Pieces of Me

Charlotte Gingras

  Pieces of Me  Charlotte Gingras  Mirabelle's art teacher tells her she has talent, but what good is it doing her? Almost fifteen and friendless, Mira is plagued by dark thoughts. Her body seems to be changing daily. Her mother is domineering and half-crazy and her father -- well, he's her ex-father, mostly out of Mira's life and awkward when he's around. Then she meets free-spirited, confident Catherine, a knockout who makes the boys' jaws drop. Not only is Catherine good at art like Mira, she also knows about kissing boys. Mira has never kissed anyone and doesn't understand the hungry way boys are beginning to look at her. Now that Mira's finally found someone she can talk to, her dark thoughts are vanishing. But as her friend encourages her to come out of her shell, Mira finds that her new-found confidence can still be shattered in an instant. Only after Mira faces a betrayal and a tragedy can she begin to put the fragmented pieces of herself together.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Mirabelle's art teacher tells her she has talent, but what good is it doing her? Almost fifteen and friendless, Mira is plagued by dark thoughts. Her body seems to be changing daily. Her mother is domineering and half-crazy and her father -- well, he's her ex-father, mostly out of Mira's life and awkward when he's around. Then she meets free-spirited, confident Catherine, a knockout who makes the boys' jaws drop. Not only is Catherine good at art like Mira, she also knows about kissing boys. Mira has never kissed anyone and doesn't understand the hungry way boys are beginning to look at her. Now that Mira's finally found someone she can talk to, her dark thoughts are vanishing. But as her friend encourages her to come out of her shell, Mira finds that her new-found confidence can still be shattered in an instant. Only after Mira faces a betrayal and a tragedy can she begin to put the fragmented pieces of herself together....

Socks (Cozy)

Chrissie Day

  Socks (Cozy)  Chrissie Day  Throw out those holey old horrors and treat your feet with these inspiring toe-warmers! No need to wear boring socks when this attractive collection is simply packed with unique and wonderful designs, from cutie baby bootees and glamorous boudoir slippers to rugged outdoor knits for men. The 30 knitted projects—including “Lacy Racy Knee-highs,” “Cable Clogs,” and “Cashmere Slouches”—are fast, fun, and practical, with easy-to-follow patterns and techniques. Anyone who has mastered some knitting basics and wants an enjoyable new challenge will love making these.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Throw out those holey old horrors and treat your feet with these inspiring toe-warmers! No need to wear boring socks when this attractive collection is simply packed with unique and wonderful designs, from cutie baby bootees and glamorous boudoir slippers to rugged outdoor knits for men. The 30 knitted projects—including “Lacy Racy Knee-highs,” “Cable Clogs,” and “Cashmere Slouches”—are fast, fun, and practical, with easy-to-follow patterns and techniques. Anyone who has mastered some knitting basics and wants an enjoyable new challenge will love making these....

Пишем грамотно. 4 класс. Рабочая тетрадь №1

М. И. Кузнецова

  Пишем грамотно. 4 класс. Рабочая тетрадь №1  М. И. Кузнецова  Вентана-Граф.   Начальная школа XXI века.   В тетради представлены разнообразные виды упражнений, которые помогут закрепить изучаемые в 4 классе правила орфографии и провести орфографический тренинг. Задания соответствуют блоку Вентана-Граф. Начальная школа XXI века. В тетради представлены разнообразные виды упражнений, которые помогут закрепить изучаемые в 4 классе правила орфографии и провести орфографический тренинг. Задания соответствуют блоку "Правописание" в учебнике "Русский язык. 4 класс" (авт. С.В.Иванов и др.). Тетрадь способствует осознанному усвоению правил и формированию автоматизма в их применении. Работа с тетрадью позволит развить интерес ребенка к овладению грамотным письмом. Соответствует федеральному компоненту государственных образовательных стандартов начального общего образования (2004 г.)....

Рыбы. Зодиакальный прогноз на 2010 год

Павел Глоба

  Рыбы. Зодиакальный прогноз на 2010 год  Павел Глоба  Эксмо, Яуза.   Астрология - это наука о циклах. И практическая ценность ее в том и состоит, чтобы вовремя предупредить нас, как обойти препятствия либо пережить неприятности с наименьшими потерями. Ведь в эпоху кризиса самая главная сложность - это негативное психологическое состояние. Зная, когда в Вашей жизни грядет Эксмо, Яуза. Астрология - это наука о циклах. И практическая ценность ее в том и состоит, чтобы вовремя предупредить нас, как обойти препятствия либо пережить неприятности с наименьшими потерями. Ведь в эпоху кризиса самая главная сложность - это негативное психологическое состояние. Зная, когда в Вашей жизни грядет "черная" полоса, а когда светлая, Вы сможете строить планы и максимально реализовывать свои возможности....

Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice

Bruce W. Long MS RT(R)(CV) FASRT, Eugene D. Frank MA RT(R) FASRT FAEIRS, Ruth Ann Ehrlich RT(R)

  Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice  Bruce W. Long MS RT(R)(CV) FASRT, Eugene D. Frank MA RT(R) FASRT FAEIRS, Ruth Ann Ehrlich RT(R)  Master the essentials of basic radiographic procedures and understand your role as a limited practitioner. Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice, Third Edition, covers all the content areas mandated by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) curriculum, including x-ray technology and techniques, anatomy, pathology and positioning, radiation safety, patient care, and other clinical skills you may be required to perform. This easy-to-read text will help you prepare for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Limited Scope Exam and build a foundation for success in clinical practice.Concise coverage of all content mandated by the ASRT Core Curriculum for Limited X-ray Machine Operators and the ARRT Limited Scope ExamStep-by-step, easy-to-understand instructions for positioning the patientMore than 1,000 anatomy illustrations, positioning photos, and x-raysNewest information from the ASRT on limited radiography terminology and each state's...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Master the essentials of basic radiographic procedures and understand your role as a limited practitioner. Radiography Essentials for Limited Practice, Third Edition, covers all the content areas mandated by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) curriculum, including x-ray technology and techniques, anatomy, pathology and positioning, radiation safety, patient care, and other clinical skills you may be required to perform. This easy-to-read text will help you prepare for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Limited Scope Exam and build a foundation for success in clinical practice.Concise coverage of all content mandated by the ASRT Core Curriculum for Limited X-ray Machine Operators and the ARRT Limited Scope ExamStep-by-step, easy-to-understand instructions for positioning the patientMore than 1,000 anatomy illustrations, positioning photos, and x-raysNewest information from the ASRT on limited radiography terminology and each state's......

<<<  Пепел надежды. Чингиз Абдуллаев             Discounted Labour: Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939 (Themes in Canadian ... >>>

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Pieces of Me. Charlotte Gingras . Книги.

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