Positive Options for Children with Asthma : Everything Parents Need to Know (Postive Option)

O. P. Jaggi

  Positive Options for Children with Asthma : Everything Parents Need to Know (Postive Option)  O. P. Jaggi  Book DescriptionParents of asthmatic children often feel helpless in the midst of a severe attack. Written in a warm, reassuring tone, Positive Options for Children with Asthma helps parents better understand and cope with this frightening disease. The book offers advice on creating a safe, allergen-free environment, recognizing warning signs, reducing the intensity of attacks, and reviews the various diagnostic procedures, medications, and treatment options available. Most importantly, parents learn that they can play a key role in preventing and managing asthma attacks.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionParents of asthmatic children often feel helpless in the midst of a severe attack. Written in a warm, reassuring tone, Positive Options for Children with Asthma helps parents better understand and cope with this frightening disease. The book offers advice on creating a safe, allergen-free environment, recognizing warning signs, reducing the intensity of attacks, and reviews the various diagnostic procedures, medications, and treatment options available. Most importantly, parents learn that they can play a key role in preventing and managing asthma attacks....

In the Fig Tree : Surviving domestic violence in words and pictures

Grace Coleman

  In the Fig Tree : Surviving domestic violence in words and pictures  Grace Coleman  Book DescriptionOn average, someone in Pennsylvania dies every three days, as a result of domestic violence. Four women in the United States are murdered each day by an intimate male partner. In the Fig Tree is the result of a forum in which the voices of victims of domestic violence could be heard directly. They gathered; they laughed; they cried; they wrote. As you turn the pages of this book, what comes through are the voices of a group of survivors whom Pittsburgh's Crisis Center North has had the privilege of serving. Often, they choose not to speak of their respective victimization directly, but do so in less blatant, often more creative ways, capturing the impact that violence has had on their lives. In the Fig Tree is a book which helped its creators understand and derive meaning from the violence that changed their lives forever, while giving readers a unique glimpse into their world. It is a book which honors the voice of the survivor and the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOn average, someone in Pennsylvania dies every three days, as a result of domestic violence. Four women in the United States are murdered each day by an intimate male partner. In the Fig Tree is the result of a forum in which the voices of victims of domestic violence could be heard directly. They gathered; they laughed; they cried; they wrote. As you turn the pages of this book, what comes through are the voices of a group of survivors whom Pittsburgh's Crisis Center North has had the privilege of serving. Often, they choose not to speak of their respective victimization directly, but do so in less blatant, often more creative ways, capturing the impact that violence has had on their lives. In the Fig Tree is a book which helped its creators understand and derive meaning from the violence that changed their lives forever, while giving readers a unique glimpse into their world. It is a book which honors the voice of the survivor and the......

A Journey To Bali Coloring Book

Gaia Grant

  A Journey To Bali Coloring Book  Gaia Grant  Book Description This coloring book, aimed at children ages 3-10, provides insight into how children in Bali see themselves and their world. The paintings, contributed by author Gaia Grant and six young Balinese artists, depict the beautiful landscapeand people of the exotic tropical island of Bali. Readers of all ages will enjoy the wondrous sights of this island of the gods, and children will have fun filling in the colors of their own Bali.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This coloring book, aimed at children ages 3-10, provides insight into how children in Bali see themselves and their world. The paintings, contributed by author Gaia Grant and six young Balinese artists, depict the beautiful landscapeand people of the exotic tropical island of Bali. Readers of all ages will enjoy the wondrous sights of this island of the gods, and children will have fun filling in the colors of their own Bali....

The Washingtonienne : A Novel

Jessica Cutler

  The Washingtonienne : A Novel  Jessica Cutler  Book DescriptionThe blog that scandalized Washington, D.C., is not a sharp steamy, utterly unrepentant novel set against the backdrop of the nations? capital . Book DescriptionThe blog that scandalized Washington, D.C., is not a sharp steamy, utterly unrepentant novel set against the backdrop of the nations? capital . "Just between us girls, Washington is an easy place to get laid. It?s a simple matter of economics: supply and demand. Washington lacks those industries that attract the Beautiful People, such as entertainment and fashion. Instead it has the government, also know as ?Hollywood for the Ugly.? Without the model-actress population to compete with, my stock shot up when I moved to DC." When Jacqueline Turner?s fiancee gives her two days to move out of his apartment, she has no choice but to leave New York City and crash with her best friend in Washington, DC. (She can?t be expected to keep herself in cute clothes while paying New York City rent, after all.) She needs a new, exciting life?not to mention real employment. Where better to get a fresh start than the......

Eternal Conversations: Remembering Louis Dudek

  Eternal Conversations: Remembering Louis Dudek  Book DescriptionLouis Dudek, poet, professor, editor, publisher, translator and legendary Canadian man of letters, passed away on March 22, 2001. Shortly after his death, many of the people whose lives he had touched, from family members to distinguishedwriters, voiced the same proposal: there must be a tribute. Dudek?s influence was vast and his accomplishments breathtaking?from revolutionizing this country?s small press movement (First Statement, Contact Press, CIV/n, Delta and Delta Canada) and editing such ground-breaking anthologies as Canadian Poems: 1850-1952 (with Irving Layton), Poetry of Our Time and The Making of Modern Poetry in Canada (with Michael Gnarowski), to authoring many remarkably eloquent volumes of poetry and criticism. He was also known as ?The Great Encourager? during his decades at McGill University, publishing the first books of such poets as Leonard Cohen. Robin Blaser called Dudek Book DescriptionLouis Dudek, poet, professor, editor, publisher, translator and legendary Canadian man of letters, passed away on March 22, 2001. Shortly after his death, many of the people whose lives he had touched, from family members to distinguishedwriters, voiced the same proposal: there must be a tribute. Dudek?s influence was vast and his accomplishments breathtaking?from revolutionizing this country?s small press movement (First Statement, Contact Press, CIV/n, Delta and Delta Canada) and editing such ground-breaking anthologies as Canadian Poems: 1850-1952 (with Irving Layton), Poetry of Our Time and The Making of Modern Poetry in Canada (with Michael Gnarowski), to authoring many remarkably eloquent volumes of poetry and criticism. He was also known as ?The Great Encourager? during his decades at McGill University, publishing the first books of such poets as Leonard Cohen. Robin Blaser called Dudek "Canada?s most important?that is to say,......

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Positive Options for Children with Asthma : Everything Parents Need to Know (Postive Option). O. P. Jaggi . Книги.

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