The Complete Idiot's Guide to Project Management, 4th Edition (Complete Idiot's Guide to)

PMP, G. Michael Campbell, Ph.D., Sunny Baker

  The Complete Idiot's Guide to Project Management, 4th Edition (Complete Idiot's Guide to)  PMP, G. Michael Campbell, Ph.D., Sunny Baker  Managers will no longer dread the word ?project.? Fully updated and revised, this guide covers the tools and processes of project management, complying with the standards of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and The Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). Packed with examples, case studies, and expert opinions, this book includes essential information on implementation strategies, setting up schedules, troubleshooting, and more. --Perfect for the new project manager?or the re-learner --New, updated information on software, PMBOK facts, the PMP exam, and integration management  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Managers will no longer dread the word ?project.? Fully updated and revised, this guide covers the tools and processes of project management, complying with the standards of the Project Management Institute (PMI) and The Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). Packed with examples, case studies, and expert opinions, this book includes essential information on implementation strategies, setting up schedules, troubleshooting, and more. --Perfect for the new project manager?or the re-learner --New, updated information on software, PMBOK facts, the PMP exam, and integration management...

Agricultural Diversification and Smallholders in South Asia

  Agricultural Diversification and Smallholders in South Asia  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Put the Book Back on the Shelf: A Belle and Sebastian Anthology

Jamie S. Rich, Marc Ellerby, Jennifer De Guzman, Brian Belew

  Put the Book Back on the Shelf: A Belle and Sebastian Anthology  Jamie S. Rich, Marc Ellerby, Jennifer De Guzman, Brian Belew  Image Comics.   With their infectious brand of Scottish indie pop, Belle & Sebastian have been cult and critical favorites for years. The band's colorful lyrics and gorgeous, full bodied melodies have provided Image Comics with the inspiration for a new kind of comic anthology. With Image Comics. With their infectious brand of Scottish indie pop, Belle & Sebastian have been cult and critical favorites for years. The band's colorful lyrics and gorgeous, full bodied melodies have provided Image Comics with the inspiration for a new kind of comic anthology. With "Put The Book Back On The Shelf: A Belle And Sebastian Anthology", a stellar collection of independent comic creators and cartoonists put their own spins on a cross section of Belle & Sebastian's songs, crafting stories inspired by the band's music, drawn from the band's entire catalog....

The Peaceable and Prosperous Regiment of Blessed Queene Elisabeth: A Facsimile from Holinshed's Chronicles (1587)

  The Peaceable and Prosperous Regiment of Blessed Queene Elisabeth: A Facsimile from Holinshed's Chronicles (1587)  Holinshed's Chronicles , best known as one of Shakespeare's major sources, contains one of the few accounts of Elizabeth's reign written during her lifetime. A contemporary history, it was subjected to censorship by the Privy Council. In this facsimile edition, a compilation based on this portion of the Chronicles in copies in the Huntington's collection as well as the British Library and Cambridge University Library, censored and substituted passages are represented between two covers for the first time. Professor Clegg provides a historical introduction and demonstrates that the censorship took place in three stages. Libraries around the world will be able to identify and describe the copies in their own collections based on the information provided. The Chronicles , a scrupulously produced monument to Elizabeth, is also a rich source for the study of printing practices. The base text is an unusual copy in the Huntington Library containing the largest sample of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Holinshed's Chronicles , best known as one of Shakespeare's major sources, contains one of the few accounts of Elizabeth's reign written during her lifetime. A contemporary history, it was subjected to censorship by the Privy Council. In this facsimile edition, a compilation based on this portion of the Chronicles in copies in the Huntington's collection as well as the British Library and Cambridge University Library, censored and substituted passages are represented between two covers for the first time. Professor Clegg provides a historical introduction and demonstrates that the censorship took place in three stages. Libraries around the world will be able to identify and describe the copies in their own collections based on the information provided. The Chronicles , a scrupulously produced monument to Elizabeth, is also a rich source for the study of printing practices. The base text is an unusual copy in the Huntington Library containing the largest sample of......

Comrades of War

Sven Hassel

  Comrades of War  Sven Hassel  Cassell.   There were not much people as animals. Sometimes small and frightened, huddling together in cattle cars, wounds gaping, tongues swelling even as they licked the moist frost from the walls - each of them wondering if he would be the next to die before reaching the crude operating table...And sometimes brawling, robbing and raping as they swept into Hamburg to glut themselves on life for one more day, or just one more night... And sometimes they were heroes, pushing their way through the Russian lines - the Legionnaire, Sven and Tiny, all of them knowing they had lost the war ...and every last shred of their own humanity.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Cassell. There were not much people as animals. Sometimes small and frightened, huddling together in cattle cars, wounds gaping, tongues swelling even as they licked the moist frost from the walls - each of them wondering if he would be the next to die before reaching the crude operating table...And sometimes brawling, robbing and raping as they swept into Hamburg to glut themselves on life for one more day, or just one more night... And sometimes they were heroes, pushing their way through the Russian lines - the Legionnaire, Sven and Tiny, all of them knowing they had lost the war ...and every last shred of their own humanity....

<<<  Интимные нормы и здоровье. Геннадий Малахов             Сольфеджио. Рабочая тетрадь. 2 класс. Г. Ф. Калинина >>>

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The Complete Idiot's Guide to Project Management, 4th Edition (Complete Idiot's Guide to). PMP, G. Michael Campbell, Ph.D., Sunny Baker . Книги.

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