Лучшие стихи

  Лучшие стихи  Омега.   1000 сказок и стихов.   В книгу вошли лучшие детские стихи любимых многими поколениями авторов. Книга иллюстрирована яркими, запоминающимися рисунками и предназначена для детей дошкольного возраста.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Омега. 1000 сказок и стихов. В книгу вошли лучшие детские стихи любимых многими поколениями авторов. Книга иллюстрирована яркими, запоминающимися рисунками и предназначена для детей дошкольного возраста....

Solar Heating Systems for Houses: A Design Handbook for Solar Combisystems

Editor Werner Weiss

  Solar Heating Systems for Houses: A Design Handbook for Solar Combisystems  Editor Werner Weiss  James & James.   - Presents the collaborative work of international experts from research, industry and academia in the IEA solar heating and cooling programme's Task 26, Solar Combisystems; - Details methods for analysing and optimizing combisystems for different house types; - Introduces standardized classification and evaluation processes and design tools for these systems. The use of solar collectors for domestic hot water over the past 20 years has demonstrated that solar heating systems are now founded on a reliable and mature technology. However, the development of similar, but more complex, systems to provide both domestic hot water and space heating (solar combisystems) resulted in a diverse range of different designs that were not carefully optimized to reflect local climate and practice. Application of energy-efficient building strategies such as improved thermal insulation and use of low temperature heat supply systems is becoming increasingly common. This...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин James & James. - Presents the collaborative work of international experts from research, industry and academia in the IEA solar heating and cooling programme's Task 26, Solar Combisystems; - Details methods for analysing and optimizing combisystems for different house types; - Introduces standardized classification and evaluation processes and design tools for these systems. The use of solar collectors for domestic hot water over the past 20 years has demonstrated that solar heating systems are now founded on a reliable and mature technology. However, the development of similar, but more complex, systems to provide both domestic hot water and space heating (solar combisystems) resulted in a diverse range of different designs that were not carefully optimized to reflect local climate and practice. Application of energy-efficient building strategies such as improved thermal insulation and use of low temperature heat supply systems is becoming increasingly common. This......

Artistic Capital

David W. Galenson

  Artistic Capital  David W. Galenson  Routledge, Taylor & Francis.   At what stage of their careers do great artists produce their most important work? In a series of studies that bring new insights and new dimensions to the study of artistic creativity, Artistic Capital examines the careers of more than 100 modern painters, poets, and novelists to reveal a powerful relationship between age and artistic creativity. David W.Galenson's analysis of the careers of major painters such as Cezanne, van Gogh, Picasso, Pollock and Warhol, important novelists such as Dickens, Woolf, Joyce and Hemingway, and key poets such as Frost, Eliot, Lowell and Plath, reveals the two very different methods by which artists have made innovations. Remarkably, each method is associated with a distinctive pattern of discovery over the life cycle. The book's use of simple but powerful quantitative analysis permits systematic generalization about large numbers of artists. Pointing to a new and richer history of the modern arts, Routledge, Taylor & Francis. At what stage of their careers do great artists produce their most important work? In a series of studies that bring new insights and new dimensions to the study of artistic creativity, Artistic Capital examines the careers of more than 100 modern painters, poets, and novelists to reveal a powerful relationship between age and artistic creativity. David W.Galenson's analysis of the careers of major painters such as Cezanne, van Gogh, Picasso, Pollock and Warhol, important novelists such as Dickens, Woolf, Joyce and Hemingway, and key poets such as Frost, Eliot, Lowell and Plath, reveals the two very different methods by which artists have made innovations. Remarkably, each method is associated with a distinctive pattern of discovery over the life cycle. The book's use of simple but powerful quantitative analysis permits systematic generalization about large numbers of artists. Pointing to a new and richer history of the modern arts, "Artistic Capital" will be of......

Слепой. Хлеб и порох

Андрей Воронин

  Слепой. Хлеб и порох  Андрей Воронин  Харвест.   Современный российский бестселлер.   Раскручивая очередное сложное дело, секретный сотрудник ФСБ Глеб Сиверов выходит из тени. Агенты-профи чуть не проваливают операцию, но, к счастью, Сиверов оказывается рядом.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Харвест. Современный российский бестселлер. Раскручивая очередное сложное дело, секретный сотрудник ФСБ Глеб Сиверов выходит из тени. Агенты-профи чуть не проваливают операцию, но, к счастью, Сиверов оказывается рядом....

Always with You: Facing Life After Loss

Gloria Hunniford

  Always with You: Facing Life After Loss  Gloria Hunniford  On April 13th, 2004, Gloria Hunniford's 41-year-old daughter, Caron Keating, died after a secret seven year battle with cancer. The world that had changed with Caron's diagnosis, now shattered. Life had been cruelly interrupted, a black hole opened in Gloria's heart, she was consumed with the unimaginable grief that the loss of a child brings, and she was alone—or so she felt. Within days of Caron's death letters started to arrive. People who had lost their children felt compelled to write. Strangers understood what she was going through often more than the family and friends standing next to her. There were many, many dark days but the letters kept coming and somehow she managed to do the impossible. Wake up everyday, get out of bed, breathe. The black hole is still there, sometimes as big as ever, but she has found a way to live with it, around it. This is the story of how Gloria and her family survived Caron's death, but it is not only her story. It is written for those who held...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин On April 13th, 2004, Gloria Hunniford's 41-year-old daughter, Caron Keating, died after a secret seven year battle with cancer. The world that had changed with Caron's diagnosis, now shattered. Life had been cruelly interrupted, a black hole opened in Gloria's heart, she was consumed with the unimaginable grief that the loss of a child brings, and she was alone—or so she felt. Within days of Caron's death letters started to arrive. People who had lost their children felt compelled to write. Strangers understood what she was going through often more than the family and friends standing next to her. There were many, many dark days but the letters kept coming and somehow she managed to do the impossible. Wake up everyday, get out of bed, breathe. The black hole is still there, sometimes as big as ever, but she has found a way to live with it, around it. This is the story of how Gloria and her family survived Caron's death, but it is not only her story. It is written for those who held......

<<<  Англо-русский учебный словарь по технологиям сетей передачи данных. ...             Хирургия язвенной болезни желудка. И. В. Ярема, Б. М. ... >>>

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