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Requiem for Communism Charity Scribner
Book DescriptionIn Requiem for Communism Charity Scribner examines the politics of memory in postindustrial literature and art. Writers and artists from Europe's second world have responded to the last socialist crisis with works that range from sober description to melancholic fixation. This book is the first survey of this cultural field. Today, as the cultures of Eastern and Western Europe merge into the Infobahn of late capitalism, the second world is being left behind. The European Union has pronounced obsolete the structures that once defined and linked industrial cities from Manchester to Karl-Marx-Stadt--the decaying factories and working collectives, the wasted ideals of state socialism and the welfare state. Marxist exponents of global empire see this historical turn as an occasion to eulogize "the lightness and joy of being communist." But for many writers and artists on the left, the fallout of the last century's socialist crisis calls for an elegy.......
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Beautiful Boys/Outlaw Bodies : Devising Kabuki Female-Likeness Katherine Mezur
Book Description This book is a feminist reading of the history of gender performance and construction of the female role players, onnagata, of the Kabuki theater. It is not limited to a "theater arts" focus, rather it is a mapping and close analysisof transformative genders through several historical periods in Japan (the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries). In particular, the work focuses on undoing of binary genders, the sensual ambiguity of boy-ness, youth, and female-likeness and the cultural development of the aesthetics of eroticism, nostalgia, and cruelty based in female-like transformative gender acts. The work is also a visual cultures study as it draws not only on literary sources but also prints, photographs, film, and video documentation....
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Nylon Angel (Parrish Plessis Novels) Marianne de Pierres
Book Description Nylon Angel introduces a startling new femme fatale and all-around bad girl. While trying to send her sadistic boss to death row, she finds herself sheltering a suspect in the murder of newsgirl Razz Retribution. In a world run by the media, the truth isn't relevant-it's bad for ratings. Which is why Parrish finds herself tagged for the murder-and up to her tricked-out leather tank top in trouble....
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Atlantis Once Again John Warren Self
Book Description Atlantis Once Again is a terror-action-adventure science-fiction-thriller, that has a little of many things, including; pirate drug-trafficking crime, wife murder, romance and tragedy. This story is about the lives of a CIA operative, a British scientist, an escaped Florida con man and a fishing boat captain and their loves; living through adventures on the sea and shore. A despeiren Dr. David Elton describes an Atlantic Ocean mega-tsunami with a thunder bolt power for destruction that the world has never seen. His emotions are drained from sleepless nights, as he describes the devastation that he expects along all of the coasts of the Atlantic Ocean and into the Mediterranean Sea. In his words, he paints a grave picture of death and destruction of cities, countries, and the Statue of Liberty. As he speaks the Red Sox are completing a four game sweep of the Yankees at Yankee Stadium and there is word of an island exploding off of the Ivory Coast of Africa......
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The Tribune: Novel of Ancient Rome (Wheeler Large Print Book Series (Paper)) Patrick Larkin
Book DescriptionPromoted to a tribune of the Sixth Legion, Lucius Aurelius's task is to quell a war in Galilee that has already claimed the lives of the Emperor's foot soldiers. But the scene of the alleged slaughter turns up only a peaceful settlement of farmers, leaving the suspicious Lucius to question why has he been sent on sucha futile mission......
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Requiem for Communism. Charity Scribner . Книги.
Курган, Кызыл, Абакан, Находка, Новокуйбышевск, Черкесск, Уссурийск, Архангельск, Воронеж, Москв, Брянск, Шахты, Элиста,
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