Красная Шапочка

  Красная Шапочка  Махаон.   Почитай мне сказку.   Для чтения взрослыми детям. Формат: 11 см х 14 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Махаон. Почитай мне сказку. Для чтения взрослыми детям. Формат: 11 см х 14 см....

The Corporate Shaman: A Business Fable

Richard Whiteley

  The Corporate Shaman: A Business Fable  Richard Whiteley  Shaman -- a Siberian word for Shaman -- a Siberian word for "one who sees in the dark" -- refers to healers who for over 40,000 years have entered an altered state of mind at will and journeyed to other worlds, using the power, wisdom, and energies of those worlds to create positive change in people and the environments in which they live. Since shamanic practices are aimed at healing individuals and since business organizations are nothing more than groups of individuals, it follows that these powerful methods are successful when used to heal and restore spirit to businesses. Out of this idea emerges the corporate shaman, a consultant who recognizes the business as organism, not machine, and reestablishes healthy internal environments in corporations. PRIMETEC is a midsize company in crisis. Without realizing that he is a major part of the problem, CEO Leon King is pointing the finger at his executives, managers, and just about everyone else. As a result, the company's executives are caught in a......

The Whole Brain Business Book

Ned Herrmann

  The Whole Brain Business Book  Ned Herrmann  The Whole Brain Business Book is the long-awaited culmination of Ned Herrmann's highly respected and extensive research and testing. In it, he presents his four-quadrant model of the brain and the corresponding thinking styles: logician, organizer, communicator, and visionary. Most people and organizations, he demonstrates, are stuck in a ``brain rut'' because their work is dominated by just one mode. Through highly practical explorations and exercises, he shows individuals and organizations how to harness the power of the whole brain. Readers will use The Whole Brain Business Book to expand their own thinking styles--to create and manage Whole Brain Teams--and to introduce new levels of flexibility and innovation into the corporate culture. It will showthem how organizations like DuPont and GE use their ``whole brain'' orientation to thrive and profit in times of chaos--and it will help them to do the same.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Whole Brain Business Book is the long-awaited culmination of Ned Herrmann's highly respected and extensive research and testing. In it, he presents his four-quadrant model of the brain and the corresponding thinking styles: logician, organizer, communicator, and visionary. Most people and organizations, he demonstrates, are stuck in a ``brain rut'' because their work is dominated by just one mode. Through highly practical explorations and exercises, he shows individuals and organizations how to harness the power of the whole brain. Readers will use The Whole Brain Business Book to expand their own thinking styles--to create and manage Whole Brain Teams--and to introduce new levels of flexibility and innovation into the corporate culture. It will showthem how organizations like DuPont and GE use their ``whole brain'' orientation to thrive and profit in times of chaos--and it will help them to do the same....

The Theory of Technological Change and Economic Growth

Stanislaw Gomulka

  The Theory of Technological Change and Economic Growth  Stanislaw Gomulka  What is the relationship between changes in the technology employed in the production process and growth in the economy as a whole? In this wide ranging exposition of the various economic theories of technological change, Stanislaw Gomulka relates them to rates of growth experienced by different economies in both the short and long term. Analysis of countries as diverse as Japan, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom demonstrate that there is an interdependence between technological change and the institutional and cultural characteristics of different countries which can have a profound effect on their rates of growth. All of the major, relevant models are discussed, including those of Kuznets, Phelps, Kaldor, and Hicks, but throughout the emphasis ison the creation of a unified theoretical framework to help explain the impact of technological progress on both a micro and macro scale.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What is the relationship between changes in the technology employed in the production process and growth in the economy as a whole? In this wide ranging exposition of the various economic theories of technological change, Stanislaw Gomulka relates them to rates of growth experienced by different economies in both the short and long term. Analysis of countries as diverse as Japan, the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom demonstrate that there is an interdependence between technological change and the institutional and cultural characteristics of different countries which can have a profound effect on their rates of growth. All of the major, relevant models are discussed, including those of Kuznets, Phelps, Kaldor, and Hicks, but throughout the emphasis ison the creation of a unified theoretical framework to help explain the impact of technological progress on both a micro and macro scale....

The Environment, Employment and Sustainable Development

Monica Hale, Mike Lachowicz

  The Environment, Employment and Sustainable Development  Monica Hale, Mike Lachowicz  In recent years the environment has become an increasingly important issue in many sectors of society, from business and industry to community and government. This wide-ranging collection features contributors from the UK, Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland. It offers an original analysis of the progress being made in a number of European countries towards sustainable development and the impact this is having on the jobs market and the career structure of those employed for their environmental skills and expertise. Consideration is also paid to the commercial logic for businesses In recent years the environment has become an increasingly important issue in many sectors of society, from business and industry to community and government. This wide-ranging collection features contributors from the UK, Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Ireland. It offers an original analysis of the progress being made in a number of European countries towards sustainable development and the impact this is having on the jobs market and the career structure of those employed for their environmental skills and expertise. Consideration is also paid to the commercial logic for businesses "going green", as well as institutionalized environmental policies, including the impact of the European Environment agency and European Community environmental directives, as well as global conventions and agreements on biodiversity and sustainable development. The book will be an important work for students, researchers and practitioners with an interest in environmental......

<<<  Маркетинг. Т. Д. Маслова, С. Г. Божук, Л. ...             My Take-Along Library - Early Learning (My Take-Along Library). Kim ... >>>

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Конструкторы из картона. Умная бумага| Современный детектив| Право. Юриспруденция| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Начальная школа| Познавательные программы| Тесты, ПДД| Естествознание| Итальянский| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Драмы отношений| Абитуриентам| Фэнтези| Компьютерные технологии в предпринимательстве| Финансовое и банковское право| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Драмы| Классическая и инструментальная музыка| Фантастика. Фэнтези. Ужасы| Европейские языки| Экономический роман| Детская литература| Охрана труда| Общие вопросы| Индийские комедии| Товароведение| Криминальные комедии| Индийские детективы| Химия| Мистические боевики| Информационные технологии в предпринимательстве| Молодежные триллеры| Филологические науки| Теннис| Фантастика. Фэнтези. Ужасы| Общественные науки| Домашний круг| Антивирусы других производителей| Мистические боевики| Коммерческое и акционерное право| Экранизации современной прозы|
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