Резонансные процессы в электромагнитном поле

В. А. Астапенко

  Резонансные процессы в электромагнитном поле  В. А. Астапенко  МФТИ.   Пособие посвящено основам физики взаимодействия излучения с веществом, в котором существенную роль играют резонансные процессы. Дано изложение основных понятий, необходимых для понимания и количественного описания фотопроцессов в монохроматических и бихроматических полях, а также когерентных оптических явлений. Приведены эксперименты последнего времени по когерентному фазовому контролю радиационных явлений при взаимодействии бихроматического излучения с атомами и наноструктурами. Рассмотрены особенности фемтосекундного фотонного эха на нанокристаллах. Дана теория столкновительно-излучательных процессов с учетом поляризационного канала, включая резонансный тормозной эффект и излучение релятивистских частиц на нанокластерах. Представленный материал закладывает необходимый фундамент для научно-исследовательской и инновационной деятельности в области высокотехнологичных применений лазерной физики и квантовой электроники. Предназначено для студентов и аспирантов,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин МФТИ. Пособие посвящено основам физики взаимодействия излучения с веществом, в котором существенную роль играют резонансные процессы. Дано изложение основных понятий, необходимых для понимания и количественного описания фотопроцессов в монохроматических и бихроматических полях, а также когерентных оптических явлений. Приведены эксперименты последнего времени по когерентному фазовому контролю радиационных явлений при взаимодействии бихроматического излучения с атомами и наноструктурами. Рассмотрены особенности фемтосекундного фотонного эха на нанокристаллах. Дана теория столкновительно-излучательных процессов с учетом поляризационного канала, включая резонансный тормозной эффект и излучение релятивистских частиц на нанокластерах. Представленный материал закладывает необходимый фундамент для научно-исследовательской и инновационной деятельности в области высокотехнологичных применений лазерной физики и квантовой электроники. Предназначено для студентов и аспирантов,......

Spider-Girl Vol. 2: Like Father, Like Daughter (Spider-Man)

Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe

  Spider-Girl Vol. 2: Like Father, Like Daughter (Spider-Man)  Tom DeFalco, Pat Olliffe  Her name is May Her name is May "Mayday" Parker, and she recently learned her father was the original Spider-Man. The good news is that she's having the time of her life as she hones the amazing spider-like abilities she inherited from him. The bad news is that some of her roughest, toughest battles lie ahead - against the likes of Ladyhawk, the Kingpin of Crime, Mr. Nobody, Crazy Eight...and her own parents?! Collects SPIDER-GIRL #6-11....

Twelve Reasons Why I Love Her

Jamie S. Rich, Joelle Jones

  Twelve Reasons Why I Love Her  Jamie S. Rich, Joelle Jones  A romance novel told in twelve individual vignettes, Twelve Reasons explores the relationship of young couple Gwen and Evan, and the ups and downs of their relationship. Crafted by Jamie S. Rich and Joelle Jones, this beautiful and lyrical work is a unique experience in graphic storytelling.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A romance novel told in twelve individual vignettes, Twelve Reasons explores the relationship of young couple Gwen and Evan, and the ups and downs of their relationship. Crafted by Jamie S. Rich and Joelle Jones, this beautiful and lyrical work is a unique experience in graphic storytelling....

Computers and People : Essays from the Profession

W. Neville Holmes

  Computers and People : Essays from the Profession  W. Neville Holmes  This book is a selection of essays on relevant topics already published in Computer, mostly in the column The Profession over the past five years. The more general essays have been selected for each section, a general introduction entitled The Context has been written, and the intention is that each section will be introduced by a fairly lengthy essay depicting the general area and serving as a prelude to whatever essays in each section the reader is particularly interested in.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is a selection of essays on relevant topics already published in Computer, mostly in the column The Profession over the past five years. The more general essays have been selected for each section, a general introduction entitled The Context has been written, and the intention is that each section will be introduced by a fairly lengthy essay depicting the general area and serving as a prelude to whatever essays in each section the reader is particularly interested in....

Transportation (with InfoTrac)

John J. Coyle, Edward J. Bardi, Robert A. Novack

  Transportation (with InfoTrac)  John J. Coyle, Edward J. Bardi, Robert A. Novack  This text is intended to help students understand both the fundamental role and importance of transportation in companies and in our society, and the complex environment in which transportation service is provided today. The authors take a managerial approach to teaching transportation concepts and issues, providing students the tools to adapt to this fast-paced and rapidly changing industry. The text is organized into three parts. Part I contains two chapters, Transportation, the Supply Chain and the Economy and Transportation Regulation and Public Policy. In these two chapters the role and importance of transportation in the supply chain management and the economy are explored along with an overview of transportation regulation and public policy. Part II addresses the traditional modes of transportation including special carriers and global transportation. There are six chapters that examine the fundamental economic and operating characteristics of each mode along with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text is intended to help students understand both the fundamental role and importance of transportation in companies and in our society, and the complex environment in which transportation service is provided today. The authors take a managerial approach to teaching transportation concepts and issues, providing students the tools to adapt to this fast-paced and rapidly changing industry. The text is organized into three parts. Part I contains two chapters, Transportation, the Supply Chain and the Economy and Transportation Regulation and Public Policy. In these two chapters the role and importance of transportation in the supply chain management and the economy are explored along with an overview of transportation regulation and public policy. Part II addresses the traditional modes of transportation including special carriers and global transportation. There are six chapters that examine the fundamental economic and operating characteristics of each mode along with......

<<<  Русско-английский разговорник. О. Ю. Дзикунова             Гражданское право. Общая часть. Конспект лекций.  >>>

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Резонансные процессы в электромагнитном поле. В. А. Астапенко . Книги.

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