151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff (151 Quick Ideas)

Jerry R. Wilson

  151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff (151 Quick Ideas)  Jerry R. Wilson  Book DescriptionFor most businesses, attracting new employees and getting your existing employees to succeed is a never-ending task. It?s often rooted in inefficient hiring practices, misunderstood motivational techniques, inadequate training, and high employee turnover. The results: low productivity and poor performance leading to lower revenue, unhappy customers, and endless management headaches. Jerry Wilson?s 151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff takes the mystery out of motivating employees to achieve personal and business success. The basic concept: Inspire your employees to create and maintain delighted repeat customers! This book demonstrates that business owners don?t have to constantly replace employees or use artificialincentives and harsh methods to get employees to help the business succeed. Wilson shows business owners and managers how to do it themselves without the pain and suffering. And you don?t have to invent any new approaches,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFor most businesses, attracting new employees and getting your existing employees to succeed is a never-ending task. It?s often rooted in inefficient hiring practices, misunderstood motivational techniques, inadequate training, and high employee turnover. The results: low productivity and poor performance leading to lower revenue, unhappy customers, and endless management headaches. Jerry Wilson?s 151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff takes the mystery out of motivating employees to achieve personal and business success. The basic concept: Inspire your employees to create and maintain delighted repeat customers! This book demonstrates that business owners don?t have to constantly replace employees or use artificialincentives and harsh methods to get employees to help the business succeed. Wilson shows business owners and managers how to do it themselves without the pain and suffering. And you don?t have to invent any new approaches,......

Overcoming the Inheritance Taboo: How to Preserve Relationships and Transfer Possessions

Steven J. Hendlin

  Overcoming the Inheritance Taboo: How to Preserve Relationships and Transfer Possessions  Steven J. Hendlin  Book Description Few issues facing families today are as difficult to confront as that of inheritance. It?s a subject that?s usually avoided until too late?and the resulting bitterness between surviving parents and siblings can be lastingand substantial. Dr. Hendlin brings his unique experience as a psychotherapist and writer on the psychology of investing to Overcoming the Inheritance Taboo . This is the first book of its kind to focus primarily on the emotional and psychological aspects of inheritance as well as on the practical. The insights it offers are enhanced by the personal experience of the author living through the inheritance process as he was writing about it. With special sections on managing grief and the importance of estate planning, Overcoming the Inheritance Taboo will prepare you and your family with the necessary tools to avoid a costly, emotionally taxing ordeal over inherited money and possessions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Few issues facing families today are as difficult to confront as that of inheritance. It?s a subject that?s usually avoided until too late?and the resulting bitterness between surviving parents and siblings can be lastingand substantial. Dr. Hendlin brings his unique experience as a psychotherapist and writer on the psychology of investing to Overcoming the Inheritance Taboo . This is the first book of its kind to focus primarily on the emotional and psychological aspects of inheritance as well as on the practical. The insights it offers are enhanced by the personal experience of the author living through the inheritance process as he was writing about it. With special sections on managing grief and the importance of estate planning, Overcoming the Inheritance Taboo will prepare you and your family with the necessary tools to avoid a costly, emotionally taxing ordeal over inherited money and possessions....

The Most Typical Avant-Garde : History and Geography of Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles

David E. James

  The Most Typical Avant-Garde : History and Geography of Minor Cinemas in Los Angeles  David E. James  Book DescriptionLos Angeles has nourished a dazzling array of independent cinemas: avant-garde and art cinema, ethnic and industrial films, pornography, documentaries, and many other far-flung corners of film culture. This glorious panoramic history of film production outside the commercial studio system reconfigures Los Angeles, rather than New York, as the true center of avant-garde cinema in the United States. As he brilliantly delineates the cultural perimeter of the film business from the earliest days of cinema to the contemporary scene, David James argues that avant-garde and minority filmmaking in Los Angeles has in fact been the prototypical attempt to create emancipatory and progressive culture. Drawing from urban history and geography, local news reporting, and a wide range of film criticism, James gives astute analyzes of scores of films--many of which are to found only in archives. He also looks at some of the most innovative moments in Hollywood, revealing...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLos Angeles has nourished a dazzling array of independent cinemas: avant-garde and art cinema, ethnic and industrial films, pornography, documentaries, and many other far-flung corners of film culture. This glorious panoramic history of film production outside the commercial studio system reconfigures Los Angeles, rather than New York, as the true center of avant-garde cinema in the United States. As he brilliantly delineates the cultural perimeter of the film business from the earliest days of cinema to the contemporary scene, David James argues that avant-garde and minority filmmaking in Los Angeles has in fact been the prototypical attempt to create emancipatory and progressive culture. Drawing from urban history and geography, local news reporting, and a wide range of film criticism, James gives astute analyzes of scores of films--many of which are to found only in archives. He also looks at some of the most innovative moments in Hollywood, revealing......

Braun & Schneider's Historic Costume CD-ROM and Book

  Braun & Schneider's Historic Costume CD-ROM and Book  Book Description All 500 handsome, authentically detailed illustrations--each one containing several figures--from Braun and Schneider's monumental pictorial survey of historic costumes that has been a Dover bestseller for decades. The time span is from ancient times to the mid-nineteenth century. Includes both folk and formal dress. Dover Original.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description All 500 handsome, authentically detailed illustrations--each one containing several figures--from Braun and Schneider's monumental pictorial survey of historic costumes that has been a Dover bestseller for decades. The time span is from ancient times to the mid-nineteenth century. Includes both folk and formal dress. Dover Original....


Jean-Baptiste Huynh

  Inde  Jean-Baptiste Huynh  Book DescriptionJean-Baptiste Huynh takes us to India. He shows us the country through portraits of Indians he met in Delhi, Benares, Madras, Jodhpur and Ladakh. The heritage of the past can be read in the faces of these men, women and children, of all ages. Real feeling was kindled between the artist and his subject at each meeting and it shines through, each portrait revealing an intense inner life. The reader senses the depth, fragility and spirituality of each one, from the child emerging from the Ganges to the pensive wise man exhaling the smoke from his cigarette. The photographer offers us a timeless, poetic view of India. Text in English and French.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionJean-Baptiste Huynh takes us to India. He shows us the country through portraits of Indians he met in Delhi, Benares, Madras, Jodhpur and Ladakh. The heritage of the past can be read in the faces of these men, women and children, of all ages. Real feeling was kindled between the artist and his subject at each meeting and it shines through, each portrait revealing an intense inner life. The reader senses the depth, fragility and spirituality of each one, from the child emerging from the Ganges to the pensive wise man exhaling the smoke from his cigarette. The photographer offers us a timeless, poetic view of India. Text in English and French....

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151 Quick Ideas to Inspire Your Staff (151 Quick Ideas). Jerry R. Wilson . Книги.

Щёлково, Новочеркасск, Канск, Энгельс, Улан-Удэ, Невинномысск, Иркутск, Артём, Черкесск, Мурманск, Владивосток, Нефтекамск, Челябинск, Подольск, Нефтекамск, Ногинск,
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