Fishing the Sloe-Black River : Stories

Colum McCann

  Fishing the Sloe-Black River : Stories  Colum McCann  Amazon.comIn Songdogs, his first novel, Colum McCann, who divides his time between Ireland and America, explores the tensions created by movement between such different worlds. The thematic thread in this collection of short stories is much the same--thelonging to escape from, and the pull toward, a fixed and central point. Sometimes the theme is explored through travel: a survivor of Hiroshima emigrates to western Ireland, but always feels the blast of that defining moment; a young Irishwoman moves frenetically through America in search of tranquillity. Sometimes the motion is within the mind, as it is for the paralyzed cyclist who discards his bike after realizing that Amazon.comIn Songdogs, his first novel, Colum McCann, who divides his time between Ireland and America, explores the tensions created by movement between such different worlds. The thematic thread in this collection of short stories is much the same--thelonging to escape from, and the pull toward, a fixed and central point. Sometimes the theme is explored through travel: a survivor of Hiroshima emigrates to western Ireland, but always feels the blast of that defining moment; a young Irishwoman moves frenetically through America in search of tranquillity. Sometimes the motion is within the mind, as it is for the paralyzed cyclist who discards his bike after realizing that "the only thing it could be ridden with was a perfect cadence of the imagination."Book Description The short fiction of Colum McCann documents a dizzying cast of characters in exile, loss, love, and displacement. There is the worn boxing champion who steals clothes from a New Orleans laundromat, the rumored......

Carry A. Nation: Retelling The Life (Religion in North America)

Fran Grace

  Carry A. Nation: Retelling The Life (Religion in North America)  Fran Grace  Book DescriptionCarry Nation was fifty-four when she Book DescriptionCarry Nation was fifty-four when she "smashed" her first saloon. But we have known very little about what her life was like before she started her infamous hatchet crusadeUuntil now. In this first-ever scholarly biography of Nation, Fran Grace unfolds a story that often contrasts with the common public image of Nation as "Crazy Carry," a bellicose, blue-nosed, man-hating killjoy. Using newly available archival materials and placing Nation in her various historical and cultural contexts, Grace "retells" the crusaderIs tumultuous life....

Rand McNally Motor Carriers' Road Atlas 2006 (Rand Mcnally Motor Carriers' Road Atlas)

Rand McNally

  Rand McNally Motor Carriers' Road Atlas 2006 (Rand Mcnally Motor Carriers' Road Atlas)  Rand McNally  Book DescriptionWith more than 5,100 map updates?including new roads and interstate exits?you can count on America's #1 trucking atlas for the most comprehensive highway and industry information available. Features include: Over 500 changes to low clearance, weigh station, and restricted route listings Updated 22-page mileage directory with more than 40,000 city-to-city, route-specific mileages Coverage of state-designated truck routes as well as national truck network routes Updated coverage of hazardous materials regulations Web and hotline resources for industry-specific information including revised road construction and conditions State and provincial permit agency chart with phone numbers and websites Coverage: United States, Canada, and Mexico 208 pages; 15.375 Book DescriptionWith more than 5,100 map updates?including new roads and interstate exits?you can count on America's #1 trucking atlas for the most comprehensive highway and industry information available. Features include: Over 500 changes to low clearance, weigh station, and restricted route listings Updated 22-page mileage directory with more than 40,000 city-to-city, route-specific mileages Coverage of state-designated truck routes as well as national truck network routes Updated coverage of hazardous materials regulations Web and hotline resources for industry-specific information including revised road construction and conditions State and provincial permit agency chart with phone numbers and websites Coverage: United States, Canada, and Mexico 208 pages; 15.375" x 11"...

Корабль призраков

Виктория Платова

  Корабль призраков  Виктория Платова  АСТ, Астрель.   От дорогостоящего экстремального тура охоты на тюленей в северных морях можно ждать чего угодно: респектабельных спутников, потрясающих впечатлений, но никак не того, что из охотника ты сам можешь превратиться в добычу. И тем не менее все именно так и происходит, - участники необычного круиза оказываются пленниками корабля, команда которого исчезла, а механизмы - мертвы. А в скором времени оказываются мертвы и люди: кто-то методично, безжалостной без всякой видимой цели убивает пассажиров судна. И противостоять убийствам невозможно. Единственная мысль - кто следующий? - сводит с ума оставшихся в живых. Круг подозреваемых сокращается по мере того, как появляются новые жертвы. Будет ли убийца найден до того, как погибнет последний пассажир?.. Заключительная книга из серии о Еве, героине телесериала АСТ, Астрель. От дорогостоящего экстремального тура охоты на тюленей в северных морях можно ждать чего угодно: респектабельных спутников, потрясающих впечатлений, но никак не того, что из охотника ты сам можешь превратиться в добычу. И тем не менее все именно так и происходит, - участники необычного круиза оказываются пленниками корабля, команда которого исчезла, а механизмы - мертвы. А в скором времени оказываются мертвы и люди: кто-то методично, безжалостной без всякой видимой цели убивает пассажиров судна. И противостоять убийствам невозможно. Единственная мысль - кто следующий? - сводит с ума оставшихся в живых. Круг подозреваемых сокращается по мере того, как появляются новые жертвы. Будет ли убийца найден до того, как погибнет последний пассажир?.. Заключительная книга из серии о Еве, героине телесериала "Охота на Золушку"....

Analytical Methods of Electroacoustic Music (Studies on New Music Research)

Mary Simoni

  Analytical Methods of Electroacoustic Music (Studies on New Music Research)  Mary Simoni  Book Description This collection of essays on electroacoustic music explores the creative possibilities to be found in various forms of musical analysis. Taking pitch, duration, intensity, and timbre as the four basic elements of music, the authors discuss electroacoustic works. In this analysis, they examine the applications of neumes, contemporary staff notation, Csound orchestra and score files, time-domain representations, and spectrograms. They take into consideration both the positive (preservation of the abstract) and negative (creative limitation) aspects of these analytical methods. This text contains extensive artwork serving as demonstration, as well as a DVD with sound and video clips.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This collection of essays on electroacoustic music explores the creative possibilities to be found in various forms of musical analysis. Taking pitch, duration, intensity, and timbre as the four basic elements of music, the authors discuss electroacoustic works. In this analysis, they examine the applications of neumes, contemporary staff notation, Csound orchestra and score files, time-domain representations, and spectrograms. They take into consideration both the positive (preservation of the abstract) and negative (creative limitation) aspects of these analytical methods. This text contains extensive artwork serving as demonstration, as well as a DVD with sound and video clips....

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Fishing the Sloe-Black River : Stories. Colum McCann . Книги.

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