Free or Unfree?: Are Americans Really Free?

Edward de Bono

  Free or Unfree?: Are Americans Really Free?  Edward de Bono  DBA Phoenix Books.   Edward De Bono believes in freedom, but poses the question: DBA Phoenix Books. Edward De Bono believes in freedom, but poses the question: "If you cannot see clearly, are you making a free choice?" And, that question is at the heart of his new book. De Bono has devoted his life and career to getting his readers - business leaders, educators, and politicians among others - to understand that clarity of thinking is essential to a free society. It is not enough to simply be free from coercion. De Bono argues that there is no true freedom without the ability to see correctly the options we have. And, to see these options requires thinking- thinking of a kind that De Bono says not the norm, and which urgently needs to be emphasized and taught. The best short introduction to his work, "Free or Unfree" uses anecdote to convey his ideas, and provides numerous examples that illustrate his thesis: to be free means to understand the choices we make, and understanding can only come through improving the wau we think....

Play the Ruy Lopez

Andrew Greet

  Play the Ruy Lopez  Andrew Greet  Everyman Chess.   The Ruy Lopez is an incredibly popular opening at all levels of chess; this is perhaps unsurprising given that it’s recognized by most experts as White’s greatest chance of obtaining a lasting advantage after the moves 1 e4 e5. Also known as the Spanish Opening, the Lopez is steeped in rich tradition, having provided the battleground for countless clashes between World Champions of past and present: Kasparov, Fischer, Karpov, Topalov, Kramnik, Anand – the list is endless!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Everyman Chess. The Ruy Lopez is an incredibly popular opening at all levels of chess; this is perhaps unsurprising given that it’s recognized by most experts as White’s greatest chance of obtaining a lasting advantage after the moves 1 e4 e5. Also known as the Spanish Opening, the Lopez is steeped in rich tradition, having provided the battleground for countless clashes between World Champions of past and present: Kasparov, Fischer, Karpov, Topalov, Kramnik, Anand – the list is endless!...

Joel Whitburn's Billboard Top Pop Singles 1955-2006: 11th Edition (Joel Whitburn's Top Pop Singles (Cumulative))

  Joel Whitburn's Billboard Top Pop Singles 1955-2006: 11th Edition (Joel Whitburn's Top Pop Singles (Cumulative))  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Dog to Dog Communication: The Right Way to Socialize Your Dog

Jamie Shaw

  Dog to Dog Communication: The Right Way to Socialize Your Dog  Jamie Shaw  The Lyons Press.   Some dogs are friendly with other dogs, and others are consistently aggressive or fearful, no matter the breed. The Lyons Press. Some dogs are friendly with other dogs, and others are consistently aggressive or fearful, no matter the breed."Dog to Dog Communication" is a fully illustrated instructional guide that explains the natural and learned instincts that form a dog's temperament, and teaches readers how to apply the right kind of behavioural training methods to ensure a "dog friendly" companion that will be the toast of the town.This volume also shares case histories of specific dogs who transformed their doggie manners, even when their owners thought all hope was lost....

Поэтика Леонида Леонова и художественная картина мира в XX веке

  Поэтика Леонида Леонова и художественная картина мира в XX веке  Сборник содержит статьи российских и зарубежных исследователей, рассматривающих проблемы поэтики произведений писателя различных периодов, в частности, соотношение драматического и мелодраматического в прозе Леонова, систему ,,неопределенностей” в романе ,,Пирамида”, анализ образов Сталина и ангела Дымкова. Ряд статей сравнительно-типологического характера: Арцыбашева, с культурой Серебряного века в целом. Для студентов, филологов, специалистов по русской литературе XX в.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Сборник содержит статьи российских и зарубежных исследователей, рассматривающих проблемы поэтики произведений писателя различных периодов, в частности, соотношение драматического и мелодраматического в прозе Леонова, систему ,,неопределенностей” в романе ,,Пирамида”, анализ образов Сталина и ангела Дымкова. Ряд статей сравнительно-типологического характера: Арцыбашева, с культурой Серебряного века в целом. Для студентов, филологов, специалистов по русской литературе XX в....

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Free or Unfree?: Are Americans Really Free?. Edward de Bono . Книги.

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