Сергей Залыгин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 3

Сергей Залыгин

  Сергей Залыгин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 3  Сергей Залыгин  Художественная литература. Москва.   Сергей Залыгин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах.   Том составили два романа: Художественная литература. Москва. Сергей Залыгин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том составили два романа: "Южно-Американский вариант" (1973) и "Комиссия" (1975)....

Proposal Planning & Writing: Fourth Edition

Jeremy T. Miner, Lynn E. Miner

  Proposal Planning & Writing: Fourth Edition  Jeremy T. Miner, Lynn E. Miner  In a world of limited funding, grantseeking is extremely competitive. Grant applications fail and succeed for a number of reasons, and careful proposal planning and writing are critical to success. Now in its 4th edition, this standard guide helps grantseekers navigate the funding process in the Internet age. As in earlier editions, this book discusses funding from government, foundation, and corporate sponsors. Included are practical advice and examples on developing proposal ideas, identifying funding sources, creating systems and procedures to support grantseeking activities, developing procedural components, budget forecasting, submission procedures, and follow-up techniques. New to this edition, though, are more extensive information on family foundations; updated websites, including 25% more than in the last edition; more examples of successful proposals, including 9 sample letters complete with annotations; expanded instructions on evaluation and outcomes assessment, which are...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In a world of limited funding, grantseeking is extremely competitive. Grant applications fail and succeed for a number of reasons, and careful proposal planning and writing are critical to success. Now in its 4th edition, this standard guide helps grantseekers navigate the funding process in the Internet age. As in earlier editions, this book discusses funding from government, foundation, and corporate sponsors. Included are practical advice and examples on developing proposal ideas, identifying funding sources, creating systems and procedures to support grantseeking activities, developing procedural components, budget forecasting, submission procedures, and follow-up techniques. New to this edition, though, are more extensive information on family foundations; updated websites, including 25% more than in the last edition; more examples of successful proposals, including 9 sample letters complete with annotations; expanded instructions on evaluation and outcomes assessment, which are......


Аркадий Гайдар

  Школа  Аркадий Гайдар  Детская литература. Москва.   Детская литература. Москва. "Школа" - автобиографическая книга. Но это не просто биография Гайдара, а художественная биография молодого человека революционной эпохи. Повесть "Школа", во многом автобиографическая, является не только вершиной творчества писателя, но и одним из лучших, правдивых произведений о Гражданской войне. Произведение включено в программы 5-11 классов средней школы всех уровней обучения, для классной и домашней работы....

Погоня за призраком

Лев Корнешов

  Погоня за призраком  Лев Корнешов  Воскресенье.   В личных судьбах героев этой остросюжетной повести тесно переплетаются прошлое и настоящее. Она - о драматических страницах нашей общей биографии, о неповторимом и трагическом времени, распятом на кресте Истории.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Воскресенье. В личных судьбах героев этой остросюжетной повести тесно переплетаются прошлое и настоящее. Она - о драматических страницах нашей общей биографии, о неповторимом и трагическом времени, распятом на кресте Истории....

Explorations in Organizations

James March

  Explorations in Organizations  James March  Explorations in Organizations presents readers with contemporary issues in the study of organizations, and introduces the paths down which tomorrow's organizational scholarship might travel. A collection of recent papers by or co-authored by the eminent James G. March, the book consists of five sections: exploring theories of organizational action; novelty in organizational adaptation; institutions and the logic of appropriateness; the history of organization studies; and uses of literature in the study of organizations. Each section begins with a new essay by a scholar whose work has focused on the theme explored in that part of the book. These introductory essays not only introduce and tie together the papers that follow, but also serve to add additional voices to the volume in order to deepen the discussion within it.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Explorations in Organizations presents readers with contemporary issues in the study of organizations, and introduces the paths down which tomorrow's organizational scholarship might travel. A collection of recent papers by or co-authored by the eminent James G. March, the book consists of five sections: exploring theories of organizational action; novelty in organizational adaptation; institutions and the logic of appropriateness; the history of organization studies; and uses of literature in the study of organizations. Each section begins with a new essay by a scholar whose work has focused on the theme explored in that part of the book. These introductory essays not only introduce and tie together the papers that follow, but also serve to add additional voices to the volume in order to deepen the discussion within it....

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Сергей Залыгин. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 3. Сергей Залыгин . Книги.

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