A Simpler Way

Margaret J. Wheatley, Myron Kellner-Rogers

  A Simpler Way  Margaret J. Wheatley, Myron Kellner-Rogers  Presents clear, stunning examples of life as creative, playful, and self-organizing -- and applies these teachings to all types of organizations. Presents clear, stunning examples of life as creative, playful, and self-organizing -- and applies these teachings to all types of organizations. "A vigorous, path-breaking application of findings from the cutting edge of science to questions about how to live a life." -- Publishers Weekly...

Smart Things to Know About Culture (Smart Things to Know About (Stay Smart!) Series)

Donna Deeprose

  Smart Things to Know About Culture (Smart Things to Know About (Stay Smart!) Series)  Donna Deeprose  Organizational culture is an intangible, yet it can be as pervasive and valuable as any other company asset. Culture influences the dynamics within teams and between individuals, the way business is conducted with suppliers, the public face of the company that customers see, and every other human interaction that takes place inside and outside a business. While cultural norms are inherently neither good nor bad, they do sometimes outlast their usefulness to the organization. As markets, the economy and the broader society change, Smart organizations have to rethink their goals and their methods if they are to survive. Donna Deeprose gives you the inside track into understanding the culture and subcultures in your own organization. In Smart Things to Know About Culture she shows how cultural values work, and how best to turn them to your personal and organizational advantage: What exactly is corporate culture? How and why do people behave they way they do? ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Organizational culture is an intangible, yet it can be as pervasive and valuable as any other company asset. Culture influences the dynamics within teams and between individuals, the way business is conducted with suppliers, the public face of the company that customers see, and every other human interaction that takes place inside and outside a business. While cultural norms are inherently neither good nor bad, they do sometimes outlast their usefulness to the organization. As markets, the economy and the broader society change, Smart organizations have to rethink their goals and their methods if they are to survive. Donna Deeprose gives you the inside track into understanding the culture and subcultures in your own organization. In Smart Things to Know About Culture she shows how cultural values work, and how best to turn them to your personal and organizational advantage: What exactly is corporate culture? How and why do people behave they way they do? ......

Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (The New Rich in Asia)

Krishna Sen, Maila Stivens

  Gender and Power in Affluent Asia (The New Rich in Asia)  Krishna Sen, Maila Stivens  Gender and Power in Affluent Asia is the first major study to provide analysis of the relationships between gender and power that have accompanied the rise of Asian affluence. The book prompts a series of questions about the links between gender, modernity and globalization in the region and pursues two major themes: gender relations are central to the making of the middle classes and modernity in the region; and representations of gender occupy a central place in the contests about meanings and identities accompanying these processes. This is an innovative work that provides coverage of a complex topic that has often been neglected. It gives more than just analysis of Asian women, it demonstrates the central importance of gender in the modernizing and globalizing of Asia.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gender and Power in Affluent Asia is the first major study to provide analysis of the relationships between gender and power that have accompanied the rise of Asian affluence. The book prompts a series of questions about the links between gender, modernity and globalization in the region and pursues two major themes: gender relations are central to the making of the middle classes and modernity in the region; and representations of gender occupy a central place in the contests about meanings and identities accompanying these processes. This is an innovative work that provides coverage of a complex topic that has often been neglected. It gives more than just analysis of Asian women, it demonstrates the central importance of gender in the modernizing and globalizing of Asia....

Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Social Sciences (Geojournal Library, Vol 55)

Michel Dobry

  Democratic and Capitalist Transitions in Eastern Europe: Lessons for the Social Sciences (Geojournal Library, Vol 55)  Michel Dobry  This book provides an authoritative assessment of the `transitions' or `transformations' currently under way in Central and Eastern Europe. In order to explore this abundant set of diverse and complex processes, it has adopted a particular perspective, which consists of examining the historical specificity of these processes -- particularly the simultaneity of political and economic transitions -- and, at the same time, how the social sciences have approached and interpreted them and how, in return, theyhave and, a number of new substantial insights into these transformations, in particular on the questions of what `democratic consolidations' actually consist of, as well as the political economy, in a strict sense, of these transitions, focusing on the precise characterization of the market economies which have emerged from these processes. On the other hand, it also constitutes an in-depth critical appraisal, unequalled so far, of the methodological principles, models of explanation,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book provides an authoritative assessment of the `transitions' or `transformations' currently under way in Central and Eastern Europe. In order to explore this abundant set of diverse and complex processes, it has adopted a particular perspective, which consists of examining the historical specificity of these processes -- particularly the simultaneity of political and economic transitions -- and, at the same time, how the social sciences have approached and interpreted them and how, in return, theyhave and, a number of new substantial insights into these transformations, in particular on the questions of what `democratic consolidations' actually consist of, as well as the political economy, in a strict sense, of these transitions, focusing on the precise characterization of the market economies which have emerged from these processes. On the other hand, it also constitutes an in-depth critical appraisal, unequalled so far, of the methodological principles, models of explanation,......

Aid to Africa: So Much to Do, So Little Done (Century Foundation/Twentieth Century Fund Report)

Carol Lancaster

  Aid to Africa: So Much to Do, So Little Done (Century Foundation/Twentieth Century Fund Report)  Carol Lancaster  Why, despite decades of high levels of foreign aid, has development been so disappointing in most of Sub-Saharan Africa, leading to rising numbers of poor and fueling political instabilities? While not ignoring the culpability of Africans in these problems, Carol Lancaster finds that much of the responsibility is in the hands of the governments and international aid agencies that provide assistance to the region. The first examination of its kind, Aid to Africa investigates the impact of bureaucratic politics, special interest groups, and public opinion in aid-giving countries and agencies. She finds that aid agencies in Africa often misdiagnosed problems, had difficulty designing appropriate programs that addressed the local political environment, and failed to coordinate their efforts effectively. This balanced but tough-minded analysis does not reject the potential usefulness of foreign aid but does offer recommendations for fundamental changes in how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Why, despite decades of high levels of foreign aid, has development been so disappointing in most of Sub-Saharan Africa, leading to rising numbers of poor and fueling political instabilities? While not ignoring the culpability of Africans in these problems, Carol Lancaster finds that much of the responsibility is in the hands of the governments and international aid agencies that provide assistance to the region. The first examination of its kind, Aid to Africa investigates the impact of bureaucratic politics, special interest groups, and public opinion in aid-giving countries and agencies. She finds that aid agencies in Africa often misdiagnosed problems, had difficulty designing appropriate programs that addressed the local political environment, and failed to coordinate their efforts effectively. This balanced but tough-minded analysis does not reject the potential usefulness of foreign aid but does offer recommendations for fundamental changes in how......

<<<  М. Е. Салтыков-Щедрин. Собрание сочинений в двадцати томах. ...             Русский Север. Путеводитель. А. Г. Хропов, Т. Бурдакова >>>

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A Simpler Way. Margaret J. Wheatley, Myron Kellner-Rogers . Книги.

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