The Music Lover's Quotation Book

  The Music Lover's Quotation Book  Book Description Book Description"I would much rather have written the best song of a nation than its noblest epic." -- Edgar Allan Poe This collection of wise, witty and wonderful words by and about musicians of all kinds and styles contains hundreds of entries. TheMusic Lover's Quotation Book brings together memorable words and quips from composers, performers, writers, listeners, critics and fans. The book covers a wide range of musical genres and time periods from classical masters to jazz legends to country crooners to the bad boys of hip-hop and rap. "You can't cheat in mathematics or poetry or music," John Steinbeck writes in Sweet Thursday, "because they're based on truth." There is certainly truth to be found in this collection of quotes along with humor, sadness, wisdom and insight. Whatever your musical tastes or interests, The Music Lover's Quotation Book will entertain, amuse and enlighten you....

Queremos Tanto a Glenda

Julio Cortazar

  Queremos Tanto a Glenda  Julio Cortazar  Book DescriptionFrom exquisite ambiguities to disquieting structures, in this anthology we get an array of themes that Cortazar has known how to turn into great literature. As in all great works, he writes with a persistent and indefinable feeling that goes beyond any formula. In settings ranging from the Buenos Aires subway to a luxurious Martinique resort, these stories by an Argentinean master blend unsettling suspense, intellectual play, clever fantasy, and intense emotional conflict. Description in Spanish: Un renovado repertorio de cuentos a cargo del mejor maestro, Julio Cortazar, con variantes para todos los paladares de la lectura, rituales publicos y privados, pesadillas que surgen a plena luz del dia, cruces imperceptibles entre la realidad y la imaginacion, humos violencia y melancolia.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFrom exquisite ambiguities to disquieting structures, in this anthology we get an array of themes that Cortazar has known how to turn into great literature. As in all great works, he writes with a persistent and indefinable feeling that goes beyond any formula. In settings ranging from the Buenos Aires subway to a luxurious Martinique resort, these stories by an Argentinean master blend unsettling suspense, intellectual play, clever fantasy, and intense emotional conflict. Description in Spanish: Un renovado repertorio de cuentos a cargo del mejor maestro, Julio Cortazar, con variantes para todos los paladares de la lectura, rituales publicos y privados, pesadillas que surgen a plena luz del dia, cruces imperceptibles entre la realidad y la imaginacion, humos violencia y melancolia....

Little Inchkin: A Tale of Old Japan

Fiona French

  Little Inchkin: A Tale of Old Japan  Fiona French  Book DescriptionLittle Inchkin is the tiny hero of a well-known Japanese story reminiscent of Tom Thumb. Only as big as a lotus flower, he fashions a sword out of a needle and straw, and armor out of beetles' wings - and sets out to seek his fortune. Howhe proves his valor, wins the hand of a princess, and is granted his dearest wish by the Lord Buddha is charmingly depicted in this richly illustrated retelling of the legendary tale.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLittle Inchkin is the tiny hero of a well-known Japanese story reminiscent of Tom Thumb. Only as big as a lotus flower, he fashions a sword out of a needle and straw, and armor out of beetles' wings - and sets out to seek his fortune. Howhe proves his valor, wins the hand of a princess, and is granted his dearest wish by the Lord Buddha is charmingly depicted in this richly illustrated retelling of the legendary tale....

Objects of Our Desire : Exploring Our Intimate Connections with the Things Around Us

Salman Akhtar

  Objects of Our Desire : Exploring Our Intimate Connections with the Things Around Us  Salman Akhtar  Book DescriptionWhat makes something sexy? Why are some things regarded as sacred and others profane? Why do mourners face such difficulty in parting with their beloved’s possessions? Why do we often feel distraught when we lose something, even when the object has little real value? We spend our lives in a meaningful dialogue with things around us. Sometimes the conversation is loud, as in a collector’s passion for coins or art. More often, the exchange is subtle and muted, even imperceptible. We are surrounded by things, and they affect our emotions and impact our thoughts. The arrival of a dozen flowers from a lover or a letter from a grandchild makes our day; an old photo album or an afghan knitted by a favorite aunt offers comfortwhen we are troubled. From exploring what makes something “beautiful” to why we place such value on antiques and artifacts from the past, Objects of Our Desire offers insights, both deep and delightful, into...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhat makes something sexy? Why are some things regarded as sacred and others profane? Why do mourners face such difficulty in parting with their beloved’s possessions? Why do we often feel distraught when we lose something, even when the object has little real value? We spend our lives in a meaningful dialogue with things around us. Sometimes the conversation is loud, as in a collector’s passion for coins or art. More often, the exchange is subtle and muted, even imperceptible. We are surrounded by things, and they affect our emotions and impact our thoughts. The arrival of a dozen flowers from a lover or a letter from a grandchild makes our day; an old photo album or an afghan knitted by a favorite aunt offers comfortwhen we are troubled. From exploring what makes something “beautiful” to why we place such value on antiques and artifacts from the past, Objects of Our Desire offers insights, both deep and delightful, into......

CloserWalk : A Poet?s Journey To Find himself, Leads him Back To Where he Began.

Terry N. Phipps

  CloserWalk : A Poet?s Journey To Find himself, Leads him Back To Where he Began.  Terry N. Phipps  Book Description4 portfolios of poetry and song, each spanning a portion of life?s journey of one representative of Generation X. Eclectic verses turn each page with a diversity from that of a bold rock star to the gentle touch of a humble, vulnerable friend. Through relationships, college years, winning a fight with cancer, and an active faith from beginning to end, Terry writes with overwhelming honesty. Reflections on love, social issues, God, philosophy, dealing with pain and engaging life with passion and determination thrust the reader into the realm of modern poetry.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description4 portfolios of poetry and song, each spanning a portion of life?s journey of one representative of Generation X. Eclectic verses turn each page with a diversity from that of a bold rock star to the gentle touch of a humble, vulnerable friend. Through relationships, college years, winning a fight with cancer, and an active faith from beginning to end, Terry writes with overwhelming honesty. Reflections on love, social issues, God, philosophy, dealing with pain and engaging life with passion and determination thrust the reader into the realm of modern poetry....

<<<  Gods and Monsters: The Shooting Script. Bill Condon             Строительство дома от фундамента до крыши. ... >>>

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The Music Lover's Quotation Book. . Книги.

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