Understanding EU Policy Making

Raj S. Chari & Sylvia Kritzinger

  Understanding EU Policy Making  Raj S. Chari & Sylvia Kritzinger  Pluto Press.   EU policy shapes all areas of our lives - from our money, to our food, to our welfare. Yet we know little about how EU decisions are made, and who benefits from them. This book is a critical guide to the policies of the EU. Raj Chari and Sylvia Kritzinger argue that there is an agenda that underlies EU policy making. Some policies - those that aim to create a competitive economy - are prioritized, while others are effectively ignored. Setting the EU in a proper economic and theoretical context, the authors provide a chapter-by-chapter analysis of each of the EU's major policy areas. Arguing that traditional accounts of EU integration are inadequate, the authors develop an innovative new perspective. Written with clarity and precision, this book is ideal for students of the EU and anyone looking for an incisive critique of the role of corporate capital in the development of EU policy. Формат издания: 13,5 см х 21,5 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pluto Press. EU policy shapes all areas of our lives - from our money, to our food, to our welfare. Yet we know little about how EU decisions are made, and who benefits from them. This book is a critical guide to the policies of the EU. Raj Chari and Sylvia Kritzinger argue that there is an agenda that underlies EU policy making. Some policies - those that aim to create a competitive economy - are prioritized, while others are effectively ignored. Setting the EU in a proper economic and theoretical context, the authors provide a chapter-by-chapter analysis of each of the EU's major policy areas. Arguing that traditional accounts of EU integration are inadequate, the authors develop an innovative new perspective. Written with clarity and precision, this book is ideal for students of the EU and anyone looking for an incisive critique of the role of corporate capital in the development of EU policy. Формат издания: 13,5 см х 21,5 см....

The Jacobean Country House: From the Archives of Country Life

Nicholas Cooper

  The Jacobean Country House: From the Archives of Country Life  Nicholas Cooper  The gabled manor houses of the early 17th century are, for many, the epitome of the English country house; indeed, Jacobean houses form the core of the National Trust collection. Richly illustrated with colour and duotone photographs from Country Life's unparalleled archive, this book tells the absorbing story of the evolution of the Jacobean country house. Though the Jacobean period itself spanned only 22 years (1603-25), it was to have a major impact on English domestic architecture. This was an exciting period of experiment and discovery, with an extraordinary range of architectural styles being brought into play. Plain Classical formality coexisted with French, Italian and Dutch examples adapted to English tastes, the result of an explosion in new ideas that also produced revolutions in other aspects of life, notably the English Civil War.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The gabled manor houses of the early 17th century are, for many, the epitome of the English country house; indeed, Jacobean houses form the core of the National Trust collection. Richly illustrated with colour and duotone photographs from Country Life's unparalleled archive, this book tells the absorbing story of the evolution of the Jacobean country house. Though the Jacobean period itself spanned only 22 years (1603-25), it was to have a major impact on English domestic architecture. This was an exciting period of experiment and discovery, with an extraordinary range of architectural styles being brought into play. Plain Classical formality coexisted with French, Italian and Dutch examples adapted to English tastes, the result of an explosion in new ideas that also produced revolutions in other aspects of life, notably the English Civil War....

Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors

Betty Edwards

  Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors  Betty Edwards  Millions of people have learned to draw using the methods of Dr. Betty Edwards's bestseller The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain . Now, much as artists progress from drawing to painting, Edwards moves from black-and-white into color. This new guide distills the enormous existing knowledge about color theory into a practical method of working with color to produce harmonious combinations. Using techniques tested and honed in her five-day intensive color workshops, Edwards provides a basic understanding of how to see color, how to use it, and-for those involved in art, painting, or design-how to mix and combine hues. Including more than 125 color images and exercises that move from simple to challenging, this volume explains how to: - see what is really there rather than what you Millions of people have learned to draw using the methods of Dr. Betty Edwards's bestseller The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain . Now, much as artists progress from drawing to painting, Edwards moves from black-and-white into color. This new guide distills the enormous existing knowledge about color theory into a practical method of working with color to produce harmonious combinations. Using techniques tested and honed in her five-day intensive color workshops, Edwards provides a basic understanding of how to see color, how to use it, and-for those involved in art, painting, or design-how to mix and combine hues. Including more than 125 color images and exercises that move from simple to challenging, this volume explains how to: - see what is really there rather than what you "know" in your mind about colored objects - perceive how light affects color, and how colors affect one another - manipulate hue, value, and intensity of color and......

А. С. Пушкин. Стихотворения. Поэмы. Драматические произведения

А. С. Пушкин

  А. С. Пушкин. Стихотворения. Поэмы. Драматические произведения  А. С. Пушкин  Дрофа.   Библиотека отечественной классической художественной литературы.   Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, Стихотворения, Цыганы, Медный всадник, Борис Годунов, Маленькие трагедии, Скупой рыцарь, Моцарт и Сальери, Каменный гость, Пир во время чумы.   В книгу вошли стихотворения, поэмы и драматические произведения А.С.Пушкина. Во вступительной статье дается обзор жизни и творчества писателя. В разделе Дрофа. Библиотека отечественной классической художественной литературы. Александр Сергеевич Пушкин, Стихотворения, Цыганы, Медный всадник, Борис Годунов, Маленькие трагедии, Скупой рыцарь, Моцарт и Сальери, Каменный гость, Пир во время чумы. В книгу вошли стихотворения, поэмы и драматические произведения А.С.Пушкина. Во вступительной статье дается обзор жизни и творчества писателя. В разделе "Приложения" помещены отрывки из критических статей....

Три товарища

Эрих Мария Ремарк

  Три товарища  Эрих Мария Ремарк  АСТ, АСТ Москва, Харвест.   Страницы любви.   Самый красивый в XX столетии роман о любви... Самый увлекательный в XX столетии роман о дружбе... Самый трагический и пронзительный роман о человеческих отношениях за всю историю XX столетия.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, АСТ Москва, Харвест. Страницы любви. Самый красивый в XX столетии роман о любви... Самый увлекательный в XX столетии роман о дружбе... Самый трагический и пронзительный роман о человеческих отношениях за всю историю XX столетия....

<<<  Fear of the Dark (Fearless Jones Novel, No.3). Walter ...             Русский Север. Путеводитель. А. Г. Хропов, Т. Бурдакова >>>

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Understanding EU Policy Making. Raj S. Chari & Sylvia Kritzinger . Книги.

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