Импрессионизм в русской живописи

Вячеслав Филлиппов

  Импрессионизм в русской живописи  Вячеслав Филлиппов  Белый город.   Цель этой книги - внести ясность в запутанный вопрос о наличии импрессионизма в русской живописи, существование которого оспаривалось многими исследователями. Решая увлекательную задачу - посмотреть на русскую живопись с точки зрения ее стилистического развития, автор предпринял попытку распутать сложный и запутанный клубок историко-художественных проблем. Импрессионизм, зародившись во Франции, проявился и в других художественных школах. При этом имело место не влияние извне в форме прямого заимствования чужого языка, а взаимодействие, диалог художественных культур, не исключающий национальной специфики. Для русского искусства импрессионизм оказался открытой во времени и пространстве системой, значение и ценность которой еще не исчерпаны.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Белый город. Цель этой книги - внести ясность в запутанный вопрос о наличии импрессионизма в русской живописи, существование которого оспаривалось многими исследователями. Решая увлекательную задачу - посмотреть на русскую живопись с точки зрения ее стилистического развития, автор предпринял попытку распутать сложный и запутанный клубок историко-художественных проблем. Импрессионизм, зародившись во Франции, проявился и в других художественных школах. При этом имело место не влияние извне в форме прямого заимствования чужого языка, а взаимодействие, диалог художественных культур, не исключающий национальной специфики. Для русского искусства импрессионизм оказался открытой во времени и пространстве системой, значение и ценность которой еще не исчерпаны....

1000 рецептов самых дешевых блюд

  1000 рецептов самых дешевых блюд  АСТ, Сталкер.   Вкусная книга.   Эта книга для тех, кто любят поесть со вкусом и знает счет деньгам. Студни, паштеты, запеканки, рулеты, суфле, котлеты, завиванцы. жаркое, колбасы, шашлыки - это лишь неполный перечень дешевых и полезных блюд из субпродуктов, рецепты приготовления которых вы найдете на страницах этого издания.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Сталкер. Вкусная книга. Эта книга для тех, кто любят поесть со вкусом и знает счет деньгам. Студни, паштеты, запеканки, рулеты, суфле, котлеты, завиванцы. жаркое, колбасы, шашлыки - это лишь неполный перечень дешевых и полезных блюд из субпродуктов, рецепты приготовления которых вы найдете на страницах этого издания....

Federal Taxation in America: A Short History (Woodrow Wilson Center Press)

W. Elliot Brownlee

  Federal Taxation in America: A Short History (Woodrow Wilson Center Press)  W. Elliot Brownlee  Extending from the ratification of the Constitution to the present day. W. Elliott Brownlee describes the five principal stages of federal taxation in relation to the crises that led to their adoption--the formation of the republic, the Civil War, World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. Now in a new edition, Brownlee expands his coverage to the present, with a new chapter focusing on the current tax policies of the Bush administration. This discussion is set within a larger analysis of contemporary tax and fiscal issues, including war finance, Social Security, and Medicare. First Edition Hb (1996): 0-521-56265-1 First Edition Pb (1996): 0-521-56586-3  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Extending from the ratification of the Constitution to the present day. W. Elliott Brownlee describes the five principal stages of federal taxation in relation to the crises that led to their adoption--the formation of the republic, the Civil War, World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II. Now in a new edition, Brownlee expands his coverage to the present, with a new chapter focusing on the current tax policies of the Bush administration. This discussion is set within a larger analysis of contemporary tax and fiscal issues, including war finance, Social Security, and Medicare. First Edition Hb (1996): 0-521-56265-1 First Edition Pb (1996): 0-521-56586-3...

Digital Enterprise : How to Reshape Your Business for a Connected World (A Harvard Business Review Book)

Nicholas G. Carr

  Digital Enterprise : How to Reshape Your Business for a Connected World (A Harvard Business Review Book)  Nicholas G. Carr  E-commerce trends-from online portals to business-to-business exchanges-have captured plenty of headlines, but it's now becoming clear that these trends are merely sideshows to the Internet's main event. In this bold and authoritative collectionof Harvard Business Review articles, editor and new-economy expert Nicholas G. Carr argues that the real story of the digital age is happening below the surface of commerce. Digital technologies are reshaping the very infrastructure of business, requiring radically different ways of organizing, structuring, and operating companies of all kinds. The result is the formation of an entirely new kind of organization Carr calls the digital enterprise . Revealing the insights of cutting-edge business thinkers, top corporate executives, and leading entrepreneurs including Gary Hamel, John Hagel, Clayton Christensen, EMC's Michael Ruettgers, and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, The Digital Enterprise takes...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин E-commerce trends-from online portals to business-to-business exchanges-have captured plenty of headlines, but it's now becoming clear that these trends are merely sideshows to the Internet's main event. In this bold and authoritative collectionof Harvard Business Review articles, editor and new-economy expert Nicholas G. Carr argues that the real story of the digital age is happening below the surface of commerce. Digital technologies are reshaping the very infrastructure of business, requiring radically different ways of organizing, structuring, and operating companies of all kinds. The result is the formation of an entirely new kind of organization Carr calls the digital enterprise . Revealing the insights of cutting-edge business thinkers, top corporate executives, and leading entrepreneurs including Gary Hamel, John Hagel, Clayton Christensen, EMC's Michael Ruettgers, and venture capitalist Vinod Khosla, The Digital Enterprise takes......

Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Comparative Policy and Performance : Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica

Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Alberto Arenas De Mesa, Ivan Brenes, Veronica Montecinos, Mark Samara

  Market, Socialist, and Mixed Economies: Comparative Policy and Performance : Chile, Cuba, and Costa Rica  Carmelo Mesa-Lago, Alberto Arenas De Mesa, Ivan Brenes, Veronica Montecinos, Mark Samara  How can we determine which economic model best provides for economic development and social welfare? In this major comparative work, noted economist Carmelo Mesa-Lago analyzes three Latin American countries with divergent economic systems: Chile (a market economy), Cuba (socialist), and Costa Rica (mixed). He examines their economic and social policies, shows how these policies affect performance based on a set of socioeconomic variables, and ranks the countries among themselves (using new techniques) and in comparison with international indicators. The time frame of the study embraces thirty-eight years for Costa Rica (under the democratic social democracy) and Cuba (under the socialist revolution) and twenty-four years for Chile (under Pinochet and thereturn to democracy). Mesa-Lago focuses on the three diverse socioeconomic models that these countries represent during these periods.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How can we determine which economic model best provides for economic development and social welfare? In this major comparative work, noted economist Carmelo Mesa-Lago analyzes three Latin American countries with divergent economic systems: Chile (a market economy), Cuba (socialist), and Costa Rica (mixed). He examines their economic and social policies, shows how these policies affect performance based on a set of socioeconomic variables, and ranks the countries among themselves (using new techniques) and in comparison with international indicators. The time frame of the study embraces thirty-eight years for Costa Rica (under the democratic social democracy) and Cuba (under the socialist revolution) and twenty-four years for Chile (under Pinochet and thereturn to democracy). Mesa-Lago focuses on the three diverse socioeconomic models that these countries represent during these periods....

<<<  Знакомьтесь: Африка. С. Ю. Афонькин             Discounted Labour: Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939 (Themes in Canadian ... >>>

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Импрессионизм в русской живописи. Вячеслав Филлиппов . Книги.

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