Мотивация на 100% (аудиокнига MP3)

Светлана Иванова

  Мотивация на 100% (аудиокнига MP3)  Светлана Иванова  Альпина Бизнес Букс.   В этой аудиокниге Светлана Иванова рассказывает о подходах к повышению эффективности наиболее важного ресурса компании - ее сотрудников. Здесь собраны и на практических примерах исследованы методы, которые наиболее часто используются западными и российскими компаниями. С помощью этой аудиокниги вы сформируете систему мотивации персонала. Научиться использовать на практике предлагаемые методы вам помогут примеры и задания. Аудиокнига адресована в первую очередь руководителям организаций и менеджерам по персоналу, но будет интересна и более широкой аудитории - всем, кто ориентирован на профессиональный рост и достижение личного успеха.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Альпина Бизнес Букс. В этой аудиокниге Светлана Иванова рассказывает о подходах к повышению эффективности наиболее важного ресурса компании - ее сотрудников. Здесь собраны и на практических примерах исследованы методы, которые наиболее часто используются западными и российскими компаниями. С помощью этой аудиокниги вы сформируете систему мотивации персонала. Научиться использовать на практике предлагаемые методы вам помогут примеры и задания. Аудиокнига адресована в первую очередь руководителям организаций и менеджерам по персоналу, но будет интересна и более широкой аудитории - всем, кто ориентирован на профессиональный рост и достижение личного успеха....

Drinking Coffee Elsewhere

ZZ Packer

  Drinking Coffee Elsewhere  ZZ Packer  With stories in The New Yorker 's debut fiction issue and in The Best American Short Stories, 2000 , and as the winner of a Whiting Writers' Award and a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award, ZZ Packer has already achieved what most writers only dream about-all prior to publication of her first book. Now, in Drinking Coffee Elsewhere , her impressive range and talent are abundantly evident. Packer dazzles with her command of language-surprising and delighting us with unexpected turns and indelible images, as she takes us into the lives of characters on the periphery, unsure of where they belong. With penetrating insight that belies her youth-she was only nineteen years old when Seventeen magazine printed her first published story-Packer takes us to a Girl Scout camp, where a troupe of black girls are confronted with a group of white girls, whose defining feature turns out to be not their race but their disabilities; to the Million Man March on...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With stories in The New Yorker 's debut fiction issue and in The Best American Short Stories, 2000 , and as the winner of a Whiting Writers' Award and a Rona Jaffe Foundation Writers' Award, ZZ Packer has already achieved what most writers only dream about-all prior to publication of her first book. Now, in Drinking Coffee Elsewhere , her impressive range and talent are abundantly evident. Packer dazzles with her command of language-surprising and delighting us with unexpected turns and indelible images, as she takes us into the lives of characters on the periphery, unsure of where they belong. With penetrating insight that belies her youth-she was only nineteen years old when Seventeen magazine printed her first published story-Packer takes us to a Girl Scout camp, where a troupe of black girls are confronted with a group of white girls, whose defining feature turns out to be not their race but their disabilities; to the Million Man March on......

Full Circle

Michael Thomas Ford

  Full Circle  Michael Thomas Ford  In novels such as Last Summer and Looking For It, Michael Thomas Ford has honestly and lovingly explored the intimate details of gay men's lives, from hot sex and lasting relationships to friendship and the search for family. Now he's crafted his most extraordinary novel yet, a powerful saga of three friends and lovers whose story spans decades and whose bonds have finally come Full Circle. History professor Ned Brummel is living happily with his partner of twelve years in small-town Maine when he receives a phone call from his estranged friend?Jack?telling him that another friend?Andy?is very ill and possibly near death. It is news that shatters the peace of his world for many reasons. And as Ned boards a plane to Chicago on his way to his friend's bedside, he embarks on another journey into memory, examining the major events and small moments that have shaped his world and his relationships with these two very different, very important men. Growing up...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In novels such as Last Summer and Looking For It, Michael Thomas Ford has honestly and lovingly explored the intimate details of gay men's lives, from hot sex and lasting relationships to friendship and the search for family. Now he's crafted his most extraordinary novel yet, a powerful saga of three friends and lovers whose story spans decades and whose bonds have finally come Full Circle. History professor Ned Brummel is living happily with his partner of twelve years in small-town Maine when he receives a phone call from his estranged friend?Jack?telling him that another friend?Andy?is very ill and possibly near death. It is news that shatters the peace of his world for many reasons. And as Ned boards a plane to Chicago on his way to his friend's bedside, he embarks on another journey into memory, examining the major events and small moments that have shaped his world and his relationships with these two very different, very important men. Growing up......

От кота до кита

В. Бульванкер

  От кота до кита  В. Бульванкер  Детская литература. Ленинград.   Рассказы о необычных памятниках, поставленных человеком в разных странах мира своим Детская литература. Ленинград. Рассказы о необычных памятниках, поставленных человеком в разных странах мира своим "братьям меньшим" за их верность и преданность. Книга проникнута чувством доброты, милосердия и призывает читателя задуматься о взаимоотношениях людей с Миром Природы, об их ответственности за все живое на Земле....

Hardcore History: The Extremely Unauthorized Story of the ECW

Scott E Williams

  Hardcore History: The Extremely Unauthorized Story of the ECW  Scott E Williams  Hardcore History: The Extremely Unauthorized Story of ECW offers a frank, balanced look at the evolution of the company, starting even before its early days as a Philadelphia-area independent group called Eastern Championship Wrestling in 1992 and extending past the death of Extreme Championship Wrestling in 2001. Writer Scott E. Williams has pored through records and conducted dozens of interviews through records and conducted dozens of interviews with fans, company officials, business partners, and the wrestlers themselves to bring readers the most balanced account possible of this bizarre company.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hardcore History: The Extremely Unauthorized Story of ECW offers a frank, balanced look at the evolution of the company, starting even before its early days as a Philadelphia-area independent group called Eastern Championship Wrestling in 1992 and extending past the death of Extreme Championship Wrestling in 2001. Writer Scott E. Williams has pored through records and conducted dozens of interviews through records and conducted dozens of interviews with fans, company officials, business partners, and the wrestlers themselves to bring readers the most balanced account possible of this bizarre company....

<<<  Энциклопедия цигун. Ма Цзичун             Самая запретная книга о Второй Мировой. Была ... >>>

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Мотивация на 100% (аудиокнига MP3). Светлана Иванова . Книги.

Йошкар-Ола, Ноябрьск, Люберцы, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Ноябрьск, Улан-Удэ, Липецк,
Черный юмор| Средние века| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Электроника. Танцевальная музыка| Страхование| Великие спортсмены| Фармакология. Рецептура. Токсикология| Художественные музеи, коллекции и собрания| Приключения (Adventures)| Современный детектив| Деловая литература| Linux и FreeBSD| Новейшая история (с 1917 года)| Отечественное кино| Индийские детективы| Психология в бизнесе. Деловое общение и этикет| Словари-справочники| Гражданское право| Конструкторы деревянные| Прикладная культурология| Декоративно-прикладное искусство. Дизайн| Архитектура, искусство, религия| Химия| Графика| Зарубежная фантастика| Шпионские боевики| Все о здоровье: справочники и пособия| Эксцентричные комедии| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Оперетты| Общие работы по всемирной истории| Искусство. Культура| Экшен (Action)| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Исторические боевики| Бухучет отдельных операций|
литература класс, методические пособия, детская энциклопедия, народные сказки, магазин книги, фантастика книги, энциклопедия, самоучители языков, книжные магазины санкт, книги сборники, книга почтой, книги санкт петербург, инциклопедия, детская литература, mp3 аудиокниги,


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