Художники Москвы. Альманах, №7, 2007

  Художники Москвы. Альманах, №7, 2007  Живопись-Инфо.   Художники Москвы (альманах).   Издание периодического альманаха Живопись-Инфо. Художники Москвы (альманах). Издание периодического альманаха "Художники Москвы", своеобразной печатной художественной галереи, знакомит широкий круг любителей изобразительного искусства с творчеством разноплановых современных живописцев, членов Московского союза художников, продолжающих поиск художественных средств для воссоздания образов и картин окружающего мира. Формат: 22 см х 30 см....

Macroeconomic Policy in the European Monetary Union: From the Old to the New Stability and Growth Pact (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)

  Macroeconomic Policy in the European Monetary Union: From the Old to the New Stability and Growth Pact (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)  Frances Farina  Frances Farina  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Frances Farina...

Cowgirl Cuisine: Rustic Recipes and Cowgirl Adventures from a Texas Ranch

Paula Disbrowe

  Cowgirl Cuisine: Rustic Recipes and Cowgirl Adventures from a Texas Ranch  Paula Disbrowe  William Morrow Cookbooks.   Who hasn't fantasized about leaving behind the chaos of everyday life and moving someplace where life is simpler? Well, that's just what chef and food writer Paula Disbrowe did when she left New York City and moved to Texas. She traded her subway MetroCard for a pickup truck and her stiletto heels for a pair of down-home cowboy boots. In Cowgirl Cuisine, Paula tells her story through food. She weaves together romance, adventure, and more than a few laughs as she celebrates the beauty of flavorful food, fresh air, and her own wholesome recipes, all while taking home cooks on a journey well off the beaten path. Like Texas itself, the recipes in Cowgirl Cuisine are big-hearted and bold - whole-grain muffins bursting with berries, salads loaded with leafy herbs and avocado, and fiery bowls of chili. Paula's food is healthful and full of nutrients, but this is not a diet cookbook - cowgirls don't have time to count calories (besides, they burn it all off hoisting newborn...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин William Morrow Cookbooks. Who hasn't fantasized about leaving behind the chaos of everyday life and moving someplace where life is simpler? Well, that's just what chef and food writer Paula Disbrowe did when she left New York City and moved to Texas. She traded her subway MetroCard for a pickup truck and her stiletto heels for a pair of down-home cowboy boots. In Cowgirl Cuisine, Paula tells her story through food. She weaves together romance, adventure, and more than a few laughs as she celebrates the beauty of flavorful food, fresh air, and her own wholesome recipes, all while taking home cooks on a journey well off the beaten path. Like Texas itself, the recipes in Cowgirl Cuisine are big-hearted and bold - whole-grain muffins bursting with berries, salads loaded with leafy herbs and avocado, and fiery bowls of chili. Paula's food is healthful and full of nutrients, but this is not a diet cookbook - cowgirls don't have time to count calories (besides, they burn it all off hoisting newborn......

Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds

  Uncertain Peril: Genetic Engineering and the Future of Seeds  Claire Hope Cummings  Claire Hope Cummings  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Claire Hope Cummings...

Escucha los mensajes de tu cuerpo

Graciela Aranda

  Escucha los mensajes de tu cuerpo  Graciela Aranda  Llewellyn Espanol.   Continuamente, nuestro cuerpo nos manda mensajes, sin embargo no los sabemos escuchar. Esta maravillosa obra narra las ensenanzas de una mujer chaman, quien comparte sus conocimientos con la autora mostrandole como entender lo que el cuerpo desea comunicarnos y de esta forma lograr grandes cambios en nuestra salud y estilo de vida. Las energias negativas son la causa de enfermedades y otros males. Descubra como contrarrestarlas por medio del pensamiento consciente, y de que forma encontrar los centros de energia llamados vortices. Cada uno de estos corresponde a distintos organos y enfermedades. Aprenda como lograr la sanacion utilizando los vortices y la energia del universo.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Llewellyn Espanol. Continuamente, nuestro cuerpo nos manda mensajes, sin embargo no los sabemos escuchar. Esta maravillosa obra narra las ensenanzas de una mujer chaman, quien comparte sus conocimientos con la autora mostrandole como entender lo que el cuerpo desea comunicarnos y de esta forma lograr grandes cambios en nuestra salud y estilo de vida. Las energias negativas son la causa de enfermedades y otros males. Descubra como contrarrestarlas por medio del pensamiento consciente, y de que forma encontrar los centros de energia llamados vortices. Cada uno de estos corresponde a distintos organos y enfermedades. Aprenda como lograr la sanacion utilizando los vortices y la energia del universo....

<<<  Многолетние цветы душе отрада, за труды ...             Русский Север. Путеводитель. А. Г. Хропов, Т. Бурдакова >>>

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Художники Москвы. Альманах, №7, 2007. . Книги.

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