Darkroom To Digital: Black And White Photography With Photoshop - The Art Of Transitions

Eddie Ephraums

  Darkroom To Digital: Black And White Photography With Photoshop - The Art Of Transitions  Eddie Ephraums  Book DescriptionA leading photographer and fine–art printer addresses the questions that concern every black–and–white photographer who’s changing to a digital “darkroom.”  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA leading photographer and fine–art printer addresses the questions that concern every black–and–white photographer who’s changing to a digital “darkroom.”...

Portraits of Israelis and Palestinians: For My Parents

Seth Tobocman

  Portraits of Israelis and Palestinians: For My Parents  Seth Tobocman  Book DescriptionDuring the summer of 2002, Seth Tobocman taught art to children in a village outside of Ramallah, Palestine. To explain his purpose to his parents, lifelong Zionists, he sent them 20 pages from his sketchbook of the trip. These charcoal drawings, as presented in this book, strip away the historical, religious, and political complexities to reveal the stark humanity of both sides, and pare the dialogue to its essence: How to recognize and respect each other's humanity?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDuring the summer of 2002, Seth Tobocman taught art to children in a village outside of Ramallah, Palestine. To explain his purpose to his parents, lifelong Zionists, he sent them 20 pages from his sketchbook of the trip. These charcoal drawings, as presented in this book, strip away the historical, religious, and political complexities to reveal the stark humanity of both sides, and pare the dialogue to its essence: How to recognize and respect each other's humanity?...

Architect's Drawings : A selection of sketches by world famous architects through history

Kendra Schank Smith

  Architect's Drawings : A selection of sketches by world famous architects through history  Kendra Schank Smith  Book DescriptionThe sketch is a window into the architects mind. As creative designers, architects are interested in how other architects, particularly successful ones, think through the use of drawings to approach their work. Historically designers havesought inspiration for their own work through an insight into the minds and workings of people they often regard as geniuses. This collection of sketches aims to provide this insight. Here for the first time, a wide range of world famous architects' sketches from the Renaissance to the present day can be seen in a single volume. The sketches have been selected to represent the concepts or philosophies of the key movements in architecture in order to develop an overall picture of the role of the sketch inthe development of architecture. The book illustrates the work of designers as diverse as Andrea Palladio, Erich Mendelsohn, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Le Corbusier, Michelangelo, Alvar Aalto, Sir John Soane, Francesco...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe sketch is a window into the architects mind. As creative designers, architects are interested in how other architects, particularly successful ones, think through the use of drawings to approach their work. Historically designers havesought inspiration for their own work through an insight into the minds and workings of people they often regard as geniuses. This collection of sketches aims to provide this insight. Here for the first time, a wide range of world famous architects' sketches from the Renaissance to the present day can be seen in a single volume. The sketches have been selected to represent the concepts or philosophies of the key movements in architecture in order to develop an overall picture of the role of the sketch inthe development of architecture. The book illustrates the work of designers as diverse as Andrea Palladio, Erich Mendelsohn, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Gianlorenzo Bernini, Le Corbusier, Michelangelo, Alvar Aalto, Sir John Soane, Francesco......

No Way Out (Hardy Boys)

Franklin W. Dixon

  No Way Out (Hardy Boys)  Franklin W. Dixon  Book Description A Haunted Maze Has Twice The Dead Ends. Frank and Joe are thrilled to be taking part in the grand opening celebration of a new maze in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. By solving puzzles -- their specialty -- they could win a valuable prize! But once they arrive, the teens soon have a new puzzle to solve: The owner and designer of the maze, Chezleigh Alan Horton, suddenly disappears. As the boys make their way through a labyrinth of suspects, they face a new twist. Can Frank and Joe unravel a decade-old riddle to save the renowned mazemaster?  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description A Haunted Maze Has Twice The Dead Ends. Frank and Joe are thrilled to be taking part in the grand opening celebration of a new maze in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. By solving puzzles -- their specialty -- they could win a valuable prize! But once they arrive, the teens soon have a new puzzle to solve: The owner and designer of the maze, Chezleigh Alan Horton, suddenly disappears. As the boys make their way through a labyrinth of suspects, they face a new twist. Can Frank and Joe unravel a decade-old riddle to save the renowned mazemaster?...

Complete Poems: The Personal Edition of George Eliot's Works

George Eliot

  Complete Poems: The Personal Edition of George Eliot's Works  George Eliot  Book DescriptionSee other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSee other titles by this author available from Kessinger Publishing....

<<<  Российские мусульмане и революция (1917 - 1918). ...             Строительство дома от фундамента до крыши. ... >>>

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Darkroom To Digital: Black And White Photography With Photoshop - The Art Of Transitions. Eddie Ephraums . Книги.

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