Exploring Microsoft Office Professional 2000 Volume 2

Robert T. Grauer, Maryann T. Barber, Robert Grauer, Maryann Barber

  Exploring Microsoft Office Professional 2000 Volume 2  Robert T. Grauer, Maryann T. Barber, Robert Grauer, Maryann Barber  All books in this series offer consistent presentation?common design, pedagogy, and writing style. Concepts as well as key-strokes are stressed. Hands-on exercises in every lesson provide just the right amount of practice time. MOUS Certification throughout the expert level for all individual applications and Office 2000. Three levels of chapter-ending exercises, multiple choice, practice, and case studies. For anyone interested in becoming more proficient in Microsoft Office 2000.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин All books in this series offer consistent presentation?common design, pedagogy, and writing style. Concepts as well as key-strokes are stressed. Hands-on exercises in every lesson provide just the right amount of practice time. MOUS Certification throughout the expert level for all individual applications and Office 2000. Three levels of chapter-ending exercises, multiple choice, practice, and case studies. For anyone interested in becoming more proficient in Microsoft Office 2000....

The International Guide to Foreign Currency Management

Gary Shoup

  The International Guide to Foreign Currency Management  Gary Shoup  Financial managers rarely find a one-stop source for a complete course in currency management. Expanding on his work, Currency Risk Management, Gary Shoup builds a practical foreign currency management program. This extensive text covers everything managers and their consultants need to implement a program, from trends in exchange rates to understanding pricing determinants. He discusses in detail the market for currencies, price forecasting, exposure and risk management, managing accounting exposure, and managing strategic exposure.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Financial managers rarely find a one-stop source for a complete course in currency management. Expanding on his work, Currency Risk Management, Gary Shoup builds a practical foreign currency management program. This extensive text covers everything managers and their consultants need to implement a program, from trends in exchange rates to understanding pricing determinants. He discusses in detail the market for currencies, price forecasting, exposure and risk management, managing accounting exposure, and managing strategic exposure....

Let Your Fingers Do the Talking : Using Word of Mouth Advertising on the Internet

  Let Your Fingers Do the Talking : Using Word of Mouth Advertising on the Internet  Detailed program ideas on how to use word of mouth advertising?the oldest, most effective, least expensive form of market promotion?to sell products, services, places and events on the Internet. Shows how to employ the power of the worldwide web to overcome two shortcomings of word of mouth advertising to become the most efficient marketing tool available. This fourth book on word of mouth techniques by the author also includes analyses of how to convert any traditional advertising approach to a word of mouth program and how to determine what word of mouth programs work, what don't, and why.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Detailed program ideas on how to use word of mouth advertising?the oldest, most effective, least expensive form of market promotion?to sell products, services, places and events on the Internet. Shows how to employ the power of the worldwide web to overcome two shortcomings of word of mouth advertising to become the most efficient marketing tool available. This fourth book on word of mouth techniques by the author also includes analyses of how to convert any traditional advertising approach to a word of mouth program and how to determine what word of mouth programs work, what don't, and why....

Marketing 2.0 : Strategies for Closer Customer Relationships

Gerald Corbae, Jakob B. Jensen, Dirk Schneider

  Marketing 2.0 : Strategies for Closer Customer Relationships  Gerald Corbae, Jakob B. Jensen, Dirk Schneider  Springer.   The dynamic changes in the market and the competitive environment demand a reorientation of marketing strategies. Developing and cultivating direct customer relationships and building customer trust are becoming key success factors. With new technologies such as broadband internet and mobile communication, companies are able to create closer dialogs with key customers. These new technologies will have far-reaching consequences for marketing, sales and customer service. This book analyses the enduring changes marketing is undergoing and present the four most important new concepts: Holistic brand management, customer relationship marketing, real-time marketing and multi-channel marketing. The text is accompanied by selected case studies from all over the world.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Springer. The dynamic changes in the market and the competitive environment demand a reorientation of marketing strategies. Developing and cultivating direct customer relationships and building customer trust are becoming key success factors. With new technologies such as broadband internet and mobile communication, companies are able to create closer dialogs with key customers. These new technologies will have far-reaching consequences for marketing, sales and customer service. This book analyses the enduring changes marketing is undergoing and present the four most important new concepts: Holistic brand management, customer relationship marketing, real-time marketing and multi-channel marketing. The text is accompanied by selected case studies from all over the world....

Образы образования. Западная философия образования. XX век

А. П. Огурцов, В. В. Платонов

  Образы образования. Западная философия образования. XX век  А. П. Огурцов, В. В. Платонов  Издательство Русского Христианского Гуманитарного Института.   Цель книги - представить образы образования, сложившиеся в философии XX века, дать панораму философских концепций образования в различных направлениях и течениях мысли XX века - от аналитической философии до критического рационализма, от гуманитарной педагогики до постмодернизма и педагогической антропологии. Показано, что образование во всех его аспектах и функциях стало в XX веке объектом интеллектуальных исканий и споров со своими пристрастиями, исследовательскими проектами и программами. В монографии впервые освещены различные и нередко альтернативные подходы, оценки и интерпретации процесса образования и его институций, образовательных идеалов и норм. Книга адресуется всем, кто интересуется философской культурой XX века, а также философией образования, ставшей особой исследовательской областью, объединившей усилия философов и педагогов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Издательство Русского Христианского Гуманитарного Института. Цель книги - представить образы образования, сложившиеся в философии XX века, дать панораму философских концепций образования в различных направлениях и течениях мысли XX века - от аналитической философии до критического рационализма, от гуманитарной педагогики до постмодернизма и педагогической антропологии. Показано, что образование во всех его аспектах и функциях стало в XX веке объектом интеллектуальных исканий и споров со своими пристрастиями, исследовательскими проектами и программами. В монографии впервые освещены различные и нередко альтернативные подходы, оценки и интерпретации процесса образования и его институций, образовательных идеалов и норм. Книга адресуется всем, кто интересуется философской культурой XX века, а также философией образования, ставшей особой исследовательской областью, объединившей усилия философов и педагогов....

<<<  Культурология. А. С. Кармин, Е. С. Новикова             Хирургия язвенной болезни желудка. И. В. Ярема, Б. М. ... >>>

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Exploring Microsoft Office Professional 2000 Volume 2. Robert T. Grauer, Maryann T. Barber, Robert Grauer, Maryann Barber . Книги.

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