Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Express : For new users and professionals (The Focal Easy Guide)

Rick Young

  Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Express : For new users and professionals (The Focal Easy Guide)  Rick Young  Book DescriptionThis highly illustrated, full color book tells you all you need to know to get up and running quickly using Apple's new digital video editing application - Final Cut Express. Rick Young shares his professional insight to ensure you get the most out of all the pro-level tools, offered at a very affordable price by Express. All the essential areas are covered: set-up; capture; editing; multi-channel sound mixing; effects creation and print to video, web or DVD, enhanced throughout by important workflow tips. This is an ideal first read, whatever you want to edit in Final Cut Express, at whatever level, as this powerful package is the answer to all your digital video needs, presenting a complete, easy to use digital laboratory for your movie creation. Rick Young ( is Director and Founding Member of the UK Final Cut Pro User Group and an Apple Solutions Expert. A freelance television director and editor with many years of broadcast...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis highly illustrated, full color book tells you all you need to know to get up and running quickly using Apple's new digital video editing application - Final Cut Express. Rick Young shares his professional insight to ensure you get the most out of all the pro-level tools, offered at a very affordable price by Express. All the essential areas are covered: set-up; capture; editing; multi-channel sound mixing; effects creation and print to video, web or DVD, enhanced throughout by important workflow tips. This is an ideal first read, whatever you want to edit in Final Cut Express, at whatever level, as this powerful package is the answer to all your digital video needs, presenting a complete, easy to use digital laboratory for your movie creation. Rick Young ( is Director and Founding Member of the UK Final Cut Pro User Group and an Apple Solutions Expert. A freelance television director and editor with many years of broadcast......

Studio Recording Basics B

Paul White

  Studio Recording Basics B  Paul White  Book DescriptionStudio Recording Basics B contains one copy each of the following Sanctuary Publishing titles: Basic Home Studio Design, Basic Microphones, Basic Midi, Basic Mastering. These books are a must for any musician who wants to be up-to-date onwhat's going on in the world of music.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionStudio Recording Basics B contains one copy each of the following Sanctuary Publishing titles: Basic Home Studio Design, Basic Microphones, Basic Midi, Basic Mastering. These books are a must for any musician who wants to be up-to-date onwhat's going on in the world of music....

Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor Law: Cases and Materials, Third Edition (University Casebook Series)

Theodore Eisenberg

  Bankruptcy and Debtor-Creditor Law: Cases and Materials, Third Edition (University Casebook Series)  Theodore Eisenberg  Book DescriptionThe Third Edition of this casebook uses materials to probe general and unifying themes of debtor-creditor law. In covering Article 9 and state debt collection doctrine, this text highlights and develops the connections between the two areas. The bankruptcy materials emphasize the relationship between bankruptcy law and state debtor-creditor law systems.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe Third Edition of this casebook uses materials to probe general and unifying themes of debtor-creditor law. In covering Article 9 and state debt collection doctrine, this text highlights and develops the connections between the two areas. The bankruptcy materials emphasize the relationship between bankruptcy law and state debtor-creditor law systems....

Year of the Comets: A Journey from Sadness to the Stars

Jan Deblieu

  Year of the Comets: A Journey from Sadness to the Stars  Jan Deblieu  Book DescriptionOn the clearest nights, in the darkest rural areas, it's possible to see as many as 2,000 stars. On what kind of scaffolding are they hung? Every moment thousands of neurons fire in our brains, giving rise to our thoughts and emotions. Is it possible for us to map and understand the complex internal cosmos that makes us who we are? These two disparate questions became of immense importance to award-winning writer Jan DeBlieu in the spring of 1996, with the appearance of the Comet Hyakutake, the first of two great comets to visit Earth within a year. That spring, her husband, Jeff, began a long slide into a clinical depression. One night, unable to sleep, she stepped outside and found herself face-to-face with Hyakutake. Her encounter with Hyakutake sparked a desire to learn all she could about the stars, comets, and the makeup of the universe. Through her family's story, DeBlieu describes the pain of watching her husband suffer, as well as his...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOn the clearest nights, in the darkest rural areas, it's possible to see as many as 2,000 stars. On what kind of scaffolding are they hung? Every moment thousands of neurons fire in our brains, giving rise to our thoughts and emotions. Is it possible for us to map and understand the complex internal cosmos that makes us who we are? These two disparate questions became of immense importance to award-winning writer Jan DeBlieu in the spring of 1996, with the appearance of the Comet Hyakutake, the first of two great comets to visit Earth within a year. That spring, her husband, Jeff, began a long slide into a clinical depression. One night, unable to sleep, she stepped outside and found herself face-to-face with Hyakutake. Her encounter with Hyakutake sparked a desire to learn all she could about the stars, comets, and the makeup of the universe. Through her family's story, DeBlieu describes the pain of watching her husband suffer, as well as his......

A Penelopean Poetics, Reweaving the Feminine in Homer's Odyssey

Barbara Clayton

  A Penelopean Poetics, Reweaving the Feminine in Homer's Odyssey  Barbara Clayton  Book DescriptionA Penelopean Poetics looks at the relationship between gender ideology and the self-referential poetics fo the Odyssey through the figure of Penelope. Her poetics become a discursive thread through which different feminine voices can realize their resistant capacities. Author, Barbara Clayton, informs discussions in the classics, gender studies, and literary criticism.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA Penelopean Poetics looks at the relationship between gender ideology and the self-referential poetics fo the Odyssey through the figure of Penelope. Her poetics become a discursive thread through which different feminine voices can realize their resistant capacities. Author, Barbara Clayton, informs discussions in the classics, gender studies, and literary criticism....

<<<  International Business Law and Its Environment. Richard Schaffer             Хирургия язвенной болезни желудка. И. В. Ярема, Б. М. ... >>>

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Focal Easy Guide to Final Cut Express : For new users and professionals (The Focal Easy Guide). Rick Young . Книги.

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