Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction

Nick Montfort

  Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction  Nick Montfort  The MIT Press.   Interactive fiction - the best-known form of which is the text game or text adventure - has not received as much critical attention as have such other forms of electronic literature as hypertext fiction and the conversational programs known as chatterbots. Twisty Little Passages (the title refers to a maze in Adventure , the first interactive fiction) is the first book-length consideration of this form, examining it from gaming and literary perspectives. Nick Montfort, an interactive fiction author himself, offers both aficionados and first-time users a way to approach interactive fiction that will lead to a more pleasurable and meaningful experience of it. Twisty Little Passages looks at interactive fiction beginning with its most important literary ancestor, the riddle. Montfort then discusses Adventure and its precursors (including the I Ching and Dungeons and Dragons ), and follows this with an examination of mainframe text games...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The MIT Press. Interactive fiction - the best-known form of which is the text game or text adventure - has not received as much critical attention as have such other forms of electronic literature as hypertext fiction and the conversational programs known as chatterbots. Twisty Little Passages (the title refers to a maze in Adventure , the first interactive fiction) is the first book-length consideration of this form, examining it from gaming and literary perspectives. Nick Montfort, an interactive fiction author himself, offers both aficionados and first-time users a way to approach interactive fiction that will lead to a more pleasurable and meaningful experience of it. Twisty Little Passages looks at interactive fiction beginning with its most important literary ancestor, the riddle. Montfort then discusses Adventure and its precursors (including the I Ching and Dungeons and Dragons ), and follows this with an examination of mainframe text games......

The Essentials of Trading : From the Basics to Building a Winning Strategy (Wiley Trading)

John Forman

  The Essentials of Trading : From the Basics to Building a Winning Strategy (Wiley Trading)  John Forman  Praise for The ESSENTIALS OF TRADING Praise for The ESSENTIALS OF TRADING "This is the book I wish I had when I began a training program for new traders. John's familiarity with trading and traders is evident in this text. His incorporation of exercises and use of examples bring topics to life, maintaining the interest of even the most hyperactive traders." —Brett N. Steenbarger, PhD, author of The Psychology of Trading " The Essentials of Trading masterfully teaches the novice how to conceptualize, implement, and manage the important fundamentals that form the building blocks of successful trading. Because the book and its examples have been classroom tested at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, the pace of presentation is ideal for a full or partial classroom exposure to Internet-based trading. The book is highly recommended as a viable academic teaching tool, and equally so for the developing nonstudent practitioner." —Dr. Gordon H. Dash Jr.......

Media Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting, Cable & the Internet, Fifth Edition

  Media Promotion & Marketing for Broadcasting, Cable & the Internet, Fifth Edition  This fifth edition of the successful Promotion and Marketing for Broadcasting, Cable, and the Web, 4ed takes an important, timely look at the newest media venue, the Internet. Under its new title, Media Promotion and Marketing for Broadcast, Cable and the Internet, 5ed it takes a fresh look at the industry and the latest strategies for media promotion and marketing. The book explores the scope and goals of media production from the perspectives of network and local television, cable, Internet and radio, including public broadcasting. Topics include: goals of promotion; research in promotion; on-air, print, and Web message design; radio promotion; television network and station promotion and new campaigns; non-commercial radio and television promotion; cable marketing and promotion; research and budgeting for promotion; syndicated program marketing; global and international promotion and marketing; and online marketing and promotion. *The Glossary is back! *Learn...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This fifth edition of the successful Promotion and Marketing for Broadcasting, Cable, and the Web, 4ed takes an important, timely look at the newest media venue, the Internet. Under its new title, Media Promotion and Marketing for Broadcast, Cable and the Internet, 5ed it takes a fresh look at the industry and the latest strategies for media promotion and marketing. The book explores the scope and goals of media production from the perspectives of network and local television, cable, Internet and radio, including public broadcasting. Topics include: goals of promotion; research in promotion; on-air, print, and Web message design; radio promotion; television network and station promotion and new campaigns; non-commercial radio and television promotion; cable marketing and promotion; research and budgeting for promotion; syndicated program marketing; global and international promotion and marketing; and online marketing and promotion. *The Glossary is back! *Learn......

Conserving the Environment (Opposing Viewpoints)

  Conserving the Environment (Opposing Viewpoints)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...


  Химия  Мир энциклопедий Аванта +, Астрель.   Энциклопедия для детей.   Серия Мир энциклопедий Аванта +, Астрель. Энциклопедия для детей. Серия "Энциклопедия для детей" представляет том "Химия" - увлекательное путешествие в мир веществ и их превращений. Книга знакомит с историей открытий, самыми современными теориями, а также с многочисленными областями практического применения химической науки, без которых немыслима сегодня повседневная жизнь человека. В томе читатель найдет множество редких интересных фактов, до этого никогда не публиковавшихся в отечественных изданиях. Обширный фотоматериал, большая часть которого была подготовлена специально для тома "Химия", дает наглядное представление о постановке разнообразных химических экспериментов. Статьи и дополнительные очерки, написанные талантливыми химиками-популяризаторами, позволяют оценить богатство химического знания, накопленного человечеством. Книга адресована широкой читательской аудитории - от школьников, только начинающих изучать химию, до студентов, считающих эту науку своим призванием....

<<<  Жаворонок. Джо Беверли             Русский Север. Путеводитель. А. Г. Хропов, Т. Бурдакова >>>

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Twisty Little Passages: An Approach to Interactive Fiction. Nick Montfort . Книги.

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