Women's Minyan

  Women's Minyan  Naomi Ragen  Naomi Ragen  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Naomi Ragen...

Pocket PC Ref

Thomas J. Glover, Millie M. Young

  Pocket PC Ref  Thomas J. Glover, Millie M. Young  A pocket size reference book with useful computer ASCII Codes, PC Hardware information, modem information, MS Dos commands, Windows 3.1, 95 shortcuts, hard drive, CD Rom, floppy drive specifications, and a PC industry phone book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A pocket size reference book with useful computer ASCII Codes, PC Hardware information, modem information, MS Dos commands, Windows 3.1, 95 shortcuts, hard drive, CD Rom, floppy drive specifications, and a PC industry phone book....

Nation-States and the Multinational Corporation: A Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment

Nathan M. Jensen

  Nation-States and the Multinational Corporation: A Political Economy of Foreign Direct Investment  Nathan M. Jensen  What makes a country attractive to foreign investors? To what extent do conditions of governance and politics matter? This book provides the most systematic exploration to date of these crucial questions at the nexus of politics and economics. Using quantitative data and interviews with investment promotion agencies, investment location consultants, political risk insurers, and decision makers at multinational corporations, Nathan Jensen arrives at a surprising conclusion: Countries may be competing for international capital, but government fiscal policy--both taxation and spending--has little impact on multinationals' investment decisions. Although government policy has a limited ability to determine patterns of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, political institutions are central to explaining why some countries are more successful in attracting international capital. First, democratic institutions lower political risks for multinational corporations. Indeed, they...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин What makes a country attractive to foreign investors? To what extent do conditions of governance and politics matter? This book provides the most systematic exploration to date of these crucial questions at the nexus of politics and economics. Using quantitative data and interviews with investment promotion agencies, investment location consultants, political risk insurers, and decision makers at multinational corporations, Nathan Jensen arrives at a surprising conclusion: Countries may be competing for international capital, but government fiscal policy--both taxation and spending--has little impact on multinationals' investment decisions. Although government policy has a limited ability to determine patterns of foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, political institutions are central to explaining why some countries are more successful in attracting international capital. First, democratic institutions lower political risks for multinational corporations. Indeed, they......

The Volunteer Revolution: Unleashing the Power of Everybody

Bill Hybels

  The Volunteer Revolution: Unleashing the Power of Everybody  Bill Hybels  There is unprecedented spiritual openness in today’s society, and at the same time, increasing economic pressure on the resources of local churches. The solution lies squarely on the able shoulders of God-gifted volunteers. And they are ready for the challenge!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There is unprecedented spiritual openness in today’s society, and at the same time, increasing economic pressure on the resources of local churches. The solution lies squarely on the able shoulders of God-gifted volunteers. And they are ready for the challenge!...

Адвокат загробного мира

Иван Иванов

  Адвокат загробного мира  Иван Иванов  Гелеос.   Это модно.   Михаил Булгаков уже написал Гелеос. Это модно. Михаил Булгаков уже написал "Мастера и Маргариту". Бернард Вербер - "Империю ангелов". Пришло время "Адвоката загробного мира". А вы думали, обойдетесь там без адвоката? Но ведь кто-то должен раздать всем сестрам по серьгам. Известность, богатство, сексуальность - выбирайте, кому что надо! А пока суть да дело - полюбопытствуйте, что же там такое творится!...

<<<  Triple Zero. Karen Traviss             Гражданское право. Общая часть. Конспект лекций.  >>>

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Women's Minyan. Naomi Ragen . Книги.

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