Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time

  Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time  Kevin Eikenberry  Kevin Eikenberry  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kevin Eikenberry...

Questions to Bring You Closer to Dad: 100+ Conversation Starters for Fathers and Children of Any Age!

Stuart Gustafson, Robyn Freedman Spizman

  Questions to Bring You Closer to Dad: 100+ Conversation Starters for Fathers and Children of Any Age!  Stuart Gustafson, Robyn Freedman Spizman  Adams Publishing Group.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Adams Publishing Group. -...

The Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922

  The Russian Experiment in Art 1863-1922  Gray  Gray  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gray...

Get Out Of Your Way: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind to Get What You Want

Layton Park

  Get Out Of Your Way: Unlocking the Power of Your Mind to Get What You Want  Layton Park  Llewellyn Publications.   You already have what you need for success! Discover what you really want and how the universal laws will assist you in obtaining it. Layton Park has simplified the self-hypnosis process by identifying the universal laws of mind-laws that affect everyone whether or not we are aware of them-and applying them through questions and simple techniques that anyone can learn. Following his guided self-hypnosis techniques on this original CD, you will learn to unblock your subconscious mind to program yourself for continued success. All you need to do is relax and listen. With accompanying CD, it's simpler than ever to learn how to get everything you want!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Llewellyn Publications. You already have what you need for success! Discover what you really want and how the universal laws will assist you in obtaining it. Layton Park has simplified the self-hypnosis process by identifying the universal laws of mind-laws that affect everyone whether or not we are aware of them-and applying them through questions and simple techniques that anyone can learn. Following his guided self-hypnosis techniques on this original CD, you will learn to unblock your subconscious mind to program yourself for continued success. All you need to do is relax and listen. With accompanying CD, it's simpler than ever to learn how to get everything you want!...

PDR Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals

  PDR Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals  Thomson Reuters.   Most popular psychotropic drugs indexed by brand name, generic name, indication, and therapeutic category. The PDR Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals, 3rd Edition has been completely updated and expanded to provide comprehensive, easy-to-read, quick reference information for mental health care professionals. Presented at a very fundamental level, the PDRA Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals, 3rd Edition will cover psychotropics, substances that can be abused, as well as common medications that are prescribed for patients for their other medical conditions. As a practical complement to the full-sized PDR, the PDR Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals is a user friendly reference for both clinicians and non-clinicians taking care of patients with mental health disorders. The easy-to-read reference provides insight into therapeutic situations and guidance for safe drug usage. The key components include: Profiles of updated psychotropic...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Thomson Reuters. Most popular psychotropic drugs indexed by brand name, generic name, indication, and therapeutic category. The PDR Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals, 3rd Edition has been completely updated and expanded to provide comprehensive, easy-to-read, quick reference information for mental health care professionals. Presented at a very fundamental level, the PDRA Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals, 3rd Edition will cover psychotropics, substances that can be abused, as well as common medications that are prescribed for patients for their other medical conditions. As a practical complement to the full-sized PDR, the PDR Drug Guide for Mental Health Professionals is a user friendly reference for both clinicians and non-clinicians taking care of patients with mental health disorders. The easy-to-read reference provides insight into therapeutic situations and guidance for safe drug usage. The key components include: Profiles of updated psychotropic......

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Remarkable Leadership: Unleashing Your Leadership Potential One Skill at a Time. Kevin Eikenberry . Книги.

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