Manufacturing Powerlessness in the Black Diaspora: Inner-City Youth and the New Global Frontier

Charles Green

  Manufacturing Powerlessness in the Black Diaspora: Inner-City Youth and the New Global Frontier  Charles Green  Despite the economic utopianism brought on by globalization, effective solutions to the persistent plight of urban blacks throughout the African diaspora continue to elude scholars, politicians, and community leaders. Charles Green brings a decade of research and original fieldwork in Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States to investigate the interface of the historic racism faced by these urban communities and contemporary trends of globalization. Green pays particular attention to the condition ofthe youth, whose aspirations, vulnerabilities, and insights into their own conditions are central to the future prospects for their communities as a whole. Considering the impacts of economic restructuring and cultural diffusion alike, his analysis asserts the importance of both global ties and local distinctiveness. Ultimately, Manufacturing Powerlessness aims to encourage the formation of alliances throughout the diaspora so that urban black communities can manufacture a future of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Despite the economic utopianism brought on by globalization, effective solutions to the persistent plight of urban blacks throughout the African diaspora continue to elude scholars, politicians, and community leaders. Charles Green brings a decade of research and original fieldwork in Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States to investigate the interface of the historic racism faced by these urban communities and contemporary trends of globalization. Green pays particular attention to the condition ofthe youth, whose aspirations, vulnerabilities, and insights into their own conditions are central to the future prospects for their communities as a whole. Considering the impacts of economic restructuring and cultural diffusion alike, his analysis asserts the importance of both global ties and local distinctiveness. Ultimately, Manufacturing Powerlessness aims to encourage the formation of alliances throughout the diaspora so that urban black communities can manufacture a future of......

Gateways to the Global Economy

Ake E. Andersson, David E. Andersson

  Gateways to the Global Economy  Ake E. Andersson, David E. Andersson  In the post-industrial network economy, international gateway regions are becoming increasingly important. These gateway regions are the nodes (defined as a city or a city region) that act as saddle points between a region and the global economy. While gateway regions have existed ever since inter-regional trade was first practiced, new non-trade networks, and the wider global economy, have made these regions more complex. The book includes discussions of infrastructure networks such as the internet and air transport, as well as networking activities such as long-distance scientific cooperation, financial networks and direct investments. The contributors have expertise in fields such as regional economics, economic geography, institutional economics and business administration. The book offers in-depth analysis of both existing and developing gateway regions in three sections: North America, Asia-Pacific,and Europe. Economists and researchers with an interest in regions,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the post-industrial network economy, international gateway regions are becoming increasingly important. These gateway regions are the nodes (defined as a city or a city region) that act as saddle points between a region and the global economy. While gateway regions have existed ever since inter-regional trade was first practiced, new non-trade networks, and the wider global economy, have made these regions more complex. The book includes discussions of infrastructure networks such as the internet and air transport, as well as networking activities such as long-distance scientific cooperation, financial networks and direct investments. The contributors have expertise in fields such as regional economics, economic geography, institutional economics and business administration. The book offers in-depth analysis of both existing and developing gateway regions in three sections: North America, Asia-Pacific,and Europe. Economists and researchers with an interest in regions,......

Ideas for the New Millennium

Peter Ellyard

  Ideas for the New Millennium  Peter Ellyard  As the technological and information revolutions continue to transform our lives, the world is moving towards a planetary society. The forces of globalization are creating greater interdependence between individuals, enterprises, communities and nations,leading to a new culture that Peter Ellyard calls 'Planetism'. The values of 'Planetism'-the values of the 'spaceship culture'-will, he argues, shape the global market-place of the early twenty-first century. In Ideas for the New Millennium, Ellyard provides a vision for human prosperity in the next century. About 70 per cent of the job categories, products and services of our Planetist future have yet to be invented, and great opportunities exist for innovators with a vision for this future. He argues that the world needs more 'leaders'-that is, people who have the vision and energy to direct change-and fewer 'managers'-that is, people who simply react to change. We can do well economically, he argues, by doing good environmentally....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин As the technological and information revolutions continue to transform our lives, the world is moving towards a planetary society. The forces of globalization are creating greater interdependence between individuals, enterprises, communities and nations,leading to a new culture that Peter Ellyard calls 'Planetism'. The values of 'Planetism'-the values of the 'spaceship culture'-will, he argues, shape the global market-place of the early twenty-first century. In Ideas for the New Millennium, Ellyard provides a vision for human prosperity in the next century. About 70 per cent of the job categories, products and services of our Planetist future have yet to be invented, and great opportunities exist for innovators with a vision for this future. He argues that the world needs more 'leaders'-that is, people who have the vision and energy to direct change-and fewer 'managers'-that is, people who simply react to change. We can do well economically, he argues, by doing good environmentally.......

Growth Management for a Sustainable Future : Ecological Sustainability as the New Growth Management Focus for the 21st Century

Gabor Zovanyi

  Growth Management for a Sustainable Future : Ecological Sustainability as the New Growth Management Focus for the 21st Century  Gabor Zovanyi  Previous books on growth management in the United States favor balanced growth, which suggests that growth and environmental protection represent equally legitimate objectives. Taking issue with the balanced growth position, this book argues that furthergrowth is unsustainable, and that growth management must focus on ensuring ecological sustainability. The book illustrates how the growth management movement represents an institutionalized form of ongoing growth accommodation which is incongruous with sustainable behavior, argues that legal protections afforded property rights do not present insurmountable obstacles to stopping growth, and provides operational measures of ecological sustainability to guide future growth management programs.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Previous books on growth management in the United States favor balanced growth, which suggests that growth and environmental protection represent equally legitimate objectives. Taking issue with the balanced growth position, this book argues that furthergrowth is unsustainable, and that growth management must focus on ensuring ecological sustainability. The book illustrates how the growth management movement represents an institutionalized form of ongoing growth accommodation which is incongruous with sustainable behavior, argues that legal protections afforded property rights do not present insurmountable obstacles to stopping growth, and provides operational measures of ecological sustainability to guide future growth management programs....

Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals: Solving the Risk Management and Transparency Challenge

Richard Horwitz

  Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals: Solving the Risk Management and Transparency Challenge  Richard Horwitz  In the constantly evolving hedge fund marketplace, nothing is more central?but in many ways, more amorphous and elusive?than risk. Yet there remains no standard for analyzing and measuring risk within this highly secretive, largely unregulated field, leaving the thousands of hedge funds?and the tens of thousands of hedge fund investors?in dangerously dim light. The industry has not solved the In the constantly evolving hedge fund marketplace, nothing is more central?but in many ways, more amorphous and elusive?than risk. Yet there remains no standard for analyzing and measuring risk within this highly secretive, largely unregulated field, leaving the thousands of hedge funds?and the tens of thousands of hedge fund investors?in dangerously dim light. The industry has not solved the "transparency" challenge?communicating risk to investors without disclosing proprietary information. Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals is the first book to bring these issues to the forefront. With clarity, concision, and minimal math, Richard Horwitz lays out the key components and the cutting-edge processes in the field of hedge fundrisk management today. Against that backdrop he presents a groundbreaking utility destined to set the standard for transparency and risk management within the hedge fund universe. You'll learn why, when it comes to risk management,......

<<<  An Address on Success in Business. Horace Greeley             Строительство дома от фундамента до крыши. ... >>>

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Manufacturing Powerlessness in the Black Diaspora: Inner-City Youth and the New Global Frontier. Charles Green . Книги.

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