The Rough Guide to Opera

  The Rough Guide to Opera  Rough Guides.   Rough Guides. "The Rough Guide to Opera" is a unique handbook on the most thrilling of art forms, spanning four hundred years of music drama. The title features lively biographical sketches of some 150 composers from Claudio Monteverdi to Poul Ruders, animating the main events of their careers and revealing their social and musical context. Entertaining accounts of hundreds of operas both famous and neglected and comprehensive reviews of over a thousand CD's from recent digital releases to the best historical recordings. From historical figures like Caruso to contemporary stars like Bryn Terfel, Renee Fleming and Daniel Barenboim, discover the finest singers and conductors on record....

The Musical Representation: Meaning, Ontology, and Emotion

Charles O. Nussbaum

  The Musical Representation: Meaning, Ontology, and Emotion  Charles O. Nussbaum  The MIT Press.   How human musical experience emerges from the audition of organized tones is a riddle of long standing. In The Musical Representation, Charles Nussbaum offers a philosophical naturalist's solution. Nussbaum founds his naturalistic theory of musical representation on the collusion between the physics of sound and the organization of the human mind-brain. He argues that important varieties of experience afforded by Western tonal art music since 1650 arise through the feeling of tone, the sense of movement in musical space, cognition, emotional arousal, and the engagement, by way of specific emotional responses, of deeply rooted human ideals. Construing the art music of the modern West as representational, as a symbolic system that carries extramusical content, Nussbaum attempts to make normative principles of musical representation explicit and bring them into reflective equilibrium with the intuitions of competent listeners. Nussbaum identifies three modes of musical representation,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The MIT Press. How human musical experience emerges from the audition of organized tones is a riddle of long standing. In The Musical Representation, Charles Nussbaum offers a philosophical naturalist's solution. Nussbaum founds his naturalistic theory of musical representation on the collusion between the physics of sound and the organization of the human mind-brain. He argues that important varieties of experience afforded by Western tonal art music since 1650 arise through the feeling of tone, the sense of movement in musical space, cognition, emotional arousal, and the engagement, by way of specific emotional responses, of deeply rooted human ideals. Construing the art music of the modern West as representational, as a symbolic system that carries extramusical content, Nussbaum attempts to make normative principles of musical representation explicit and bring them into reflective equilibrium with the intuitions of competent listeners. Nussbaum identifies three modes of musical representation,......

Get Knitting! From Casting On to Binding Off

Gina Macris

  Get Knitting! From Casting On to Binding Off  Gina Macris  Sterling.   Newcomers to knitting finally have the book they require: an honest-to-goodness beginner's guide that provides basic visual instruction geared to a real novice's needs. Sterling. Newcomers to knitting finally have the book they require: an honest-to-goodness beginner's guide that provides basic visual instruction geared to a real novice's needs. "Get Knitting!" was written with the beginner in mind, and it addresses anyone who has never picked up a needle or held a skein of yarn. The introduction presents the basic tools, techniques, and materials. Lessons in the fundamentals include how to hold the needle and wool, cast the first row of stitches, and knit and purl. Through beautifully photographed projects of increasing complexity, more sophisticated techniques - including advanced stitches, reading patterns, and taking accurate measurements - gradually unfold. Soon anyone will have the skills to create a simple scarf, baby blanket, pillow cover, cardigans, and a handsome pullover complete with vee, crew, and turtleneck variations....

Siegfied`s Murder

  Siegfied`s Murder  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Православие и католичество. От конфронтации к диалогу

  Православие и католичество. От конфронтации к диалогу  ББИ.   Хрестоматия представляет собой собрание текстов и документов, иллюстрирующих взаимоотношения между поместными православными церквами и Римской католической церковью на протяжении двух последних столетий. Каждый документ снабжен вводным пояснительным комментарием и по необходимости имеет примечания. Второе издание содержит новейшие документы по межцерковным отношениям. Формат: 15 см х 22 см.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ББИ. Хрестоматия представляет собой собрание текстов и документов, иллюстрирующих взаимоотношения между поместными православными церквами и Римской католической церковью на протяжении двух последних столетий. Каждый документ снабжен вводным пояснительным комментарием и по необходимости имеет примечания. Второе издание содержит новейшие документы по межцерковным отношениям. Формат: 15 см х 22 см....

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The Rough Guide to Opera. . Книги.

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