Understanding Realism

Richard Armstrong

  Understanding Realism  Richard Armstrong  Book DescriptionIn a world where camcorders and CCTV are witness to our every move and Big Brother and The Blair Witch Project are phenomenally popular and widely imitated, the divide between reality and fiction has become increasingly blurred. Understanding Realism addresses this crucial concept that is central to the understanding of film and television studies. Using a selection of the critical approaches, Understanding Realism examines the complex relationship between the moving image, appearance, and reality. Deploying the films One Fine Day and Clerks as major case studies, Richard Armstrong's in-depth treatment considers the roles that narrative, genre, audience, and ideology play in relation to realism in mainstream Hollywood and U.S. independent film. He also discusses how it is possible to reconcile the impression that what is being watched is reality with the knowledge that it is not.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn a world where camcorders and CCTV are witness to our every move and Big Brother and The Blair Witch Project are phenomenally popular and widely imitated, the divide between reality and fiction has become increasingly blurred. Understanding Realism addresses this crucial concept that is central to the understanding of film and television studies. Using a selection of the critical approaches, Understanding Realism examines the complex relationship between the moving image, appearance, and reality. Deploying the films One Fine Day and Clerks as major case studies, Richard Armstrong's in-depth treatment considers the roles that narrative, genre, audience, and ideology play in relation to realism in mainstream Hollywood and U.S. independent film. He also discusses how it is possible to reconcile the impression that what is being watched is reality with the knowledge that it is not....

Keyboard and Digital Piano Tipbook : The Best Guide to Your Instrument (The Best Guide to Your Instrument!)

Hugo Pinksterboer

  Keyboard and Digital Piano Tipbook : The Best Guide to Your Instrument (The Best Guide to Your Instrument!)  Hugo Pinksterboer  Book DescriptionThe Tipbook Series books are handy, accessible, thorough and convenient guides for players who want to get the most out of their instrument. They are written in collaboration with and proofread by musicians, teachers, technicians and other experts - for beginners, students and advanced players. Features include: lessons, teachers and practicing * all jargon explained * basic background information * price indications * the history and the family of the instrument * and more. The keyboard and digital piano book covers such topics as: selecting and play-testing instruments; features and accessories; sound, accompaniments and MIDI; a pianist's glossary; and more! Book DescriptionThe Tipbook Series books are handy, accessible, thorough and convenient guides for players who want to get the most out of their instrument. They are written in collaboration with and proofread by musicians, teachers, technicians and other experts - for beginners, students and advanced players. Features include: lessons, teachers and practicing * all jargon explained * basic background information * price indications * the history and the family of the instrument * and more. The keyboard and digital piano book covers such topics as: selecting and play-testing instruments; features and accessories; sound, accompaniments and MIDI; a pianist's glossary; and more! "Comprehensive and superbly organized effort; comfortable to handle, visually attractive, and eminently readable. The Tipbook series is a splendid addition to the music field. The most striking characteristic, to this reviewer, is the way in which the material combines conciseness with solid content. A short,......

Beowulf in Old English And New English

  Beowulf in Old English And New English  Book DescriptionBeowulf In Old English And New English contains, just as the title states, both versions as a Facing Page Translation. The original Beowulf manuscript is the oldest surviving document in what has come to be the English Language. It is also an exciting saga - full of action, adventure, heroic deeds, mystery and magic. It is magnificent literature. The Old English version is a classic masterpiece of Western Literature which, due to the evolution of the language, has become very difficult for most readers. To facilitate understanding, to make it easier for the first time reader to appreciate the beauty of the original language, the New English translation by the renowned scholar Professor Francis B. Gummere is provided on alternate pages facing the original Old English text. This arrangement makes it possible for the modern reader to immediately grasp the content of the saga and begin to see, on the facing page, the complex beauty of the original poem. It...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionBeowulf In Old English And New English contains, just as the title states, both versions as a Facing Page Translation. The original Beowulf manuscript is the oldest surviving document in what has come to be the English Language. It is also an exciting saga - full of action, adventure, heroic deeds, mystery and magic. It is magnificent literature. The Old English version is a classic masterpiece of Western Literature which, due to the evolution of the language, has become very difficult for most readers. To facilitate understanding, to make it easier for the first time reader to appreciate the beauty of the original language, the New English translation by the renowned scholar Professor Francis B. Gummere is provided on alternate pages facing the original Old English text. This arrangement makes it possible for the modern reader to immediately grasp the content of the saga and begin to see, on the facing page, the complex beauty of the original poem. It......

Insight into Images: Principles and Practice for Segmentation, Registration, and Image Analysis

  Insight into Images: Principles and Practice for Segmentation, Registration, and Image Analysis  Book DescriptionAn introduction to the theory of modern medical image processing, including the analysis of data from - X-ray computer tomography, - magnetic resonance imaging, - nuclear medicine, - and ultrasound. Using an algorithmic approach,and providing the mathematical, statistical, or signal processing as needed for background, the authors describe the principles of all methods implemented in the Insight Toolkit (ITK), a freely available, open- source, object-oriented library. The emphasis is on providing intuitive descriptions of the principles and illustrative examples of results from the leading filtering, segmentation, and registration methods. This text covers the mathematical foundations of important techniques such as: - Statistical pattern recognition, - PDE-based nonlinear image filtering, - Markov random fields, - Level set methods, - Deformable models, - Mutual information, image-based registration - Non-rigid image data fusion With contributions...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAn introduction to the theory of modern medical image processing, including the analysis of data from - X-ray computer tomography, - magnetic resonance imaging, - nuclear medicine, - and ultrasound. Using an algorithmic approach,and providing the mathematical, statistical, or signal processing as needed for background, the authors describe the principles of all methods implemented in the Insight Toolkit (ITK), a freely available, open- source, object-oriented library. The emphasis is on providing intuitive descriptions of the principles and illustrative examples of results from the leading filtering, segmentation, and registration methods. This text covers the mathematical foundations of important techniques such as: - Statistical pattern recognition, - PDE-based nonlinear image filtering, - Markov random fields, - Level set methods, - Deformable models, - Mutual information, image-based registration - Non-rigid image data fusion With contributions......

Painful Dilemma

William Campbell Douglass II, MD

  Painful Dilemma  William Campbell Douglass II, MD  Book DescriptionA groundbreaking work that deals with what may be a physician's most important task: relieving pain. The politicization of pain, ushered in by the War on Drugs, speaks volumes of our failed medical establishment and a government that seems not to care if people suffer. This book addresses the ridiculous and tragic situation of people in pain living in a government-created hell by restriction of narcotics and people in prison for trying to bring pain relief to the people suffering.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA groundbreaking work that deals with what may be a physician's most important task: relieving pain. The politicization of pain, ushered in by the War on Drugs, speaks volumes of our failed medical establishment and a government that seems not to care if people suffer. This book addresses the ridiculous and tragic situation of people in pain living in a government-created hell by restriction of narcotics and people in prison for trying to bring pain relief to the people suffering....

<<<  Тайны кремлевской диеты. Д. Преображенский             Самая запретная книга о Второй Мировой. Была ... >>>

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Understanding Realism. Richard Armstrong . Книги.

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