Broadcast Graphics On the Spot : Timesaving Techniques Using Photoshop and After Effects for Broadcast and Post Production (On the Spot Series)

Richard Harrington, Glen Stephens, Chris Vadnais

  Broadcast Graphics On the Spot : Timesaving Techniques Using Photoshop and After Effects for Broadcast and Post Production (On the Spot Series)  Richard Harrington, Glen Stephens, Chris Vadnais  CMP Books.   Packed with more than 350 techniques, this book delivers what you need to know?on the spot. If you create graphics for television, this book is for you. If you think producing 80 graphics in an eight-hour day means things were light...then this book is still for you. No need to wade through tomes of documentation. Broadcast Graphics on the Spot presents immediate solutions in an accessible format. You can zero in quickly on just the solution you need the moment youneed it. Written by Adobe-Certified Experts and experienced broadcast professionals, it clearly illustrates all the essential methods that pros use to get the job done efficiently and creatively. Screenshots and step-by-step instructions show you how to: ? Speed up software performance ? Acquire and manage source materials ? Get the most from the Layers Palette in Photoshop ? Master Alpha Channels and transparency ? Gain control over images through the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин CMP Books. Packed with more than 350 techniques, this book delivers what you need to know?on the spot. If you create graphics for television, this book is for you. If you think producing 80 graphics in an eight-hour day means things were light...then this book is still for you. No need to wade through tomes of documentation. Broadcast Graphics on the Spot presents immediate solutions in an accessible format. You can zero in quickly on just the solution you need the moment youneed it. Written by Adobe-Certified Experts and experienced broadcast professionals, it clearly illustrates all the essential methods that pros use to get the job done efficiently and creatively. Screenshots and step-by-step instructions show you how to: ? Speed up software performance ? Acquire and manage source materials ? Get the most from the Layers Palette in Photoshop ? Master Alpha Channels and transparency ? Gain control over images through the......

IF Communication Design Award 2004 (IF Design Award)

  IF Communication Design Award 2004 (IF Design Award)  Book DescriptionBringing the same keen critical eye to communication design that it has to product design, iF launches its new Communication Design Award annual for 2004. Covering the categories of digital media, print media, crossmedia, concepts, and the quixotic Book DescriptionBringing the same keen critical eye to communication design that it has to product design, iF launches its new Communication Design Award annual for 2004. Covering the categories of digital media, print media, crossmedia, concepts, and the quixotic "too good to be true," iF Communication DesignAward supplements 214 award-winning entries with over 1000 color images, jury comments, an analysis of trends and developments in this dynamic sector, and a directory of designers, suppliers, and providers, making this a book of inestimable value for anyone in the design and media businesses....

Bertha Alyce: Mother Exposed

Gay Block

  Bertha Alyce: Mother Exposed  Gay Block  Book DescriptionGay Block began photographing her mother, Bertha Alyce, in 1973 and continued until Bertha Alyce's death resulting from a stroke in 1991. This collection of Block's photographs (sections of which involve nudity) presents her complicated, and at times difficult, relationship with her mother and a mother-daughter quest for healing. This intensely personal and intimate account could easily be a reflection of any family today. Essays by Eugenia Parry, author of Crime Album Stories: Paris 1886-1902, and Kathleen Stewart Howe, curator of the University of New Mexico Museum, accompany the photographs. To complete the presentation, the award-winning DVD Book DescriptionGay Block began photographing her mother, Bertha Alyce, in 1973 and continued until Bertha Alyce's death resulting from a stroke in 1991. This collection of Block's photographs (sections of which involve nudity) presents her complicated, and at times difficult, relationship with her mother and a mother-daughter quest for healing. This intensely personal and intimate account could easily be a reflection of any family today. Essays by Eugenia Parry, author of Crime Album Stories: Paris 1886-1902, and Kathleen Stewart Howe, curator of the University of New Mexico Museum, accompany the photographs. To complete the presentation, the award-winning DVD "Bertha Alyce" is included (28 minutes in length)....

Breaking the Rule of Cool: Interviewing and Reading Women Beat Writers

  Breaking the Rule of Cool: Interviewing and Reading Women Beat Writers  University Press of Mississippi.   The Beat movement nurtured many female dissidents and artists who contributed to Beat culture and connected the Beats with the second wave of the women's movement. Although they have often been eclipsed by the men of the Beat Generation, the women's contributions to Beat literature are considerable. Covering writers from the beginning of the movement in the 1950s and extending to the present, this book features interviews with nine of the best-known women Beat writers, including Dianedi Prima, ruth weiss, Joyce Johnson, Hettie Jones, Joanne Kyger, Brenda Frazer (Bonnie Bremser), Janine Pommy Vega, Anne Waldman, and the critic Ann Charters. Each is presented by a biographical essay that details her literary or scholarly accomplishments. In these recent interviews the nine writers recall their lives in Beat bohemia and discuss their artistic practices. Nancy M. Grace outlines the goals and revelations of the interviews, and introduces the community of female Beat writers created...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин University Press of Mississippi. The Beat movement nurtured many female dissidents and artists who contributed to Beat culture and connected the Beats with the second wave of the women's movement. Although they have often been eclipsed by the men of the Beat Generation, the women's contributions to Beat literature are considerable. Covering writers from the beginning of the movement in the 1950s and extending to the present, this book features interviews with nine of the best-known women Beat writers, including Dianedi Prima, ruth weiss, Joyce Johnson, Hettie Jones, Joanne Kyger, Brenda Frazer (Bonnie Bremser), Janine Pommy Vega, Anne Waldman, and the critic Ann Charters. Each is presented by a biographical essay that details her literary or scholarly accomplishments. In these recent interviews the nine writers recall their lives in Beat bohemia and discuss their artistic practices. Nancy M. Grace outlines the goals and revelations of the interviews, and introduces the community of female Beat writers created......

From Preachers to Suffragists: Woman's Rights and Religious Conviction in the Lives of Three Nineteenth-Century American Clergywomen

Beverly Zink-Sawyer

  From Preachers to Suffragists: Woman's Rights and Religious Conviction in the Lives of Three Nineteenth-Century American Clergywomen  Beverly Zink-Sawyer  Book DescriptionThe women's rights movement in nineteenth-century America has primarily been interpreted as a secular movement. Often ignored is the prominent role of religious leaders and religious ideology in support of the movement for women?s rights. In From Preachers to Suffragists, Beverly Zink-Sawyer examines the lives of three nineteenth-century clergywomen?Antoinette Brown Blackwell, Olympia Brown, and Anna Howard Shaw?who saw their calling to the suffrage movement as an extension of their call to ministry and left the parish to become leaders in the movement. In demonstrating the importance of these women?and of their religious rhetoric and theological leadership?Zink-Sawyer reclaims the religious roots of the suffragemovement and makes a major, even corrective, contribution to American history.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe women's rights movement in nineteenth-century America has primarily been interpreted as a secular movement. Often ignored is the prominent role of religious leaders and religious ideology in support of the movement for women?s rights. In From Preachers to Suffragists, Beverly Zink-Sawyer examines the lives of three nineteenth-century clergywomen?Antoinette Brown Blackwell, Olympia Brown, and Anna Howard Shaw?who saw their calling to the suffrage movement as an extension of their call to ministry and left the parish to become leaders in the movement. In demonstrating the importance of these women?and of their religious rhetoric and theological leadership?Zink-Sawyer reclaims the religious roots of the suffragemovement and makes a major, even corrective, contribution to American history....

<<<  Life On A Shoestring: The American Dream. Scott Chisman             Хирургия язвенной болезни желудка. И. В. Ярема, Б. М. ... >>>

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Broadcast Graphics On the Spot : Timesaving Techniques Using Photoshop and After Effects for Broadcast and Post Production (On the Spot Series). Richard Harrington, Glen Stephens, Chris Vadnais . Книги.

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