The Maker of Gargoyles and Other Stories

Clark Ashton Smith

  The Maker of Gargoyles and Other Stories  Clark Ashton Smith  Book DescriptionClark Ashton Smith was a prodigy, who wrote Arabian Nights novels in his mid-teens and was heralded as a major voice in American poetry by the time he was nineteen. In one frantic burst in the middle 1930s, he wrote nearly a hundred strange, wondrous, and grotesque stories, most of which were published in Weird Tales, Strange Tales, Wonder Stories, and other pulps, but he was by no means a conventional pulp writer. A direct heir to Edgar Allan Poe and to the late Romantics and Decadents, a translator of Baudelaire, Smith wrote in baroque, jeweled prose of distant times and remote planets, of baleful magics and reanimated corpses, lost lovers, eldritch gods, and inexorable fate. He is also a writer whose works refuse to die, even after nearly a century. Think of him as the sorcerer-poet, alone in his eyrie in the dry California hills, dreaming his strange dreams and creating his unique worlds-of Zothique, the Earth's haunted last conti- nent at the end of time,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionClark Ashton Smith was a prodigy, who wrote Arabian Nights novels in his mid-teens and was heralded as a major voice in American poetry by the time he was nineteen. In one frantic burst in the middle 1930s, he wrote nearly a hundred strange, wondrous, and grotesque stories, most of which were published in Weird Tales, Strange Tales, Wonder Stories, and other pulps, but he was by no means a conventional pulp writer. A direct heir to Edgar Allan Poe and to the late Romantics and Decadents, a translator of Baudelaire, Smith wrote in baroque, jeweled prose of distant times and remote planets, of baleful magics and reanimated corpses, lost lovers, eldritch gods, and inexorable fate. He is also a writer whose works refuse to die, even after nearly a century. Think of him as the sorcerer-poet, alone in his eyrie in the dry California hills, dreaming his strange dreams and creating his unique worlds-of Zothique, the Earth's haunted last conti- nent at the end of time,......

The Torso In The Town (Fethering Mysteries (Paperback))

Simon Brett

  The Torso In The Town (Fethering Mysteries (Paperback))  Simon Brett  Book DescriptionAfter an uninvited guest-an armless and legless torso-crashes a dinner party, Jude enlists Carole's help to investigate the present and past owners of Pelling House, where the torso turned up.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAfter an uninvited guest-an armless and legless torso-crashes a dinner party, Jude enlists Carole's help to investigate the present and past owners of Pelling House, where the torso turned up....

The Trials of Lenny Bruce: The Fall and Rise of an American Icon

Ronald K. L. Collins

  The Trials of Lenny Bruce: The Fall and Rise of an American Icon  Ronald K. L. Collins  Book DescriptionLenny Bruce?s words had the power to provoke laughter and debate?as well as shock and outrage. It was the force of his voice that would place him on the wrong side of the law in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York. Lenny committed his life to telling the truth. But the truth he told infuriated those in power, and authorities in the largest, most progressive cities in the country worked relentlessly to put him in jail. To them, Lenny?s words were filthy, depraved. But to his fans?the hip, the discontented, the fringe?his words were not only sharp and hilarious, they were a light in the dark to the repressed society of the early 1960s. Lenny?s battles were fought on stage and in the courtroom?against cops in San Francisco and L.A. who took notes at his performances, against judges in Chicago and against a prosecutor in New York with a zeal to bring the comedian down. Lenny also fought his addiction to heroin and,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionLenny Bruce?s words had the power to provoke laughter and debate?as well as shock and outrage. It was the force of his voice that would place him on the wrong side of the law in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and New York. Lenny committed his life to telling the truth. But the truth he told infuriated those in power, and authorities in the largest, most progressive cities in the country worked relentlessly to put him in jail. To them, Lenny?s words were filthy, depraved. But to his fans?the hip, the discontented, the fringe?his words were not only sharp and hilarious, they were a light in the dark to the repressed society of the early 1960s. Lenny?s battles were fought on stage and in the courtroom?against cops in San Francisco and L.A. who took notes at his performances, against judges in Chicago and against a prosecutor in New York with a zeal to bring the comedian down. Lenny also fought his addiction to heroin and,......

Contra viento y marea

Chuck Norris

  Contra viento y marea  Chuck Norris  Book Description En su libro Contra viento y marea Chuck Norris provee informacion sobre su carrera, sus increibles exitos, como tambien sobre los fracasos que han formado su vida. Un cristiano devoto, Chuck Norris revela por primera vez, comosu fe ha influenciado sus actitudes, decisiones de negocio y elecciones personales. La historia de Chuck Norris es una historia de compromiso y corage Contra viento y marea . Mantendra entretenidos, motivara e inspirara a lectores de todas las edades y diferentes trasfondos. Chuck tambien comparte sus pensamientos y sentimientos en cuanto a: El alcoholismo de su padre y los efectos del mismo sobre su familia. Como es posible superar la pobreza, los prejuicios socialesy una atmosfera infantil negativa. Su asistencia a una iglesia bautista cuando nino y como, aunque el se extravio lejos de la fe de su familia, Dios nunca lo abandono. El impacto en su vida temprana de la predicacion...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description En su libro Contra viento y marea Chuck Norris provee informacion sobre su carrera, sus increibles exitos, como tambien sobre los fracasos que han formado su vida. Un cristiano devoto, Chuck Norris revela por primera vez, comosu fe ha influenciado sus actitudes, decisiones de negocio y elecciones personales. La historia de Chuck Norris es una historia de compromiso y corage Contra viento y marea . Mantendra entretenidos, motivara e inspirara a lectores de todas las edades y diferentes trasfondos. Chuck tambien comparte sus pensamientos y sentimientos en cuanto a: El alcoholismo de su padre y los efectos del mismo sobre su familia. Como es posible superar la pobreza, los prejuicios socialesy una atmosfera infantil negativa. Su asistencia a una iglesia bautista cuando nino y como, aunque el se extravio lejos de la fe de su familia, Dios nunca lo abandono. El impacto en su vida temprana de la predicacion......

The Art of Wedding Photography: Professional Techniques with Style

Bambi Cantrell, Skip Cohen

  The Art of Wedding Photography: Professional Techniques with Style  Bambi Cantrell, Skip Cohen  Watson-Guptill.   The hottest, most lucrative trend in wedding photography is gorgeously illustrated and explained in this cutting-edge guide that shows professional photographers-and those aspiring to be-how to create the arty, hip, yet elegant wedding albums sought by today's brides. Images that look like they're from magazines or art galleries fill these inspiring pages. Taken by a highly successful specialist in wedding photography, the pictures tell their unique, romantic story with a visual artistry and excitement that differs from staid, traditional wedding albums of the past. The book explains all the creative techniques-including wedding photojournalism-that produce such compelling pictures, and also fully explores the business side of wedding photography. Everything from finding clients to shooting the event and capturing the heartbeat of the day to selling the album and getting referrals is covered lucidly, with wisdom, authority, and humor-adding up to an immensely useful guide that can...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Watson-Guptill. The hottest, most lucrative trend in wedding photography is gorgeously illustrated and explained in this cutting-edge guide that shows professional photographers-and those aspiring to be-how to create the arty, hip, yet elegant wedding albums sought by today's brides. Images that look like they're from magazines or art galleries fill these inspiring pages. Taken by a highly successful specialist in wedding photography, the pictures tell their unique, romantic story with a visual artistry and excitement that differs from staid, traditional wedding albums of the past. The book explains all the creative techniques-including wedding photojournalism-that produce such compelling pictures, and also fully explores the business side of wedding photography. Everything from finding clients to shooting the event and capturing the heartbeat of the day to selling the album and getting referrals is covered lucidly, with wisdom, authority, and humor-adding up to an immensely useful guide that can......

<<<  Признания беззастенчивых предпринимателей. Дебора Аллен             Discounted Labour: Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939 (Themes in Canadian ... >>>

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The Maker of Gargoyles and Other Stories. Clark Ashton Smith . Книги.

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