Improving Flow: Collected Practices And Cases (Insights on Implementation)

Productivity Press

  Improving Flow: Collected Practices And Cases (Insights on Implementation)  Productivity Press  Flow is a fundamental concept of lean manufacturing, and its improvement is a challenge to many organizations. After mastering basic visual tools, managers concentrate on increasing flow. Shopfloor and other lean professionals want to know how other companies are implementing and sustaining continuous flow improvement. Improving Flow: Collected Practices and Cases provides a variety of case studies taken from articles previously published in the newsletter Lean Manufacturer Advisor. Readers will learn how to move products and services to the customer quicker while eliminating waste and improving profits. Highlights include: Practical, in-depth description of the advanced tools used for improving continuous flow, written in a conversational, easy-to-read style. A large quantity of case studies unavailable in any other single source. Real-life information about the practical issues that arise when implementing advanced tools in an organization. Articles are categorized in...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Flow is a fundamental concept of lean manufacturing, and its improvement is a challenge to many organizations. After mastering basic visual tools, managers concentrate on increasing flow. Shopfloor and other lean professionals want to know how other companies are implementing and sustaining continuous flow improvement. Improving Flow: Collected Practices and Cases provides a variety of case studies taken from articles previously published in the newsletter Lean Manufacturer Advisor. Readers will learn how to move products and services to the customer quicker while eliminating waste and improving profits. Highlights include: Practical, in-depth description of the advanced tools used for improving continuous flow, written in a conversational, easy-to-read style. A large quantity of case studies unavailable in any other single source. Real-life information about the practical issues that arise when implementing advanced tools in an organization. Articles are categorized in......

Structured Products Volume 2: Equity; Commodity; Credit & New Markets

Satyajit Das

  Structured Products Volume 2: Equity; Commodity; Credit & New Markets  Satyajit Das  Wiley.   Structured Products Volume 2 consists of 5 Parts and 21 Chapters covering equity derivatives (including equity swaps/options, convertible securities and equity linked notes) , commodity derivatives (including energy, metal and agricultural derivatives), credit derivatives (including credit linked notes/collateralised debt obligations ( Wiley. Structured Products Volume 2 consists of 5 Parts and 21 Chapters covering equity derivatives (including equity swaps/options, convertible securities and equity linked notes) , commodity derivatives (including energy, metal and agricultural derivatives), credit derivatives (including credit linked notes/collateralised debt obligations ("CDOs")), new derivative markets (including inflation linked derivatives and notes, insurance derivatives, weather derivatives, property, bandwidth/telephone minutes, macro-economic index and emission/environmental derivatives ) and tax based applications of derivatives. It also covers the structure and evolution of derivative markets including electronic trading markets and the origins, evolution and prospects for derivative markets. EQUITY LINKED STRUCTURES 1 Equity Derivatives - Equity Futures; Equity Options/Warrants & Equity Swaps 2. Convertible Securities 3. Structured Convertible......

Art and Life in Renaissance Venice (Perspectives)

  Art and Life in Renaissance Venice (Perspectives)  Patricia Fortini Brown  Patricia Fortini Brown  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Patricia Fortini Brown...

Critical Issues in Rural Health

Nan Johnson, Lois Wright Morton

  Critical Issues in Rural Health  Nan Johnson, Lois Wright Morton  Rural residents represent a large sector of the United States (U.S.) population. About 22 percent of Americans, approximately 55 million people, are considered Rural residents represent a large sector of the United States (U.S.) population. About 22 percent of Americans, approximately 55 million people, are considered "rural" residents. Rural people have a unique set of health issues; they experience social, cultural, and economic disadvantages that can increase their risk for adverse health consequences.The first of its kind, Critical Issues in Rural Health, provides comprehensive sociological treatment of rural health and health care trends in the U.S. The editors have presented both integrative reviews of theory and research on rural health issues, as well as the most up-to-date findings of empirical research. This book emphasizes differences between rural and urban areas in health and health care, and chapter authors report the impact of age or life stage, race and ethnicity, social class, rural occupations, and community structure on various substantive health issues.Previous research has examined morbidity differentials between rural......

Любимые русские сказки

  Любимые русские сказки  Махаон.   Сказочный ларец.   Эта книга - словно ларец с сокровищами, хранившийся веками. Это сборник самых увлекательных и чудесных сказок. Это издание наполнено множеством великолепных иллюстраций и может стать прекрасным подарком.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Махаон. Сказочный ларец. Эта книга - словно ларец с сокровищами, хранившийся веками. Это сборник самых увлекательных и чудесных сказок. Это издание наполнено множеством великолепных иллюстраций и может стать прекрасным подарком....

<<<  Современная фирма. Структура организации для достижения эффективности ...             Самая запретная книга о Второй Мировой. Была ... >>>

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Improving Flow: Collected Practices And Cases (Insights on Implementation). Productivity Press . Книги.

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