Риск - наша профессия

Сергей Зверев

  Риск - наша профессия  Сергей Зверев  Эксмо.   ДесантУРА!.   Настоящий спецназовец в воде не тонет и в огне не горит. И в жарких пустынях, и на заснеженных горных вершинах, среди многолюдных улиц и в глухой тайге - везде приходится воевать офицерам-десантникам. На сей раз опытному Батяне - майору Лаврову и старшему лейтенанту Барханову предстоит поработать на Дальнем Востоке. Командование включило их в состав комиссии по испытаниям новейшего вертолета Эксмо. ДесантУРА!. Настоящий спецназовец в воде не тонет и в огне не горит. И в жарких пустынях, и на заснеженных горных вершинах, среди многолюдных улиц и в глухой тайге - везде приходится воевать офицерам-десантникам. На сей раз опытному Батяне - майору Лаврову и старшему лейтенанту Барханову предстоит поработать на Дальнем Востоке. Командование включило их в состав комиссии по испытаниям новейшего вертолета "Барракуда". Только офицерам придется заниматься совсем другими вещами. В условиях, приближенных к боевым......

Quantitative Methods for Health Research: A Practical Interactive Guide to Epidemiology and Statistics

Nigel Bruce, Daniel Pope, Debbi Stanistreet

  Quantitative Methods for Health Research: A Practical Interactive Guide to Epidemiology and Statistics  Nigel Bruce, Daniel Pope, Debbi Stanistreet  Quantitative Research Methods for Health Professionals: A Practical Interactive Course is a superb introduction to epidemiology, biostatistics, and research methodology for the whole health care community. Drawing examples from a wide range of health research, this practical handbook covers important contemporary health research methods such as survival analysis, Cox regression, and meta-analysis, the understanding of which go beyond introductory concepts. The book includes self-assessment exercises throughout to help students explore and reflect on their understanding and a clear distinction is made between a) knowledge and concepts that all students should ensure they understand and b) those that can be pursued by students who wish to do so. The authors incorporate a program of practical exercises in SPSS using a prepared data set that helps to consolidate the theory and develop skills and confidence in data handling, analysis and interpretation.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Quantitative Research Methods for Health Professionals: A Practical Interactive Course is a superb introduction to epidemiology, biostatistics, and research methodology for the whole health care community. Drawing examples from a wide range of health research, this practical handbook covers important contemporary health research methods such as survival analysis, Cox regression, and meta-analysis, the understanding of which go beyond introductory concepts. The book includes self-assessment exercises throughout to help students explore and reflect on their understanding and a clear distinction is made between a) knowledge and concepts that all students should ensure they understand and b) those that can be pursued by students who wish to do so. The authors incorporate a program of practical exercises in SPSS using a prepared data set that helps to consolidate the theory and develop skills and confidence in data handling, analysis and interpretation....

Nurse's Handbook of IV Drugs

Jones & Bartlett Publishers

  Nurse's Handbook of IV Drugs  Jones & Bartlett Publishers  The Drug Reference That Gives You More! Up-to-date and easy-to-use, Nurse's Handbook of IV Drugs, Third Edition is a reference for today s nurses giving facts on hundreds of I.V. drugs from abciximab to zoledronic acid, organized alphabetically by generic drug name. The concise drug entries are organized consistently for quick reference and familiarity, and give the vital information you need to know about each drug before, during, and after its administration. Drug entries also include dosage adjustment alerts for elderly patients, for patients with renal impairment, and for others with special needs. You ll find: Chemical and therapeutic classes; FDA pregnancy risk category; Controlled substance schedule; Indications and dosages (including pediatric dosages when applicable); Route, onset, peak, and duration information, set up as a chart; Mechanism of action (many with illustrations); Incompatibilities; Contraindications; Interactions with drugs, food, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Drug Reference That Gives You More! Up-to-date and easy-to-use, Nurse's Handbook of IV Drugs, Third Edition is a reference for today s nurses giving facts on hundreds of I.V. drugs from abciximab to zoledronic acid, organized alphabetically by generic drug name. The concise drug entries are organized consistently for quick reference and familiarity, and give the vital information you need to know about each drug before, during, and after its administration. Drug entries also include dosage adjustment alerts for elderly patients, for patients with renal impairment, and for others with special needs. You ll find: Chemical and therapeutic classes; FDA pregnancy risk category; Controlled substance schedule; Indications and dosages (including pediatric dosages when applicable); Route, onset, peak, and duration information, set up as a chart; Mechanism of action (many with illustrations); Incompatibilities; Contraindications; Interactions with drugs, food, and......

Masterpieces of the British Museum

  Masterpieces of the British Museum  The British Museum is home to some of the world's finest and broadest collections, ranging from prehistoric times to the present and from ancient and modern cultures around the globe. This illustrated introduction to the collections, attractively designed with striking photographs, offers a fascinating summary of up-to-date information about 250 of the Museum's highlights, including the most famous as well as a selection of lesser-known but equally intriguing pieces. From the Warren Cup to Durer's Rhinoceros, the Lewis Chessmen to the Aztec turquoise serpent and the Gayer-Anderson Cat, the iconic objects of the British Museum are here presented in an exciting and accessible new way. Grouped into twenty sections based on cross-cultural themes such as fashion, technology, myths, gods and nature, each with an illustrated introduction written by the Editor, every object is then illustrated with one or more large high-quality colour photographs. The accompanying text summarizes the unique...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The British Museum is home to some of the world's finest and broadest collections, ranging from prehistoric times to the present and from ancient and modern cultures around the globe. This illustrated introduction to the collections, attractively designed with striking photographs, offers a fascinating summary of up-to-date information about 250 of the Museum's highlights, including the most famous as well as a selection of lesser-known but equally intriguing pieces. From the Warren Cup to Durer's Rhinoceros, the Lewis Chessmen to the Aztec turquoise serpent and the Gayer-Anderson Cat, the iconic objects of the British Museum are here presented in an exciting and accessible new way. Grouped into twenty sections based on cross-cultural themes such as fashion, technology, myths, gods and nature, each with an illustrated introduction written by the Editor, every object is then illustrated with one or more large high-quality colour photographs. The accompanying text summarizes the unique......


Joseph Hone

  Firesong  Joseph Hone  Pan Books.   New Year's Day, 1906. A family celebrates, skating on the ice of a vast lake, far north in Russia. Cousins of the Romanov Tsars, this is the Rumovsky family - Prince Pyotr, his wife Princess Sofia, their son Ivan and twins Yelena and Alexander, and their young Irish governess, Miss Harriet. With them is the patriarch of the family, old Prince Mikhail, a strange, towering figure, a man from another century, with his fabulous Boyars' court at the castle, a Tamburlaine of the snows... Behind the Rumovsky family and their mediaeval island castle lie 300 years of autocratic but peaceful rule. Ahead of them, the old Prince expects the same for his descendants. It is not to be. Pan Books. New Year's Day, 1906. A family celebrates, skating on the ice of a vast lake, far north in Russia. Cousins of the Romanov Tsars, this is the Rumovsky family - Prince Pyotr, his wife Princess Sofia, their son Ivan and twins Yelena and Alexander, and their young Irish governess, Miss Harriet. With them is the patriarch of the family, old Prince Mikhail, a strange, towering figure, a man from another century, with his fabulous Boyars' court at the castle, a Tamburlaine of the snows... Behind the Rumovsky family and their mediaeval island castle lie 300 years of autocratic but peaceful rule. Ahead of them, the old Prince expects the same for his descendants. It is not to be. "Firesong" is the story of the Rumovsky - their lives, deaths and hazardous escapes in the nightmarish new Russia that soon engulfs them: a land stricken by famine, pestilence, war and death. A story both intimate and epic, reminiscent of "Dr Zhivago", this is a dramatic saga of men and women who fight......

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Риск - наша профессия. Сергей Зверев . Книги.

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