Beyond "e": 12 Ways Technology is Transforming Sales & Marketing

Stephen Diorio

  Beyond The dizzying barrage of new marketing technologies is leading to confusion, the rule of “hype,” and bad marketing investments and decisions. Beyond "e" is designed to help sales and marketing executives look beyond current e-business fads to understand the fundamentals that will distinguish sales and marketing leaders in the future. The book provides a blueprint for using advances in technology—including but not limited to the Web—to get more marketing power for less money. Drawing on case studies from leading marketers such as IBM, Eastman Chemical, eBay, CitiGroup, GM, Dell and many others, author Stephen Diorio explains how sales and marketing leaders can: * Identify where technology can help them grow their businesses faster and get more mileage out of their sales and marketing dollars; * Develop an action plan to take action today and create competitive advantage tomorrow; * Anticipate the dramatic changes technology will......

Devotions for Leaders: Living Your Faith in a 9-to-5 World

Harriet Crosby

  Devotions for Leaders: Living Your Faith in a 9-to-5 World  Harriet Crosby  Devotions for Leaders is written for Christians who are leaders— or aspire to become leaders— and want to bring their spiritual lives to work. These inspiring devotions will help you discover the heart and soul of truly successful leadership through words of scripture as well as leaders who have shared their hard-won wisdom— leaders such as Max De Pree, Robert Greenleaf, Peter Drucker, James Kouzes, Barry Posner, Stephen Covey, Margaret Wheatley, James O'Toole, and Robert Quinn. Devotions for Leaders gives you day-to-day encouragement to lead others with wisdom, integrity, humility, vision, energy, compassion, and faith.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Devotions for Leaders is written for Christians who are leaders— or aspire to become leaders— and want to bring their spiritual lives to work. These inspiring devotions will help you discover the heart and soul of truly successful leadership through words of scripture as well as leaders who have shared their hard-won wisdom— leaders such as Max De Pree, Robert Greenleaf, Peter Drucker, James Kouzes, Barry Posner, Stephen Covey, Margaret Wheatley, James O'Toole, and Robert Quinn. Devotions for Leaders gives you day-to-day encouragement to lead others with wisdom, integrity, humility, vision, energy, compassion, and faith....

Audio Power Amplifier Handbook


  Audio Power Amplifier Handbook  Self  Douglas Self has dedicated himself to demystifying amplifier design and establishing empirical design techniques based on electronic design principles and experimental data. His rigorous and thoroughly practical approach has established him as a leading authority on amplifier design, especially through the pages of Electronics World where he is a regular contributor. *Discover the secrets of cutting-edge audio design *The definitive professional handbook for amplifier designers *Includes a new chapter on Class G amplifiers  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Douglas Self has dedicated himself to demystifying amplifier design and establishing empirical design techniques based on electronic design principles and experimental data. His rigorous and thoroughly practical approach has established him as a leading authority on amplifier design, especially through the pages of Electronics World where he is a regular contributor. *Discover the secrets of cutting-edge audio design *The definitive professional handbook for amplifier designers *Includes a new chapter on Class G amplifiers...

Developing Global Business Leaders : Policies, Processes, and Innovations

Mark E. Mendenhall, Torsten M. Kuhlmann, Gunter K. Stahl

  Developing Global Business Leaders : Policies, Processes, and Innovations  Mark E. Mendenhall, Torsten M. Kuhlmann, Gunter K. Stahl  The widening gap between the requirements of multinational organizations and the strategic and managerial abilities of their leaders, many of whose core experiences predated the globalization of business, has created the need for this book. Editors Mark E. Mendenhall, Torsten M. Kuhlmann, and Gunter K. Stahl have organized the results of their research--and that of their colleagues in the fields of leadership development, international management, and organizational psychology--for the benefit of scholars and practitioners alike. After surveying current practices to bring the reader up to speed on global leadership development as pursued by the United States, Germany, Japan, and with regard to women in leadership positions, the book's focus shifts to a discussion of effective organizational processes. In the third and final section, contributors analyze the research that has been done on extending human resource management functional practices--such as selection instrumentation, the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The widening gap between the requirements of multinational organizations and the strategic and managerial abilities of their leaders, many of whose core experiences predated the globalization of business, has created the need for this book. Editors Mark E. Mendenhall, Torsten M. Kuhlmann, and Gunter K. Stahl have organized the results of their research--and that of their colleagues in the fields of leadership development, international management, and organizational psychology--for the benefit of scholars and practitioners alike. After surveying current practices to bring the reader up to speed on global leadership development as pursued by the United States, Germany, Japan, and with regard to women in leadership positions, the book's focus shifts to a discussion of effective organizational processes. In the third and final section, contributors analyze the research that has been done on extending human resource management functional practices--such as selection instrumentation, the......

Stranded in the Himalayas, Activity (Pfeiffer)

Lorraine L. Ukens

  Stranded in the Himalayas, Activity (Pfeiffer)  Lorraine L. Ukens  Build teams that move mountains! Activity participants enjoy a simulated mountain adventure. In this imaginary setting, they must arrive at consensus in order to succeed, and they experience the magic of group power: synergy. Participantsface fatigue, dehydration, an avalanche, and more. First, they make decisions on their own. Then, joining the group, they compare answers and attempt to agree on the best course of action. Participants will: Listen closely to coworkers Recognize the benefits of soliciting opinions Understand the power of synergy . . . and much more! The leader and participants will have a perfect opportunity to examine the impact of their interpersonal behaviors on one another, on the group's effectiveness, and on the outcome of their adventure. Every step in preparation, facilitation, and follow-up is carefully detailed in the Leader's Manual . The Activity contains the engaging simulation--every...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Build teams that move mountains! Activity participants enjoy a simulated mountain adventure. In this imaginary setting, they must arrive at consensus in order to succeed, and they experience the magic of group power: synergy. Participantsface fatigue, dehydration, an avalanche, and more. First, they make decisions on their own. Then, joining the group, they compare answers and attempt to agree on the best course of action. Participants will: Listen closely to coworkers Recognize the benefits of soliciting opinions Understand the power of synergy . . . and much more! The leader and participants will have a perfect opportunity to examine the impact of their interpersonal behaviors on one another, on the group's effectiveness, and on the outcome of their adventure. Every step in preparation, facilitation, and follow-up is carefully detailed in the Leader's Manual . The Activity contains the engaging simulation--every......

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Beyond "e": 12 Ways Technology is Transforming Sales & Marketing. Stephen Diorio . Книги.

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