Настоящий Данилов, Нудистка и другие

Анатолий Волобуев

  Настоящий Данилов, Нудистка и другие  Анатолий Волобуев  ЛексЭст.   От издателя, Настоящий Данилов, Подпасок, Генеральская охота, Гон, Еда (Трилогия), Володька, Нудистка, Подсадная утка, Тартарен с улицы Чайковского, Интервью, Снежная баба, Жизнь складывается, Василек, Смирение гордыни, Плесни-ка, Молочница, Мухозои, Зарисовки, Знамение, Нашелся, Владимир, Сом, На Дворцовой, И на Остоженке.   Волею судеб оказавшийся за колючей проволокой, в сибирской колонии, Андрей, герой ЛексЭст. От издателя, Настоящий Данилов, Подпасок, Генеральская охота, Гон, Еда (Трилогия), Володька, Нудистка, Подсадная утка, Тартарен с улицы Чайковского, Интервью, Снежная баба, Жизнь складывается, Василек, Смирение гордыни, Плесни-ка, Молочница, Мухозои, Зарисовки, Знамение, Нашелся, Владимир, Сом, На Дворцовой, И на Остоженке. Волею судеб оказавшийся за колючей проволокой, в сибирской колонии, Андрей, герой "Настоящего Данилова", вынужден совершить побег. За несколько дней его жизнь меняется кардинально и весьма неожиданно. Мелодраматическая повесть захватывает с первых страниц, и ее хочется дочитать до конца, не отрываясь. Действующие лица рассказов (а они комичны, трагичны, автобиографичны) Анатолия Волобуева не менее "настоящие", нежели герои повести Данилов и Наталья. Их много, у каждого свой характер, но все они жизненны и поэтому одинаково любимы автором, хотя далеко и не всегда близки ему. Теплый юмор, искренность и доброта - свидетельство глубокой симпатии автора к его героям - людям, живущим не всегда правильно, но умеющим понимать, прощать и просить прощения....

Learning and Expectations in Macroeconomics

George W. Evans, Seppo Honkapohja

  Learning and Expectations in Macroeconomics  George W. Evans, Seppo Honkapohja  Princeton University Press.   Frontiers of Economic Research.   A crucial challenge for economists is figuring out how people interpret the world and form expectations that will likely influence their economic activity. Inflation, asset prices, exchange rates, investment, and consumption are just some of the economicvariables that are largely explained by expectations. Here George Evans and Seppo Honkapohja bring new explanatory power to a variety of expectation formation models by focusing on the learning factor. Whereas the rational expectations paradigm offers the prevailing method to determining expectations, it assumes very theoretical knowledge on the part of economic actors. Evans and Honkapohja contribute to a growing body of research positing that households and firms learn by making forecasts using observed data, updating their forecast rules over time in response to errors. This book is the first systematic development of the new statistical learning approach. Depending on the particular economic structure, the economy may converge...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Princeton University Press. Frontiers of Economic Research. A crucial challenge for economists is figuring out how people interpret the world and form expectations that will likely influence their economic activity. Inflation, asset prices, exchange rates, investment, and consumption are just some of the economicvariables that are largely explained by expectations. Here George Evans and Seppo Honkapohja bring new explanatory power to a variety of expectation formation models by focusing on the learning factor. Whereas the rational expectations paradigm offers the prevailing method to determining expectations, it assumes very theoretical knowledge on the part of economic actors. Evans and Honkapohja contribute to a growing body of research positing that households and firms learn by making forecasts using observed data, updating their forecast rules over time in response to errors. This book is the first systematic development of the new statistical learning approach. Depending on the particular economic structure, the economy may converge......

Jim Thompson The Unsolved Mystery

William Warren

  Jim Thompson The Unsolved Mystery  William Warren  On Easter Day, 1967, American businessmen and founder of the modern Thai silk industry James H.W. Thompson disappeared while supposedly on a stroll in the jungle-clad Cameron Highlands in Central Malaysia. Neither Jim Thompson nor his remains has ever been found. Some twenty years earlier Jim Thompson had abandoned his former life to embark on an exotic business career in Southeast Asia. After establishing the Thai Silk Company, Thompson built a house and an art collection which are among Bangkok'stop tourist attractions today. After vanishing, he became the subject of a massive search and investigation, and a mystery that has never been solved. This definitive account of the life of Jim Thompson, written by a man who knew him well, gives the reader a first-hand glance into his private affairs and his alleged role as an agent for the CIA . This true-life mystery will keep you turning the pages to the final chapter.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин On Easter Day, 1967, American businessmen and founder of the modern Thai silk industry James H.W. Thompson disappeared while supposedly on a stroll in the jungle-clad Cameron Highlands in Central Malaysia. Neither Jim Thompson nor his remains has ever been found. Some twenty years earlier Jim Thompson had abandoned his former life to embark on an exotic business career in Southeast Asia. After establishing the Thai Silk Company, Thompson built a house and an art collection which are among Bangkok'stop tourist attractions today. After vanishing, he became the subject of a massive search and investigation, and a mystery that has never been solved. This definitive account of the life of Jim Thompson, written by a man who knew him well, gives the reader a first-hand glance into his private affairs and his alleged role as an agent for the CIA . This true-life mystery will keep you turning the pages to the final chapter....

Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy

John Barkley Rosser, Marina V. Rosser, J. Barkley Rosser

  Comparative Economics in a Transforming World Economy  John Barkley Rosser, Marina V. Rosser, J. Barkley Rosser  This second edition of an innovative undergraduate text offers an approach to understanding different economic systems that reflects both recent transformations in the world economy and recent changes in the field of Comparative Economic Systems. The traditional way of teaching comparative economics, with its reliance on relatively simple dichotomies (private vs. state, planning vs. market) does not take into consideration the many variants and mixtures of economic systems that exist in the real world. The Rossers' introduction in the first edition of the concept of the This second edition of an innovative undergraduate text offers an approach to understanding different economic systems that reflects both recent transformations in the world economy and recent changes in the field of Comparative Economic Systems. The traditional way of teaching comparative economics, with its reliance on relatively simple dichotomies (private vs. state, planning vs. market) does not take into consideration the many variants and mixtures of economic systems that exist in the real world. The Rossers' introduction in the first edition of the concept of the "new traditional economy" -- the effort by a developing country to embed a modern economic system into a traditional culture, usually religious -- presented a new way to look at developing economies. Their innovative examination of Iran and its effort to develop a "revolutionary Islamic economy" as an alternative to market capitalism illustrates the use of this new tool in comparative economics. After a......

Trading Applications of Japanese Candlestick Charting (Wiley Finance)

Gary S. Wagner, Bradley L. Matheny

  Trading Applications of Japanese Candlestick Charting (Wiley Finance)  Gary S. Wagner, Bradley L. Matheny  Combines the expertise of a registered commodity broker and a systems analyst to bring readers up to date on candlestick charting methods. Goes a step beyond existing literature to discuss practical applications of this technique and recommended strategies. Integrates candlestick charts with Western technical indicators and trading methods such as stochastics, Elliott Wave, moving averages and oscillators. Features significant treatment of computer analysis of candlesticks.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Combines the expertise of a registered commodity broker and a systems analyst to bring readers up to date on candlestick charting methods. Goes a step beyond existing literature to discuss practical applications of this technique and recommended strategies. Integrates candlestick charts with Western technical indicators and trading methods such as stochastics, Elliott Wave, moving averages and oscillators. Features significant treatment of computer analysis of candlesticks....

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Настоящий Данилов, Нудистка и другие. Анатолий Волобуев . Книги.

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