Александр Македонский

Юрий Крутогоров

  Александр Македонский  Юрий Крутогоров  Белый город.   Исторический роман.   Это история о великом полководце древности - Александре Македонском, сумевшем завоевать полмира.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Белый город. Исторический роман. Это история о великом полководце древности - Александре Македонском, сумевшем завоевать полмира....

Clustering Dynamics and the Location of High-Tech Firms (Contributions to Economics)

Mario A. Maggioni

  Clustering Dynamics and the Location of High-Tech Firms (Contributions to Economics)  Mario A. Maggioni  The book presents a comprehensive analysis of the process of high-tech firms clustering from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The theoretical analysis shows the effects of geographical and agglomeration factors on firms' location decisions and demonstrates that critical mass and carrying capacity are crucial phenomena in the The book presents a comprehensive analysis of the process of high-tech firms clustering from a theoretical and empirical perspective. The theoretical analysis shows the effects of geographical and agglomeration factors on firms' location decisions and demonstrates that critical mass and carrying capacity are crucial phenomena in the "life cycle" of the cluster. The empirical analysis, based on an original database of four OECD countries, measures the effects of scale versus agglomeration economies and ofinter-industrie synergy versus inter-cluster competition on the growth path of the cluster. The analysis points to some policy implications on high-tech cluster development and science parks' planning and supervision....

Great Consulting Challenges : And How to Surmount Them (Ultimate Consultant Series)

Alan Weiss

  Great Consulting Challenges : And How to Surmount Them (Ultimate Consultant Series)  Alan Weiss  Great Consulting Challenges: And How to Surmount Them shows how consultants can use the wisdom gleaned from Weiss's own practice and from other seasoned members of the profession to help overcome persistent problems and next-level challenges. Weiss explains that as consultants' careers develop and become more sophisticated and complex, so do the challenges they encounter. For example, the question of price competition occurs at every level of the consulting business, yet the techniques for astutely resolving the issue can be vastly different for the veteran consultant as compared to the novice who is merely trying to establish a new business. In this book, Alan Weiss discusses the great consulting challenges in key areas such as marketing, selling, delivery, and practice management and offers practical advice for overcoming common problems and learning to thrive as a consultant.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Great Consulting Challenges: And How to Surmount Them shows how consultants can use the wisdom gleaned from Weiss's own practice and from other seasoned members of the profession to help overcome persistent problems and next-level challenges. Weiss explains that as consultants' careers develop and become more sophisticated and complex, so do the challenges they encounter. For example, the question of price competition occurs at every level of the consulting business, yet the techniques for astutely resolving the issue can be vastly different for the veteran consultant as compared to the novice who is merely trying to establish a new business. In this book, Alan Weiss discusses the great consulting challenges in key areas such as marketing, selling, delivery, and practice management and offers practical advice for overcoming common problems and learning to thrive as a consultant....

Micro and Small Enterprises in Latin America: Experience of Business Development Services

Jacob Levitsky, Lene Mikkelsen, Keisuke Nakamura

  Micro and Small Enterprises in Latin America: Experience of Business Development Services  Jacob Levitsky, Lene Mikkelsen, Keisuke Nakamura  This publication should be of special interest to all people working on program related to small enterprise development, including representatives of business associations, financial institutions, universities, business schools, research organizations, donors and national and regional development agencies, as well as to private consultants providing services in this field. The publication starts with a general introduction to the role of Business Development Services and the principles of good practice in this field and this is followed by chapters dealing with such subjects as: Voucher Programs for Training, the use of Matching Grants and the review of the Constancy and Training Market in Argentina. The book includes descriptions of a variety ofcase studies from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru and some covering general experiences in the region and in various parts of the continent. This section reviews experience in the provision of services in Marketing,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This publication should be of special interest to all people working on program related to small enterprise development, including representatives of business associations, financial institutions, universities, business schools, research organizations, donors and national and regional development agencies, as well as to private consultants providing services in this field. The publication starts with a general introduction to the role of Business Development Services and the principles of good practice in this field and this is followed by chapters dealing with such subjects as: Voucher Programs for Training, the use of Matching Grants and the review of the Constancy and Training Market in Argentina. The book includes descriptions of a variety ofcase studies from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Peru and some covering general experiences in the region and in various parts of the continent. This section reviews experience in the provision of services in Marketing,......

Live & Work in Saudi & the Gulf

Louise Whetter

  Live & Work in Saudi & the Gulf  Louise Whetter  Provides an indispensable source of knowledge for all those hoping to work in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. In addition to giving all the facts on where the jobs are and how to get them it gives essential information on the customs, laws, regulations and way of life that will be encountered there and how to adapt to them. Special features include regional employment guides, directories of major employers and personal case histories from people who have made the move there. The book provides essential insider information and advice to help the reader secure a residence permit, find their ideal home, open a bank account and get the right health care. For those looking for workit lists the skills and trades most in demand and is packed with useful contacts to help find the right job, as well as explaining how to start or buy your own business.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Provides an indispensable source of knowledge for all those hoping to work in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States including Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. In addition to giving all the facts on where the jobs are and how to get them it gives essential information on the customs, laws, regulations and way of life that will be encountered there and how to adapt to them. Special features include regional employment guides, directories of major employers and personal case histories from people who have made the move there. The book provides essential insider information and advice to help the reader secure a residence permit, find their ideal home, open a bank account and get the right health care. For those looking for workit lists the skills and trades most in demand and is packed with useful contacts to help find the right job, as well as explaining how to start or buy your own business....

<<<  50 суперстрижек. К. Залевская             Гражданское право. Общая часть. Конспект лекций.  >>>

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Александр Македонский. Юрий Крутогоров . Книги.

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