
Джейсон Старр

  Паранойя  Джейсон Старр  У-Фактория.   Нуар.   Менеджер по продажам сетевых технологий Ричи Сегал переживает черную полосу в своей жизни. Дела на работе идут из рук вон плохо, жена Ричи получила повышение по службе и, похоже, увлеклась более перспективным молодым человеком. Ричи начинает прикладываться к бутылке, что только усугубляет дело. В довершение ко всем неприятностям он сталкивается на улице с человеком из своего прошлого - Майклом Рудником, который в детстве нанес ему тяжелую душевную травму. Ричи решает взять ситуацию под контроль, но судьба готовит ему новые испытания.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин У-Фактория. Нуар. Менеджер по продажам сетевых технологий Ричи Сегал переживает черную полосу в своей жизни. Дела на работе идут из рук вон плохо, жена Ричи получила повышение по службе и, похоже, увлеклась более перспективным молодым человеком. Ричи начинает прикладываться к бутылке, что только усугубляет дело. В довершение ко всем неприятностям он сталкивается на улице с человеком из своего прошлого - Майклом Рудником, который в детстве нанес ему тяжелую душевную травму. Ричи решает взять ситуацию под контроль, но судьба готовит ему новые испытания....

Эммануэль. В трех томах. Том 2

Эммануэль Арсан

  Эммануэль. В трех томах. Том 2  Эммануэль Арсан  Элита.   Том второй Элита. Том второй "Эммануэль, или Любовь к искусству" содержит три части: "Я хочу, чтобы тело мое стало местом свиданий", "Свадьба в необыкновенном мире" и "Люди и вода"....

The Paradox of Excellence : How Great Performance Can Kill Your Business

David Mosby

  The Paradox of Excellence : How Great Performance Can Kill Your Business  David Mosby  Book DescriptionAre you striving for excellence yet find your efforts increasingly taken for granted and undervalued? You’re not alone. Many companies discover their improved performance doesn’t translate into higher perceived value. In fact,it simply shifts the customer’s expectations upward, causing the customer to take the new, improved performance for granted. High-performance companies unwittingly create unrealistic customer expectations that become impossible to meet. In this important book, the authors use a realistic story that illustrates the paradox of excellence?the better you perform, the more invisible you become to everything but bad news?shows the symptoms and causes, and provides clear guidance for overcoming this perplexing dilemma. The Paradox of Excellence introduces an entertaining story with characters that are easy to relate to, ideas that can be readily implemented, and a practical framework for achieving long-term...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAre you striving for excellence yet find your efforts increasingly taken for granted and undervalued? You’re not alone. Many companies discover their improved performance doesn’t translate into higher perceived value. In fact,it simply shifts the customer’s expectations upward, causing the customer to take the new, improved performance for granted. High-performance companies unwittingly create unrealistic customer expectations that become impossible to meet. In this important book, the authors use a realistic story that illustrates the paradox of excellence?the better you perform, the more invisible you become to everything but bad news?shows the symptoms and causes, and provides clear guidance for overcoming this perplexing dilemma. The Paradox of Excellence introduces an entertaining story with characters that are easy to relate to, ideas that can be readily implemented, and a practical framework for achieving long-term......

Kyle Cooper (Monographics)

Andrea Codrington

  Kyle Cooper (Monographics)  Andrea Codrington  Book DescriptionKyle Cooper is acclaimed as the most innovative and important designer of film titles since Saul Bass. This attractive and informative book offers the first critical and historical assessment of Cooper's impressive design achievements. In this book, Andrea Codrington relates that Cooper's work first garnered major attention in 1995 with his creation of the extraordinary title sequence for the horror thriller Seven, which is credited with bringing about a renaissance in innovative film title design. Seven's titles were touted as short films in their own right-not merely a Book DescriptionKyle Cooper is acclaimed as the most innovative and important designer of film titles since Saul Bass. This attractive and informative book offers the first critical and historical assessment of Cooper's impressive design achievements. In this book, Andrea Codrington relates that Cooper's work first garnered major attention in 1995 with his creation of the extraordinary title sequence for the horror thriller Seven, which is credited with bringing about a renaissance in innovative film title design. Seven's titles were touted as short films in their own right-not merely a "design solution" but a metaphorical representation of the film as a whole. Codrington also discusses Cooper's work at the titles specialist R/Greenberg before he founded in 1996 his own Los Angeles based company, Imaginary Forces. As creative director there, Cooper now oversees a ninety-person team and has designed a stunning succession of highly regarded titles for such films as Eraser, Mission......

Decorating with Mini-Lights: 40 Sparkling Ideas & Projects for Home & Garden

Marcianne Miller

  Decorating with Mini-Lights: 40 Sparkling Ideas & Projects for Home & Garden  Marcianne Miller  Book Description Vast decorative possibilities spring from each of these pages, presenting everything from traditional white and rainbow strings to large gleaming, flickering orbs. Brighten display shelves; bring the garden in with a star-kissed bower of glimmering plants; give a young girl a princess canopy over her bed; or go through the year with seasonal and holiday sensations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Vast decorative possibilities spring from each of these pages, presenting everything from traditional white and rainbow strings to large gleaming, flickering orbs. Brighten display shelves; bring the garden in with a star-kissed bower of glimmering plants; give a young girl a princess canopy over her bed; or go through the year with seasonal and holiday sensations....

<<<  Иерейский молитвослов.              My Take-Along Library - Early Learning (My Take-Along Library). Kim ... >>>

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Паранойя. Джейсон Старр . Книги.

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