Classic Starts: The Story of King Arthur & His Knights (Classic Starts Series)

Howard Pyle, Tania Zamorsky

  Classic Starts: The Story of King Arthur & His Knights (Classic Starts Series)  Howard Pyle, Tania Zamorsky  From the sword in the stone and the founding of Camelot to the famed Round Table and the Lake of Enchantment, the legend of King Arthur will never lose its magic. Though simpler, this version includes all the wonderful stories—such as King Arthur’s winning of Guenievere and Merlin’s tragic downfall at the hands of the evil Vivien.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин From the sword in the stone and the founding of Camelot to the famed Round Table and the Lake of Enchantment, the legend of King Arthur will never lose its magic. Though simpler, this version includes all the wonderful stories—such as King Arthur’s winning of Guenievere and Merlin’s tragic downfall at the hands of the evil Vivien....

Flash 8 Accelerated: A Full-Color Guide (Accelerated)

  Flash 8 Accelerated: A Full-Color Guide (Accelerated)  The Accelerated series was developed to fill a void in the market. Many books are either too broad in scope and try to cover too much ground, or they are so narrow in scope they focus only on a particular area of the software's functionality. Neither is a good solution for the beginner market. The objective of the Accelerated series is to reduce the time it takes for a beginner to learn, internalize, and apply book knowledge to practical projects. Every chapter is divided into three sections: concepts, foundation exercises, and professional tutorials. Concepts covers basic, need-to-know principles and theories. Step-by-step foundation exercises reinforce the concepts. More advanced tutorials then expand the learning. In the exercise and tutorial sections, there are sidebars containing notes and tips. Notes explain concepts in more detail than in the first section while tips dish out useful shortcuts and time-saving tricks. In addition, before and after screenshots are...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Accelerated series was developed to fill a void in the market. Many books are either too broad in scope and try to cover too much ground, or they are so narrow in scope they focus only on a particular area of the software's functionality. Neither is a good solution for the beginner market. The objective of the Accelerated series is to reduce the time it takes for a beginner to learn, internalize, and apply book knowledge to practical projects. Every chapter is divided into three sections: concepts, foundation exercises, and professional tutorials. Concepts covers basic, need-to-know principles and theories. Step-by-step foundation exercises reinforce the concepts. More advanced tutorials then expand the learning. In the exercise and tutorial sections, there are sidebars containing notes and tips. Notes explain concepts in more detail than in the first section while tips dish out useful shortcuts and time-saving tricks. In addition, before and after screenshots are......

Profits Before People?: Ethical Standards And the Marketing of Prescription Drugs (Bioethics and the Humanities)

Leonard J. Weber

  Profits Before People?: Ethical Standards And the Marketing of Prescription Drugs (Bioethics and the Humanities)  Leonard J. Weber  The pharmaceutical industry has come under intense criticism in recent years. One poll found that 70% of the sample agreed that drug companies put profits ahead of people. Is this perception accurate? Have drug companies traded ethics for profits and placed people at risk? In Profits before People? Leonard J. Weber exposes pharmaceutical industry practices that have raised ethical concerns. Providing systematic ethical analysis and reflection, he discusses such practices as compensating physicians for serving as speakers or consultants, providing incentives to physicians to enroll patients as subjects in clinical research, and advertising prescription drugs to the public through the mass media. Weber's critique of the industry is stern. While acknowledging that new industry guidelines are promising, he finds much room for improvement in the way drug companies market their products. Yet Weber makes a strong case that profits and ethics can coexist and that they are not mutually...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The pharmaceutical industry has come under intense criticism in recent years. One poll found that 70% of the sample agreed that drug companies put profits ahead of people. Is this perception accurate? Have drug companies traded ethics for profits and placed people at risk? In Profits before People? Leonard J. Weber exposes pharmaceutical industry practices that have raised ethical concerns. Providing systematic ethical analysis and reflection, he discusses such practices as compensating physicians for serving as speakers or consultants, providing incentives to physicians to enroll patients as subjects in clinical research, and advertising prescription drugs to the public through the mass media. Weber's critique of the industry is stern. While acknowledging that new industry guidelines are promising, he finds much room for improvement in the way drug companies market their products. Yet Weber makes a strong case that profits and ethics can coexist and that they are not mutually......

Making Strategy Work: Leading Effective Execution and Change

  Making Strategy Work: Leading Effective Execution and Change  Lawrence G. Hrebiniak  Lawrence G. Hrebiniak  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lawrence G. Hrebiniak...

Rescuing the World Bank: A Cgd Working Group Report & Selected Essays

  Rescuing the World Bank: A Cgd Working Group Report & Selected Essays  Nancy Birdsall  Nancy Birdsall  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Nancy Birdsall...

<<<  Современный справочник по гипсокартону. С. П. Долгополов             Строительство дома от фундамента до крыши. ... >>>

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Classic Starts: The Story of King Arthur & His Knights (Classic Starts Series). Howard Pyle, Tania Zamorsky . Книги.

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