Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales from Around the World

  Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales from Around the World  Chartwell Books.   The Encyclopedia of Haunted Places is the first directory to be written by dozens of the world's leading paranormal investigators. Research notes, location background, first-hand accounts, and many anomalous photographs featuring ghostly manifestations coprise the hundreds of haunted listings in this directory. For years, paranormal investigative groups have been studying their local ghosts with scientific equipment as well as with more esoteric methods, such as psychics and seances. This directory is a rpository of some of their most profound cases. From across the United States, Canada, and many spots around the globe, ghost investigators tell of their sometimes harrowing experiences, share their research, and give readers an overview of both well-knownand obscure haunted locales. From private residences to inns and restaurants, battlefields to museums and libraries, graveyards to churches, The Encyclopedia of Haunted Places will offer supernatural tourists a guide to points of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Chartwell Books. The Encyclopedia of Haunted Places is the first directory to be written by dozens of the world's leading paranormal investigators. Research notes, location background, first-hand accounts, and many anomalous photographs featuring ghostly manifestations coprise the hundreds of haunted listings in this directory. For years, paranormal investigative groups have been studying their local ghosts with scientific equipment as well as with more esoteric methods, such as psychics and seances. This directory is a rpository of some of their most profound cases. From across the United States, Canada, and many spots around the globe, ghost investigators tell of their sometimes harrowing experiences, share their research, and give readers an overview of both well-knownand obscure haunted locales. From private residences to inns and restaurants, battlefields to museums and libraries, graveyards to churches, The Encyclopedia of Haunted Places will offer supernatural tourists a guide to points of......

Прощайте, крысиные бега!

Роберт Т. Кийосаки и Шэрон Л. Лектер

  Прощайте, крысиные бега!  Роберт Т. Кийосаки и Шэрон Л. Лектер  Попурри.   Богатый Папа.   В рисованной форме книга учит детей обращению с деньгами. Для широкого круга читателей.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Попурри. Богатый Папа. В рисованной форме книга учит детей обращению с деньгами. Для широкого круга читателей....

The Economics of the Great Depression

Randall E. Parker

  The Economics of the Great Depression  Randall E. Parker  Edward Elgar Publishing.   Understanding the Great Depression is the Holy Grail of macroeconomics as Ben Bernanke (1995) has correctly claimed. Every generation of economists tries to wrap their hands around this prized chalice. My first book, Reflections on the Great Depression, contained interviews with 11 of the top economists who lived through the Depression and was an account of what we have learned from the interwar generation of economists and their crack at trying to explain the Great Depression. A historian friend of mine once told me that many times a generation has to pass before there is an honest evaluation of a particular historical epoch. Often the participants in real time have a genuine stake in how the episode is interpreted. Critical and disinterested evaluations only come about when those who lived through the time have come and gone, at least from active scholarship. This is probably true. We are now at that point in our evaluation of the economics of the interwar era. The purpose of this...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Edward Elgar Publishing. Understanding the Great Depression is the Holy Grail of macroeconomics as Ben Bernanke (1995) has correctly claimed. Every generation of economists tries to wrap their hands around this prized chalice. My first book, Reflections on the Great Depression, contained interviews with 11 of the top economists who lived through the Depression and was an account of what we have learned from the interwar generation of economists and their crack at trying to explain the Great Depression. A historian friend of mine once told me that many times a generation has to pass before there is an honest evaluation of a particular historical epoch. Often the participants in real time have a genuine stake in how the episode is interpreted. Critical and disinterested evaluations only come about when those who lived through the time have come and gone, at least from active scholarship. This is probably true. We are now at that point in our evaluation of the economics of the interwar era. The purpose of this......

Hiking in Israel

Ya'akov Shkolnik, Yadin Roman

  Hiking in Israel  Ya'akov Shkolnik, Yadin Roman  The Toby Press.   The 36 hiking routes in this book range from challenging hikes to short, simple jaunts. The book is written by two of Israel's foremost experts on the Land of Israel- Yadin Roman, the editor in chief of The Toby Press. The 36 hiking routes in this book range from challenging hikes to short, simple jaunts. The book is written by two of Israel's foremost experts on the Land of Israel- Yadin Roman, the editor in chief of "Eretz Magazine", Israel's English language geographic magazine, and Ya'acov Shkolnik, the editor of "Eretz Vateva", the Hebrew counterpart of "Eretz Magazine". For over 30 years, they have been hiking, mapping, and marking the trails of Israel. The routes in this book are a sampling of the best trails that Israel has to offer....

Botswana Investment and Business Guide

Ibp Usa

  Botswana Investment and Business Guide  Ibp Usa  Botswana Investment and Business Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Botswana Investment and Business Guide...

<<<  Страховые споры. Д. А. Шевчук             Discounted Labour: Women Workers in Canada, 1870-1939 (Themes in Canadian ... >>>

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Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales from Around the World. . Книги.

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