Эрнст Барлах

Ю. П. Маркин

  Эрнст Барлах  Ю. П. Маркин  Искусство.   В основу данной книги легли впечатления от личности человека, ощущавшего себя в нашем беспокойном мире философом, художников и писателем одновременно. Барлах - пример поразительной универсализации многослойного творческого почерка, возродившего традицию энциклопедического самовыражения в среде художников, казалось, безнадежно утраченную после Ренессанса. Его художественные работы (картины, скульптуры), драматические произведения резко выделяются из общего ряда произведений какой-то угрюмостью, озабоченностью своих образов. В издании содержится рассказ о художнике, иллюстрации его графических работ, фотографии скульптур и композиций.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Искусство. В основу данной книги легли впечатления от личности человека, ощущавшего себя в нашем беспокойном мире философом, художников и писателем одновременно. Барлах - пример поразительной универсализации многослойного творческого почерка, возродившего традицию энциклопедического самовыражения в среде художников, казалось, безнадежно утраченную после Ренессанса. Его художественные работы (картины, скульптуры), драматические произведения резко выделяются из общего ряда произведений какой-то угрюмостью, озабоченностью своих образов. В издании содержится рассказ о художнике, иллюстрации его графических работ, фотографии скульптур и композиций....

Jack Welch and the GE Way : Management Insights and Leadership Secrets of the Legendary CEO

Robert Slater

  Jack Welch and the GE Way : Management Insights and Leadership Secrets of the Legendary CEO  Robert Slater  Book DescriptionA brilliant portrait of Jack Welch's innovative leadership and how he dismantled the boundaries between management layers between engineers and marketers, and between GE and its customers to streamline the process of getting products and services to market.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA brilliant portrait of Jack Welch's innovative leadership and how he dismantled the boundaries between management layers between engineers and marketers, and between GE and its customers to streamline the process of getting products and services to market....

Oxford Primary Dictionary/ Толковый словарь английского языка. Более 30000 слов

Р. Ален

  Oxford Primary Dictionary/ Толковый словарь английского языка. Более 30000 слов  Р. Ален  Астрель.   Словарь предназначен для изучающих английский язык на продвинутом этапе и для преподавателей английского языка. Содержит более 30 000 слов с их грамматическими формами, краткими толкованиями и многочисленными примерами из современной английской письменной и устной речи. Способствует углубленному изучению английского языка.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Астрель. Словарь предназначен для изучающих английский язык на продвинутом этапе и для преподавателей английского языка. Содержит более 30 000 слов с их грамматическими формами, краткими толкованиями и многочисленными примерами из современной английской письменной и устной речи. Способствует углубленному изучению английского языка....

Goya's Caprichos : Aesthetics, Perception, and the Body

Andrew Schulz

  Goya's Caprichos : Aesthetics, Perception, and the Body  Andrew Schulz  Book DescriptionThis book provides detailed analysis of Francisco Goya's Los Caprichos, a series of eighty etchings published in 1799, by examining the artistic principles that animate these remarkable images, and considering the complex way that they relate to the particular historical moment in which the prints were created and first received. In discussing the perceptual tensions in Los Caprichos, Andrew Schulz reevaluates the relationship between Goya's etchings and the Spanish Enlightenment, and reconsiders Goya's career during the 1780s and 1790s. His contention is that notions of vision and perception - key leitmotifs of the Enlightenment that became problematic in the years around 1800 - are fundamental to the poetics of Los Caprichos. By positioning Los Caprichos in the interstices between Neoclassicism and Romanticism, he reaffirms their crucial position in the history of European art.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book provides detailed analysis of Francisco Goya's Los Caprichos, a series of eighty etchings published in 1799, by examining the artistic principles that animate these remarkable images, and considering the complex way that they relate to the particular historical moment in which the prints were created and first received. In discussing the perceptual tensions in Los Caprichos, Andrew Schulz reevaluates the relationship between Goya's etchings and the Spanish Enlightenment, and reconsiders Goya's career during the 1780s and 1790s. His contention is that notions of vision and perception - key leitmotifs of the Enlightenment that became problematic in the years around 1800 - are fundamental to the poetics of Los Caprichos. By positioning Los Caprichos in the interstices between Neoclassicism and Romanticism, he reaffirms their crucial position in the history of European art....

Harold Prince and the American Musical Theatre : Expanded Edition, with an Updated Foreword by Harold Prince

Foster Hirsch

  Harold Prince and the American Musical Theatre : Expanded Edition, with an Updated Foreword by Harold Prince  Foster Hirsch  Book DescriptionHere is a complete look at the outstanding career of Harold Prince, the most honored and influential producer/director in the history of postwar American musical theatre. Prince was a producer of The Pajama Game, Damn Yankees, Fiddler on the Roof and West Side Story; producer and director of Cabaret; and was involved in a series of landmark collaborations with composer/lyricist Stephen Sondheim, including Company, Follies, A Little Night Music and Sweeney Todd. He directed Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita and The Phantom of the Opera. His work has helped significantly to alter the musical, with convention-challenging subject matter, music, staging and design. It's no wonder he's won more Tony Awards than anyone else: 20 and counting. Foster Hirsch has updated the 1989 edition of this book to include Prince's more recent work on Kiss of the Spider Woman, Parade and the award-winning revival of Show Boat. He most notably gives an account of the creation and fortunes of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHere is a complete look at the outstanding career of Harold Prince, the most honored and influential producer/director in the history of postwar American musical theatre. Prince was a producer of The Pajama Game, Damn Yankees, Fiddler on the Roof and West Side Story; producer and director of Cabaret; and was involved in a series of landmark collaborations with composer/lyricist Stephen Sondheim, including Company, Follies, A Little Night Music and Sweeney Todd. He directed Andrew Lloyd Webber's Evita and The Phantom of the Opera. His work has helped significantly to alter the musical, with convention-challenging subject matter, music, staging and design. It's no wonder he's won more Tony Awards than anyone else: 20 and counting. Foster Hirsch has updated the 1989 edition of this book to include Prince's more recent work on Kiss of the Spider Woman, Parade and the award-winning revival of Show Boat. He most notably gives an account of the creation and fortunes of......

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Эрнст Барлах. Ю. П. Маркин . Книги.

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