10000 советов от рождения до 3 лет

  10000 советов от рождения до 3 лет  Харвест.   В книге, предлагаемой вниманию молодых родителей, в доступной форме даются исчерпывающие ответы на любые вопросы: Чем кормить малыша? В какие игры ему играть? Что делать, если ребенок заболел? Как справиться с трудностями общения? А также множество необходимых советов и рекомендаций по воспитанию и уходу за малышом, оказанию первой помощи и т. д.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Харвест. В книге, предлагаемой вниманию молодых родителей, в доступной форме даются исчерпывающие ответы на любые вопросы: Чем кормить малыша? В какие игры ему играть? Что делать, если ребенок заболел? Как справиться с трудностями общения? А также множество необходимых советов и рекомендаций по воспитанию и уходу за малышом, оказанию первой помощи и т. д....

Courage Is Contagious: Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things to Change the Face of America

John Kasich

  Courage Is Contagious: Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things to Change the Face of America  John Kasich  A modern-day Profiles in Courage about twenty people who are doing heroic things to improve the lives of their fellow Americans. Now available in trade paperback, Courage Is Contagious is a remarkable document about everyday people helping to reshape America. Written by Congressman John Kasich, the book profiles twenty men and women from across the country who have, through their own courage, determination, and generous hearts, attempted to improve the lot of their fellow citizens. The values they exhibit, Congressman Kasich argues, are the very values we as a society need to encourage and support if we are to end our nation's divisiveness and fulfill its glorious promise. Among the people Kasich writes about are Cheryl Krueger, who started a successful cookie business that puts people ahead of profits by employing women who often wouldn't be given a chance by other companies; and Dr. Jack McConnell, who, shocked by the poverty outside his neighborhood, organized...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A modern-day Profiles in Courage about twenty people who are doing heroic things to improve the lives of their fellow Americans. Now available in trade paperback, Courage Is Contagious is a remarkable document about everyday people helping to reshape America. Written by Congressman John Kasich, the book profiles twenty men and women from across the country who have, through their own courage, determination, and generous hearts, attempted to improve the lot of their fellow citizens. The values they exhibit, Congressman Kasich argues, are the very values we as a society need to encourage and support if we are to end our nation's divisiveness and fulfill its glorious promise. Among the people Kasich writes about are Cheryl Krueger, who started a successful cookie business that puts people ahead of profits by employing women who often wouldn't be given a chance by other companies; and Dr. Jack McConnell, who, shocked by the poverty outside his neighborhood, organized......

Not Your Father's Union Movement: Inside the Afl-Cio

Jo-Ann Mort

  Not Your Father's Union Movement: Inside the Afl-Cio  Jo-Ann Mort  A seismic shift occurred inside the US trade union movement in October 1994 when the 'New Voice' campaign swept a new leadership into the AFL-CIO, the federation of American unions. Led by John Sweeney, the campaign forced the first democratic election for top officers in the history of the organisation. The new team, including Sweeney as President, Rich Trumka as Secretary-Treasurer, and Linda Chavaz-Thompson as Executive Vice-President, came to power promising changes from within. With the new leadership came a virtually complete recasting of the federation designed to meet the needs of working families in a changing economy and rebuild the most critical link in fighting for a more progressive and egalitarian America. The US union movement is making news again--from political action to organising, from challenging corporate power to building links with workers in an international arena. Yet, even with increased press attention and more public awareness of today's unions, the inside...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A seismic shift occurred inside the US trade union movement in October 1994 when the 'New Voice' campaign swept a new leadership into the AFL-CIO, the federation of American unions. Led by John Sweeney, the campaign forced the first democratic election for top officers in the history of the organisation. The new team, including Sweeney as President, Rich Trumka as Secretary-Treasurer, and Linda Chavaz-Thompson as Executive Vice-President, came to power promising changes from within. With the new leadership came a virtually complete recasting of the federation designed to meet the needs of working families in a changing economy and rebuild the most critical link in fighting for a more progressive and egalitarian America. The US union movement is making news again--from political action to organising, from challenging corporate power to building links with workers in an international arena. Yet, even with increased press attention and more public awareness of today's unions, the inside......

Environmental Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Inspections: A Compliance Guide for Business and Industry

Mark S. Dennison

  Environmental Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Inspections: A Compliance Guide for Business and Industry  Mark S. Dennison  This easy-to-understand compliance guide explains the environmental regulatory requirements in practical terms that a company's environmental manager, attorney, or consultant can apply directly to a business or to a facilities' day-to-day operations. Divided into three parts, it offers an overview of important federal and state environmental laws affecting business and industry; specific recording and recordkeeping requirements; procedures; compliance audits; and how to handle environmental inspections and procedures used by government regulators. Also included are practical tables and helpful checklists to summarize key points and provide quick reference guides to regulatory requirements.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This easy-to-understand compliance guide explains the environmental regulatory requirements in practical terms that a company's environmental manager, attorney, or consultant can apply directly to a business or to a facilities' day-to-day operations. Divided into three parts, it offers an overview of important federal and state environmental laws affecting business and industry; specific recording and recordkeeping requirements; procedures; compliance audits; and how to handle environmental inspections and procedures used by government regulators. Also included are practical tables and helpful checklists to summarize key points and provide quick reference guides to regulatory requirements....

Regulation and Efficiency in Banking: 124 Articles, Dating from 1973 to 1998 (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series)

Maximilian J.B. Hall

  Regulation and Efficiency in Banking: 124 Articles, Dating from 1973 to 1998 (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series)  Maximilian J.B. Hall  ?As the custodians of the UK?s new single financial services regulator we at the FSA are keen to learn from the academic world. Indeed, we would like to encourage more academic research on the subject of financial regulation. So we welcome the increasing breadth and depth of work in this area, as reflected in these useful and thought provoking volumes.? - Howard Davies, Financial Services Authority, London, UK This major four-volume collection will prove invaluable for lecturers, researchers and practitioners. The first volume covers the case for and against banking regulation, touching upon the design of an ?optimal? regulatory framework. The second is concerned with deposit insurance, examining the arguments for and against its adoption and the problems encountered in its implementation. The material in the third volume deals with the vexed issue of capital adequacy assessment, including the roles played by capital and capital regulation and the G10...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ?As the custodians of the UK?s new single financial services regulator we at the FSA are keen to learn from the academic world. Indeed, we would like to encourage more academic research on the subject of financial regulation. So we welcome the increasing breadth and depth of work in this area, as reflected in these useful and thought provoking volumes.? - Howard Davies, Financial Services Authority, London, UK This major four-volume collection will prove invaluable for lecturers, researchers and practitioners. The first volume covers the case for and against banking regulation, touching upon the design of an ?optimal? regulatory framework. The second is concerned with deposit insurance, examining the arguments for and against its adoption and the problems encountered in its implementation. The material in the third volume deals with the vexed issue of capital adequacy assessment, including the roles played by capital and capital regulation and the G10......

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