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Арбитражный процесс
Юнити-Дана, Закон и право. Четвертое издание учебного пособия основано на системном анализе действующего процессуального законодательства Российской Федерации с учетом сложившейся правоприменительной, в том числе судебной, арбитражной практики за 2003-2007 гг. В пособии подробно раскрыты институты арбитражного процессуального права, многоаспектно представлены такие вопросы, как иск и право на иск в арбитражном процессе, обеспечительные меры в арбитражном процессе, производство по делам, связанным с исполнением судебных актов, рассмотрение арбитражным судом дел об административных правонарушениях, производство по делам с участием иностранных лиц и т.д. Для студентов, аспирантов (адъюнктов), курсантов и слушателей образовательных учреждений МВД России юридического профиля и преподавателей юридических вузов и факультетов, юристов-практиков....
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Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret Obert Skye
Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo was a runaway bestseller! In book one, tens of thousands of fantasy readers were introduced to Foo- the fantastic realm that allows mankind to hope and dream. Now, Foo fans from across the country can continue the adventure with Leven, Winter, Clover, and Geth. Book two promises to be even more suspenseful, with a whispered secret that will take your breath away! After escaping a deranged dream-master and destroying the hidden gateway, Leven Thumps and his band of travelers must now journey across Foo and restore Geth from his shape as a toothpick to the rightful king he once was. But Foo is still in chaos, and Leven must overcome several adversaries and survive the Swollen Forest in order to save his friends and keep hope alive. As fate would have it, nothing goes as planned, and even Geth begins to wonder if they will succeed. Bad goes to worse as Leven digs up a long buried seceret- one that stalks him, determined to whisper a truth that......
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Inside the Minds: Raising Capital for Health Care Companies: Legal, Financial & Managerial Perspectives on Venture Capital and Other Funding Options (Inside the Minds)
Aspatore Books...
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The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community (BK Currents) David C. Korten
In his classic international bestseller, When Corporations Rule the World, David Korten exposed the destructive and oppressive nature of the global corporate economy and helped spark a global resistance movement. Now, he shows that the problem runs deeper than corporate domination — with far greater consequences. Korten argues that global corporate consolidation of power is but one manifestation of what he calls “Empire” — the organization of society by hierarchies of dominance that have held sway for the past 5,000 years. Empire has always resulted in misery for the many and fortune for the few. Now it threatens the very future of humanity. The Great Turning traces the ancient roots of Empire and charts its long evolution from monarchies to the transnational institutions of the global economy. Empire is not inevitable, not the natural order of things. Korten draws on evidence from sources as varied as evolutionary theory,......
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Paul Krugman, Robin Wells...
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Арбитражный процесс. . Книги.
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