Рабы "Майкрософта"

Дуглас Коупленд

  Рабы АСТ, Ермак. Альтернатива. "Компьютерные" мальчики и девочки. Зануды-"яппи", внезапно решившие покинуть безопасность "родной корпорации" и стать свободными. Но... что такое свобода? Есть ли она вообще? Есть ли она для "рабов "Майкрософта"? Новая "исповедь поколения" от автора легендарного "Generation Икс". Книга, о которой критики писали: "Эта книга - гимн всем навязчивым песням, телепрограммам, торговым маркам и заголовкам, которые вторгаются в нашу внутреннюю жизнь... Роман этот - больше, чем просто исследование компьютерщиков и компьютерщины"....

Applied Derivatives: Options, Futures and Swaps

Richard Rendleman

  Applied Derivatives: Options, Futures and Swaps  Richard Rendleman  Applied Derivatives provides a detailed, yet relatively non-technical, treatment of the conceptual foundations for derivative securities markets pricing and investment principles. This book draws from the most fundamental concepts of pricing for options, futures, and swaps to provide insight into the potential risks and returns from conventional option investing. Combining traditional topics in pricing theory with nontraditional topics that the author has researched throughout his career, this book provides comprehensive and engaging coverage of securities markets. Topics include, but are not limited to: a CAPM-based derivation of the binomial model which shows no strategies involving fairly-priced options can simultaneously reduce risk and increase return the effects of volatility misestimation in synthetic option replication the use of linear programming in options arbitrage and replication the formation of optimal portfolios consisting of stock, options, and safe assets...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Applied Derivatives provides a detailed, yet relatively non-technical, treatment of the conceptual foundations for derivative securities markets pricing and investment principles. This book draws from the most fundamental concepts of pricing for options, futures, and swaps to provide insight into the potential risks and returns from conventional option investing. Combining traditional topics in pricing theory with nontraditional topics that the author has researched throughout his career, this book provides comprehensive and engaging coverage of securities markets. Topics include, but are not limited to: a CAPM-based derivation of the binomial model which shows no strategies involving fairly-priced options can simultaneously reduce risk and increase return the effects of volatility misestimation in synthetic option replication the use of linear programming in options arbitrage and replication the formation of optimal portfolios consisting of stock, options, and safe assets......

The Anticompetitive Impact of Regulation

Giuliano Amato, Laraine L. Laudati

  The Anticompetitive Impact of Regulation  Giuliano Amato, Laraine L. Laudati  This timely book addresses the important issue of the negative effects of anticompetitive regulation on industry and the massive economic harm it causes. The distinguished contributors, including economic and legal scholars, advocate the need for a review of all anticompetitive laws and address several industry and country case studies with the ultimate aim of providing recommendations to eliminate the impact of anticompetitive regulation. The first part of the book considers regulations affecting private business and professions, part two covers public utility and public services regulation, while part three discusses the role of institutions and competition authorities in relation to anticompetitive practices. The authors draft guidelines, based oneconomic evidence and legal arguments, which would provide a starting point for the European Union to address the problem. They go on to propose possible implementation strategies for these guidelines from both an institutional and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This timely book addresses the important issue of the negative effects of anticompetitive regulation on industry and the massive economic harm it causes. The distinguished contributors, including economic and legal scholars, advocate the need for a review of all anticompetitive laws and address several industry and country case studies with the ultimate aim of providing recommendations to eliminate the impact of anticompetitive regulation. The first part of the book considers regulations affecting private business and professions, part two covers public utility and public services regulation, while part three discusses the role of institutions and competition authorities in relation to anticompetitive practices. The authors draft guidelines, based oneconomic evidence and legal arguments, which would provide a starting point for the European Union to address the problem. They go on to propose possible implementation strategies for these guidelines from both an institutional and......

Quick Skills: Listening: Learner Guide

Career Solutions Training Group, Judith D. Winzurk, Career Solutions Training Group

  Quick Skills: Listening: Learner Guide  Career Solutions Training Group, Judith D. Winzurk, Career Solutions Training Group  This book enhances the reader's opportunity for career success by targeting fundamental skills.Listening focuses on improving one's listening in the workplace. In a short amount of time, one can learn how to interpret a message, the benefits of good listening skills and how to overcome incorrect listening habits. A perfect tool for the experienced professional, those re-entering the workforce and those beginning their careers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book enhances the reader's opportunity for career success by targeting fundamental skills.Listening focuses on improving one's listening in the workplace. In a short amount of time, one can learn how to interpret a message, the benefits of good listening skills and how to overcome incorrect listening habits. A perfect tool for the experienced professional, those re-entering the workforce and those beginning their careers....

High Flyers: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders

Morgan W. McCall Jr.

  High Flyers: Developing the Next Generation of Leaders  Morgan W. McCall Jr.  Harvard Business School Press.   How do you develop the people who will one day lead your company? High Flyers challenges conventional wisdom about how to groom executives for the top positions in the firm by presenting a strategic framework for identifying and developing future executives that senior managers can use to identify and develop future executives. McCall demonstrates that the best executives aren't necessarily managers who possess a previously identified, generic list of traits or who have risen to the top through survival of the fittest. Rather, the real leaders of the future are those who have the ability to learn from their experiences and remain open to continuous learning. If these people get the right experiences on the job, they will have the ultimate opportunity to learn new executive skills. Full of vivid real-life examples, High Flyers is for everyone in the organization who has responsibility for developing people--as well as for aspiring managers who want to learn what it takes to become...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Harvard Business School Press. How do you develop the people who will one day lead your company? High Flyers challenges conventional wisdom about how to groom executives for the top positions in the firm by presenting a strategic framework for identifying and developing future executives that senior managers can use to identify and develop future executives. McCall demonstrates that the best executives aren't necessarily managers who possess a previously identified, generic list of traits or who have risen to the top through survival of the fittest. Rather, the real leaders of the future are those who have the ability to learn from their experiences and remain open to continuous learning. If these people get the right experiences on the job, they will have the ultimate opportunity to learn new executive skills. Full of vivid real-life examples, High Flyers is for everyone in the organization who has responsibility for developing people--as well as for aspiring managers who want to learn what it takes to become......

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Рабы "Майкрософта". Дуглас Коупленд . Книги.

Новомосковск, Стерлитамак, Вологда, Иваново, СергиевПосад, Бийск, Иркутск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Южно-Сахалинск, Петрозаводск, Хасавюрт, Улан-Удэ, Электросталь, Тамбов, Уфа, Архангельск, Орск, Тула, Санкт-Петербург, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Арзамас, Северск, Магнитогорск, Владикавказ, Новороссийск, Балаково, Абакан,
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