Харменс ван Рейн Рембрандт

  Харменс ван Рейн Рембрандт  Харвест.   Гении мировой живописи.   Можно с уверенностью сказать, что имя великого голландского художника Рембрандта (Харменса ван Рейна) известно всем. Его наследие продолжает потрясать и восхищать все новые и новые поколения любителей искусства. Настоящее издание - это исследование жизни и творчества величайшего живописца, рисовальщика и гравера. Здесь содержатся знаменитые картины, написанные практически во всех жанрах: портрет, натюрморт, пейзаж, бытовая сцена, работы на библейские, мифологические и исторические сюжеты. Каждое живописное полотно сопровождается краткой аннотацией и информацией с указанием техники исполнения, размера, года написания и места хранения картины.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Харвест. Гении мировой живописи. Можно с уверенностью сказать, что имя великого голландского художника Рембрандта (Харменса ван Рейна) известно всем. Его наследие продолжает потрясать и восхищать все новые и новые поколения любителей искусства. Настоящее издание - это исследование жизни и творчества величайшего живописца, рисовальщика и гравера. Здесь содержатся знаменитые картины, написанные практически во всех жанрах: портрет, натюрморт, пейзаж, бытовая сцена, работы на библейские, мифологические и исторические сюжеты. Каждое живописное полотно сопровождается краткой аннотацией и информацией с указанием техники исполнения, размера, года написания и места хранения картины....

Star Wars: Visionaries

Warren Fu, Derek Thompson

  Star Wars: Visionaries  Warren Fu, Derek Thompson  Dark Horse.   They've been responsible for some of hte most dazzling and awe-inspiring visuals ever put to film, and now the concept artists behind the Star Wars prequels are bringing their considerable talents to comics. Just in time for Star Wars: Episode III, the wildly gifted mind of the Lucasfilm art department and visual effects powerhouse Industrial Light & Magic come together to tell their own Star Wars tales in this compilation of short stories. Given free reign to explore any and every aspect of the Star Wars universe, each artist offers a new twist or a deeper view into that galaxy far, far away. Nowhere else will you find a more pure or more different look at George Lucas' enduring creation than through the eyes of the Dark Horse. They've been responsible for some of hte most dazzling and awe-inspiring visuals ever put to film, and now the concept artists behind the Star Wars prequels are bringing their considerable talents to comics. Just in time for Star Wars: Episode III, the wildly gifted mind of the Lucasfilm art department and visual effects powerhouse Industrial Light & Magic come together to tell their own Star Wars tales in this compilation of short stories. Given free reign to explore any and every aspect of the Star Wars universe, each artist offers a new twist or a deeper view into that galaxy far, far away. Nowhere else will you find a more pure or more different look at George Lucas' enduring creation than through the eyes of the "Star Wars: Visionaries"....


Sarah Dunant

  Transgressions  Sarah Dunant  Elizabeth is a modern woman. Smart. Independent. As sexual as she wants to be–with whomever she wants to be. But a breakup with her academic boyfriend has hit her harder than she cares to admit. And while her latest gig, translating a glitzy Czech thriller into English, offends her literary sensibilities, it arouses others with its steamy scenes of eroticism, violence, submission, and dominance. Then, when her favorite Van Morrison CD disappears from its rack and her house is inexplicably violated, Elizabeth is afraid she’s starting to lose it–she even consults a local vicar about the possibility of poltergeists. But what this woman in the lovely Victorian is experiencing is not supernatural. Nor is it madness. For in the dead of night, she will suddenly come face-to-face with her tormentor. She will smell him, she will touch him, and she will make a choice. Then the real haunting will begin.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Elizabeth is a modern woman. Smart. Independent. As sexual as she wants to be–with whomever she wants to be. But a breakup with her academic boyfriend has hit her harder than she cares to admit. And while her latest gig, translating a glitzy Czech thriller into English, offends her literary sensibilities, it arouses others with its steamy scenes of eroticism, violence, submission, and dominance. Then, when her favorite Van Morrison CD disappears from its rack and her house is inexplicably violated, Elizabeth is afraid she’s starting to lose it–she even consults a local vicar about the possibility of poltergeists. But what this woman in the lovely Victorian is experiencing is not supernatural. Nor is it madness. For in the dead of night, she will suddenly come face-to-face with her tormentor. She will smell him, she will touch him, and she will make a choice. Then the real haunting will begin....

Fundamentals of Management (5th Edition)

Stephen P Robbins, David A. DeCenzo

  Fundamentals of Management (5th Edition)  Stephen P Robbins, David A. DeCenzo  This streamlined volume covers the principle concepts of management to provide readers with a solid foundation for understanding key issues. Organized around the four traditional functions of management? planning, organizing, leading, and controlling , it reflects current trends in management and organizations, and presents the latest research studies in the field. The authors address managing in today's world, foundations of planning and decision making, basic organization designs, staffing and human resource management, foundations of individual and group behavior, leadership and trust and foundations of control and value chain management. For managers of all kinds.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This streamlined volume covers the principle concepts of management to provide readers with a solid foundation for understanding key issues. Organized around the four traditional functions of management? planning, organizing, leading, and controlling , it reflects current trends in management and organizations, and presents the latest research studies in the field. The authors address managing in today's world, foundations of planning and decision making, basic organization designs, staffing and human resource management, foundations of individual and group behavior, leadership and trust and foundations of control and value chain management. For managers of all kinds....

Sarbanes-Oxley for Small Businesses: Leveraging Compliance for Maximum Advantage

Peggy M. Jackson

  Sarbanes-Oxley for Small Businesses: Leveraging Compliance for Maximum Advantage  Peggy M. Jackson  PRAISE FOR Sarbanes-Oxley for Small Businesses: Leveraging Compliance for Maximum Advantage PRAISE FOR Sarbanes-Oxley for Small Businesses: Leveraging Compliance for Maximum Advantage "One of the major reasons small businesses fail is the lack of internal controls. Sarbanes-Oxley for Small Businesses is an easy-to-follow book that I would recommend to any small business owner serious about the success of their business." —Scott Hauge, President, Small Business California Five ways Sarbanes-Oxley for Small Businesses will help your small business make the most from the SOX Act: It will position your small business to increase sales It will help you reduce your overhead costs It will strengthen your small business's internal controls It will position your business to obtain insurance coverage at a more competitive premium Risk management expert Dr. Peggy Jackson makes SOX compliance easy and understandable with a blueprint model and practical tools to help you leverage SOX......

<<<  Plain Tales from the Hills. Rudyard Kipling             Строительство дома от фундамента до крыши. ... >>>

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Харменс ван Рейн Рембрандт. . Книги.

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