Distraction Osteogenesis for Maxillofacial Surgeons, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics (The Clinics: Surgery)

Joseph Van Sickels

  Distraction Osteogenesis for Maxillofacial Surgeons, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics (The Clinics: Surgery)  Joseph Van Sickels  Guest Editors Joseph Van Sickels and Bethany Serafin present a comprehensive look at distraction and its operative techniques. Articles will highlight bone healing and the influence of distraction osteogenesis, distractor design and options, intra-arch distraction, indications for alveolar distraction, vertical and horizontal lengthening of the ramus and body, maxillary advancement, midface distraction, and orthopedic and orthodontic manipulation with distraction.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Guest Editors Joseph Van Sickels and Bethany Serafin present a comprehensive look at distraction and its operative techniques. Articles will highlight bone healing and the influence of distraction osteogenesis, distractor design and options, intra-arch distraction, indications for alveolar distraction, vertical and horizontal lengthening of the ramus and body, maxillary advancement, midface distraction, and orthopedic and orthodontic manipulation with distraction....

Multiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces: Friction, Superhydrophobicity, and Biomimetics (NanoScience and Technology)

Michael Nosonovsky, Bharat Bhushan

  Multiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces: Friction, Superhydrophobicity, and Biomimetics (NanoScience and Technology)  Michael Nosonovsky, Bharat Bhushan  Multiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces covers the rapidly developing topics of hierarchical surfaces, roughness-induced superhydrophobicity and biomimetic surfaces. The research in these topics has been progressing rapidly in the recent years due to the advances in the nanosciences and surfaces science and due to potential applications in nanotechnology. The first in its field, this monograph provides a comprehensive review of these subjects and presents the background introduction as well as recent and new results in the area.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Multiscale Dissipative Mechanisms and Hierarchical Surfaces covers the rapidly developing topics of hierarchical surfaces, roughness-induced superhydrophobicity and biomimetic surfaces. The research in these topics has been progressing rapidly in the recent years due to the advances in the nanosciences and surfaces science and due to potential applications in nanotechnology. The first in its field, this monograph provides a comprehensive review of these subjects and presents the background introduction as well as recent and new results in the area....

Tangram - Ausgabe in Sechs Banden - Level 11: Kursbuch & Arbeitsbuch 3a

  Tangram - Ausgabe in Sechs Banden - Level 11: Kursbuch & Arbeitsbuch 3a  Beate Bluggel, Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Anja Schumann, Eduard Von Jan  Beate Bluggel, Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Anja Schumann, Eduard Von Jan  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Beate Bluggel, Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Anja Schumann, Eduard Von Jan...

Гражданское уложение. Книга 4. Наследственное право. Проект Высочайше учрежденной Редакционной комиссии по составлению Гражданского уложения

Под редакцией И. М. Тютрюмова

  Гражданское уложение. Книга 4. Наследственное право. Проект Высочайше учрежденной Редакционной комиссии по составлению Гражданского уложения  Под редакцией И. М. Тютрюмова  Волтерс Клувер.   Книга четвертая продолжает переиздание проекта Гражданского уложения Российской империи с постатейными объяснениями, извлеченными из трудов Редакционной комиссии, систематизированными А.Л.Саатчианом, под редакцией И.М.Тютрюмова, впервые вышедшей в свет в 1910 г. Для специалистов в области гражданского права. Рекомендуется для студентов и аспирантов юридических вузов.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Волтерс Клувер. Книга четвертая продолжает переиздание проекта Гражданского уложения Российской империи с постатейными объяснениями, извлеченными из трудов Редакционной комиссии, систематизированными А.Л.Саатчианом, под редакцией И.М.Тютрюмова, впервые вышедшей в свет в 1910 г. Для специалистов в области гражданского права. Рекомендуется для студентов и аспирантов юридических вузов....


Dante Alighieri

  Purgatorio  Dante Alighieri  Aegypan.   America's most popular poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent many of his working years producing translations of European works. During the 19th century the Classic tradition was still vibrantly alive, in the countries across the Atlantic - and through his verse translations Longfellow hoped he might help it acquire similar importance among readers in the young republic of the United States. Many of these translations stand alongside Longfellow's most famous original poems - Aegypan. America's most popular poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent many of his working years producing translations of European works. During the 19th century the Classic tradition was still vibrantly alive, in the countries across the Atlantic - and through his verse translations Longfellow hoped he might help it acquire similar importance among readers in the young republic of the United States. Many of these translations stand alongside Longfellow's most famous original poems - "The Psalm of Life," "The Children's Hour" and "Hiawatha." Perhaps his most important were those based upon Dante, which he began in 1843. This second volume, "The Purgatory" - with its visions of the Wanton, the Gluttonous, the Sodomites, the Tree of Knowledge and the River Lethe - is second in the three-volume poem that begins with the "Inferno"....

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Distraction Osteogenesis for Maxillofacial Surgeons, An Issue of Atlas of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics (The Clinics: Surgery). Joseph Van Sickels . Книги.

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