On the Outside Looking In: A Prison Rehabilitation Intervention that Works

  On the Outside Looking In: A Prison Rehabilitation Intervention that Works  L. George Hannye  L. George Hannye  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин L. George Hannye...

The Healing Powers of Olive Oil: A Complete Guide To Nature's Liquid Gold

Cal Orey

  The Healing Powers of Olive Oil: A Complete Guide To Nature's Liquid Gold  Cal Orey  Kensington Publishing Corporation.   Lose Weight...Lower Cholesterol And Blood Pressure...Prevent Heart Disease And Cancer...Live Longer...And So Much More! Discover The Amazing Powers Of Olive Oil! From ancient times to present-day, olive oil has been used for everything from health ailments to beauty and housekeeping and so much more. Now evidence shows that a diet based on olive oil can add years to your life and may even prevent some diseases. Health author-journalist Cal Orey has consulted top doctors, nutritionists, olive oil producers, and chefs, getting the most up-to-date information on the many benefits of olive oil, such as: Health Improvements: Relieving arthritis aches Inhibiting breast and colon cancer Preventing diabetes Reducing pain Staving off ulcers Fighting impaired memory Home Cures: Soothing diaper rash Reducing hair loss Cleaning your house, naturally Minimizing stretch marks and wrinkles ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Kensington Publishing Corporation. Lose Weight...Lower Cholesterol And Blood Pressure...Prevent Heart Disease And Cancer...Live Longer...And So Much More! Discover The Amazing Powers Of Olive Oil! From ancient times to present-day, olive oil has been used for everything from health ailments to beauty and housekeeping and so much more. Now evidence shows that a diet based on olive oil can add years to your life and may even prevent some diseases. Health author-journalist Cal Orey has consulted top doctors, nutritionists, olive oil producers, and chefs, getting the most up-to-date information on the many benefits of olive oil, such as: Health Improvements: Relieving arthritis aches Inhibiting breast and colon cancer Preventing diabetes Reducing pain Staving off ulcers Fighting impaired memory Home Cures: Soothing diaper rash Reducing hair loss Cleaning your house, naturally Minimizing stretch marks and wrinkles ......

Gendering Disgust in Medieval Religious Polemic

Alexandra Cuffel

  Gendering Disgust in Medieval Religious Polemic  Alexandra Cuffel  University of Notre Dame Press.   In University of Notre Dame Press. In "Gendering Disgust in Medieval Religious Polemic", Alexandra Cuffel analyzes medieval Jewish, Christian, and Muslim uses of gendered bodily imagery and metaphors of impurity in their visual and verbal polemic against one another. Drawing from a rich array of sources - including medical texts, bestiaries, midrash, biblical commentaries, kabbalistic literature, Hebrew liturgical poetry, and theological tracts from late antiquity to the mid-fourteenth century--Cuffel examines attitudes toward the corporeal body and its relationship to divinity. She shows that these religious traditions shared notions of the human body as distasteful, with many believers viewing corporeality and communion with the divine as incompatible. In particular, she explores how authors from each religious tradition targeted the woman's body as antithetical to holiness....

A New English Translation of the Septuagint

  A New English Translation of the Septuagint  Albert Pietersma, Benjamin G. Wright  Albert Pietersma, Benjamin G. Wright  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Albert Pietersma, Benjamin G. Wright...

New Kitchen Garden: Organic Gardening and Cooking With Herbs, Vegetables, and Fruit

  New Kitchen Garden: Organic Gardening and Cooking With Herbs, Vegetables, and Fruit  Adam Caplin, Celia Brooks  Adam Caplin, Celia Brooks  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Adam Caplin, Celia Brooks...

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On the Outside Looking In: A Prison Rehabilitation Intervention that Works. L. George Hannye . Книги.

Чебоксары, Сургут, Сыктывкар, Воронеж, Миасс, Липецк, Рязань, Уфа, Электросталь, Москва,
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