Bar Design

  Bar Design  daab.   In recent years society has created innumerable fashionable bars - the result of cutting edge interior design. This volume has a selection of the best bars in the world, from New York to London, Shanghai and Bucharest. The book includes the recent work of the most internationally renowned architects, accompanied by color photos and plans which help with technical understanding of each project. The projects will be presented in alphabetical order of the designers. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин daab. In recent years society has created innumerable fashionable bars - the result of cutting edge interior design. This volume has a selection of the best bars in the world, from New York to London, Shanghai and Bucharest. The book includes the recent work of the most internationally renowned architects, accompanied by color photos and plans which help with technical understanding of each project. The projects will be presented in alphabetical order of the designers. An index of contact information of the designers and architects is enclosed....

Дмитрий Григорович. Воспоминания

Дмитрий Григорович

  Дмитрий Григорович. Воспоминания  Дмитрий Григорович  Захаров.   Биографии и мемуары.   С момента первой публикации в 1892-1893 гг. и до сего дня Захаров. Биографии и мемуары. С момента первой публикации в 1892-1893 гг. и до сего дня "Воспоминания" Д.В.Григоровича остаются в числе известнейших произведений мемуарной литературы, широко цитируются, и к ним обращаются во всех тех случаях, когда требуется восстановить живую и детальную картину прошлого......

Главные правила для воспитанных малышей

  Главные правила для воспитанных малышей  Харвест.   Для самых маленьких.   Книжка содержит самые главные правила для воспитанных малышей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Харвест. Для самых маленьких. Книжка содержит самые главные правила для воспитанных малышей....

Sustainable Living For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help))

Michael Grosvenor

  Sustainable Living For Dummies (For Dummies (Psychology & Self Help))  Michael Grosvenor  Fun and easy ways to help protect the environment-every day With concerns about global warming and pollution gaining more and more attention these days, many people are wondering how they can adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle. This book offers practical, everyday steps anyone can take to help conserve wild spaces and arable land, avoid releasing toxic substances into the environment, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Moving beyond basic recycling, the book offers simple ways to shop, work, and travel that do less damage to the Earth, such as using eBay to buy used rather than new products and shopping at farmers' markets to support local, sustainable agriculture. For people everywhere who want to help sustain and heal our planet, this book is a great starting point. Michael Grosvenor has a background in urban planning in Australia and overseas, and has worked extensively on sustainable transport initiatives. He has consulted with public and private sector...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Fun and easy ways to help protect the environment-every day With concerns about global warming and pollution gaining more and more attention these days, many people are wondering how they can adopt a more eco-friendly lifestyle. This book offers practical, everyday steps anyone can take to help conserve wild spaces and arable land, avoid releasing toxic substances into the environment, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Moving beyond basic recycling, the book offers simple ways to shop, work, and travel that do less damage to the Earth, such as using eBay to buy used rather than new products and shopping at farmers' markets to support local, sustainable agriculture. For people everywhere who want to help sustain and heal our planet, this book is a great starting point. Michael Grosvenor has a background in urban planning in Australia and overseas, and has worked extensively on sustainable transport initiatives. He has consulted with public and private sector......

Rosalind Solomon: Polish Shadow

Rosalind Solomon

  Rosalind Solomon: Polish Shadow  Rosalind Solomon  Steidl.   For over 30 years Rosalind Solomon has been producing emotional imagery that pulls the viewer into a world of sun and shadow where past and present intersect. As she explains of the light and shadow here, A¬I made my first pictures in Poland in 1988 during a time of political change, and returned there in 2003 in an era of increasing violence and inhumanity worldwide.A® All of the images in Polish Shadow are of individuals, their relationships and environments, and each observes and comments on Poland and the larger world: some evoke the darkness of an earlier era and the ghosts of ethnic violence, while others capture a moment in the forward-marching life of modern Europe. As one critic has put it, A¬Solomon embraces her subjects with unusual warmth--a combination of candor, curiosity and concern,A® and that combination of factors can make her photographs as gut-wrenching as they are technically excellent.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Steidl. For over 30 years Rosalind Solomon has been producing emotional imagery that pulls the viewer into a world of sun and shadow where past and present intersect. As she explains of the light and shadow here, A¬I made my first pictures in Poland in 1988 during a time of political change, and returned there in 2003 in an era of increasing violence and inhumanity worldwide.A® All of the images in Polish Shadow are of individuals, their relationships and environments, and each observes and comments on Poland and the larger world: some evoke the darkness of an earlier era and the ghosts of ethnic violence, while others capture a moment in the forward-marching life of modern Europe. As one critic has put it, A¬Solomon embraces her subjects with unusual warmth--a combination of candor, curiosity and concern,A® and that combination of factors can make her photographs as gut-wrenching as they are technically excellent....

<<<  Предпарламент. Октябрь 1917 года. Опыт исторической реконструкции. ...             Croatia Export-Import Trade and Business ... >>>

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Bar Design. . Книги.

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