers. This book examines these claims critically shows how political agendas and speculation have formed many of our current assumptions about the workings of economics in the world today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Economics no longer forms the backdrop to world events but rather appears to drive foreign policy and represents a more powerful resource than military strength. If globalization is irreversible, then conquering markets is much more important than conquering territory. These are the claims made about economics in world affairs, both by policy analysts and by armchair philosophers. This book examines these claims critically shows how political agendas and speculation have formed many of our current assumptions about the workings of economics in the world today....

Financial Derivatives: Pricing, Applications, and Mathematics

Jamil Baz, George Chacko

  Financial Derivatives: Pricing, Applications, and Mathematics  Jamil Baz, George Chacko  Combining their corporate and academic experiences, Jamil Baz and George Chacko offer financial analysts a complete, succinct account of the principles of financial derivatives pricing. Readers with a basic knowledge of finance, calculus, probability and statistics will learn about the most powerful tools in applied finance: equity derivatives, interest rate markets, and the mathematics of pricing. Baz and Chacko apply concepts such as volatility and time, and generic pricing to the valuation of conventional and more specialized cases. Other topics include: *Interest rate markets, government and corporate bonds, swaps, caps, and swaptions *Factor models and term structure consistent models *Mathematical allocation decisions such as mean-reverting processes and jump processes *Stochastic calculus and related tools such as Kilmogorov equations, martingales techniques, stocastic control and partial differential equations Meant for financial analysts and graduate students...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Combining their corporate and academic experiences, Jamil Baz and George Chacko offer financial analysts a complete, succinct account of the principles of financial derivatives pricing. Readers with a basic knowledge of finance, calculus, probability and statistics will learn about the most powerful tools in applied finance: equity derivatives, interest rate markets, and the mathematics of pricing. Baz and Chacko apply concepts such as volatility and time, and generic pricing to the valuation of conventional and more specialized cases. Other topics include: *Interest rate markets, government and corporate bonds, swaps, caps, and swaptions *Factor models and term structure consistent models *Mathematical allocation decisions such as mean-reverting processes and jump processes *Stochastic calculus and related tools such as Kilmogorov equations, martingales techniques, stocastic control and partial differential equations Meant for financial analysts and graduate students......

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Handbook on Quality of Life for Human Service Practitioners. Robert L. Schalock, Miguel Angel Verdugo Alonso, David Braddock, Miguel Angel Verdugo . Книги.

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